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Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages
ISBN: 9789047413165 9789004138827 Year: 2004 Publisher: Leiden;Boston BRILL

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This book deals with the history of the Jews in Muslim countries, and consists of four parts; the central part is the second one which is a comprehensive history of the Jews of Iraq and Iran, from the seventh to the thirteenth centuries; the first part discusses the origin of the Jews in Yathrib (al-Madina) and the references to Jews in the founding document of the Muslim umma; the third part is a history of Sicily and its Jews during the period of Muslim rule; the fourth part deals with the role played by Jews in the economic life of the Muslim countries in the early Middle Ages. The studies are based mainly on Arab writings and on documents from the Cairo Geniza. Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages has been selected by Choice as Outstanding Academic Title (2005).

De fiscale aspecten van kleine vzw's.
Year: 2004 Publisher: Geel Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen. Campus HIK

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Dit eindwerk is gebaseerd op de nieuwe wet voor vzw's van 21 mei 2002. Dit werk kan men opsplitsen in vier grote delen. Eerst worden de registratierechten besproken. In dit hoofdstuk wordt uitgelegd wat registratierechten zijn en waarop ze verschuldigd zijn. Het hoofdstuk dat hierop volgt, geeft de successierechten weer die een vzw tijdens haar bestaan kan ondervinden. Dit is een kort stuk, dat aangevuld wordt door de patrimoniumtaks. Deze eerder twee kleine delen worden opgevolgd door het hoofdstuk BTW. Hier wordt uitvoerig besproken of een vzw al dan niet BTW-plichtig wordt na het verrichten van bepaalde activiteiten. Dit ingewikkelde hoofdstuk wordt verduidelijkt aan de hand van enkele praktische voorbeelden. Andere informatie betreffende BTW wordt ook aangehaald. Na de belasting over de toegevoegde waarde wordt de inkomstenbelasting besproken. Een vzw kan namelijk aan de rechtspersonenbelasting of aan de vennootschapsbelasting onderworpen zijn. Dit hoofdstuk verduidelijkt wanneer e


Saint-Omer gothique : les arts figuratifs à Saint-Omer à la fin du Moyen Âge 1250-1550 : peinture, vitrail, sculpture, arts du livre
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2905725621 9782905725622 Year: 2004 Publisher: Valenciennes: PUV,

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Les nouveaux métiers de la formation : développer de nouvelles compétences pour une formation réinventée
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2100059386 9782100059386 Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris: Dunod,

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Le monde de la formation professionnelle connait de profondes mutations (utilisation massive des TIC, gestion des savoirs, des compétences, etc.). Les auteurs, spécialistes et praticiens de la formation, mettent en lumière l'impact de ces changements d'une part sur les compétences des acteurs actuels de la formation, et d'autre part sur les nouveaux métiers émergents de la formation.

Shabbat - Schabbat
ISBN: 3161483138 9783161483134 Year: 2004 Volume: 1 Publisher: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,

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Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England
ISBN: 0812237730 1322510601 0812202198 Year: 2004 Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press

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From French Physiocrat theories of the blood-like circulation of wealth to Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of the market, the body has played a crucial role in Western perceptions of the economic. In Renaissance culture, however, the dominant bodily metaphors for national wealth and economy were derived from the relatively new language of infectious disease. Whereas traditional Galenic medicine had understood illness as a state of imbalance within the body, early modern writers increasingly reimagined disease as an invasive foreign agent. The rapid rise of global trade in the sixteenth century, and the resulting migrations of people, money, and commodities across national borders, contributed to this growing pathologization of the foreign; conversely, the new trade-inflected vocabularies of disease helped writers to represent the contours of national and global economies. Grounded in scrupulous analyses of cultural and economic history, Sick Economies: Drama, Mercantilism, and Disease in Shakespeare's England teases out the double helix of the pathological and the economic in two seemingly disparate spheres of early modern textual production: drama and mercantilist writing. Of particular interest to this study are the ways English playwrights, such as Shakespeare, Jonson, Heywood, Massinger, and Middleton, and mercantilists, such as Malynes, Milles, Misselden, and Mun, rooted their conceptions of national economy in the language of disease. Some of these diseases-syphilis, taint, canker, plague, hepatitis-have subsequently lost their economic connotations; others-most notably consumption-remain integral to the modern economic lexicon but have by and large shed their pathological senses. Breaking new ground by analyzing English mercantilism primarily as a discursive rather than an ideological or economic system, Sick Economies provides a compelling history of how, even in our own time, defenses of transnational economy have paradoxically pathologized the foreign. In the process, Jonathan Gil Harris argues that what we now regard as the discrete sphere of the economic cannot be disentangled from seemingly unrelated domains of Renaissance culture, especially medicine and the theater.


Diseases in literature. --- Economics in literature. --- English drama --- Literature and medicine --- Mercantile system --- History and criticism. --- History --- Cameralism --- Kameralism --- Mercantilism (Mercantile system) --- Balance of trade --- Economic policy --- Shakespeare, William, --- Shakespeare, William --- Shakespear, William, --- Shakspeare, William, --- Šekʻspiri, Uiliam, --- Saixpēr, Gouilliam, --- Shakspere, William, --- Shikisbīr, Wilyam, --- Szekspir, Wiliam, --- Šekspyras, --- Shekspir, Vilʹi︠a︡m, --- Šekspir, Viljem, --- Tsikinya-chaka, --- Sha-shih-pi-ya, --- Shashibiya, --- Sheḳspir, Ṿilyam, --- Shaḳspir, Ṿilyam, --- Syeiksŭpʻio, --- Shekspir, V. --- Szekspir, William, --- Shakespeare, Guglielmo, --- Shake-speare, William, --- Sha-ō, --- Şekspir, --- Shekspir, Uiliam, --- Shekspir, U. --- Šekspir, Vilijam, --- Ṣēkspiyar, Viliyam, --- Shakspir, --- Shekspyr, Vyli︠e︡m, --- Şekspir, Velyam, --- Ṣēkspiyar, Villiyam, --- Shēkʻspʻiyr, Vlilliam, --- Ṣēkspiyar, --- Ṣēkspiyar Mahākavi, --- Ṣēkspiyar Mahākaviya, --- Sheḳspier, Ṿilyam, --- Shēkʻspir, --- Shakespeare, --- Śeksper, --- Шекспир, Вильям, --- Шекспир, Уильям, --- שייקספיר, וויליאם, --- שייקספיר, וו., --- שיקספיר, וויליאם --- שיקספיר, ויליאם --- שיקספיר, ויליאם, --- שכספיר, ויליאם, --- שכספיר, וילים, --- שכספיר, ו׳ --- שעפקספיר, וויליאם, --- שעקספיער, וויליאם --- שעקספיער, וויליאם, --- שעקספיער, ווילליאם --- שעקספיער, וו., --- שעקספיר --- שעקספיר, וו --- שעקספיר, וויליאם, --- שעקספיר, וויליאמ --- שעקספיר, ווילליאם --- שעקספיר, ווילליאם, --- שעקספיר, וו., --- שעקספיר, װיליאם, --- שעקספיר, װילליאם, --- שעקספיר, װ., --- שעקספער --- שעקספער, וויליאמ --- שקספיר --- שקספיר, וו --- שקספיר, וויליאם --- שקספיר, וויליאם, --- שקספיר, ווילים, --- שקספיר, וילאם --- שקספיר, ויליאם --- שקספיר, ויליאם, --- שקספיר, ויליים, --- שקספיר, וילים --- שקספיר, וילים, --- شاكسبير، وليم --- شاكسپير، وليم --- شكسبير، وليام --- شكسبير، وليم --- شكسبير، وليم، --- شكسبير، و. --- شكسپير، وليم --- شكسپير، ويليام --- شيكسبير، وليام --- شيكسبير، وليام.، --- شيكسبير، وليم --- شکسبير، وليم --- وليم شکسبير --- 沙士北亞威廉姆, --- 沙士比亞威廉姆, --- 莎士比亞威廉姆, --- 莎士比亞威廉, --- 莎士比亞, --- Knowledge --- Economics. --- Medicine. --- Great Britain --- England --- Economic conditions --- Cultural Studies. --- Literature. --- Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

A sunday at the pool in Kigali
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1841955256 Year: 2004 Publisher: Edinburgh : Canongate,

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Vamos a conjugar
ISBN: 8489756163 Year: 2004 Publisher: Madrid : Edinumen,

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Éthos médico: las significaciones imaginarias de la profesión médica en México
ISBN: 9703103928 Year: 2004 Publisher: México, D.F. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

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Human medicine --- Mexico

La experiencia poética y la experiencia mística en la poesía de San Juan de la Cruz
Year: 2004 Publisher: Potomac, Md Scripta Humanistica

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