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Following the initial report on the results of the first PISA survey, this report looks more closely at performance in reading. It shows reading literacy levels of students aged 15, in 32 countries, in terms of how well they can use written materials to meet the challenges of the real world and to become lifelong learners. This book will help readers understand better the factors associated with reading well in the modern world.
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Diese Publikation stellt die der PISA-Erhebung zugrunde liegenden Instrumente zur Leistungsmessung vor. Sie gibt eine Einführung in das Grundkonzept von PISA und die darin angewandten Verfahren zur Erfassung der Grundbildungsbereiche Leseverständnis, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft, die nach den drei Bereichen Inhalt/Struktur, Prozess und Kontext untersucht wurden. Darüber hinaus wird eine Auswahl von PISA-2000-Testaufgaben vorgestellt. Desweiteren wird erläutert, wie die einzelnen Testaufgaben bewertet wurden und in welchem Verhältnis sie zum Rahmenkonzept stehen, das der PISA-Studie unterliegt.
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The 2002 edition of Education at a Glance -- OECD Indicators provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators. The indicators represent the consensus of professional thinking on how to measure the current state of education internationally. They provide information on the output of educational institutions and the impact of learning, the policy levers that shape educational outcomes and how education systems operate and evolve, and the human and financial resources invested in education. The thematic organisation of the volume and the background information accompanying the table
Education - Evaluation - Periodicals. --- Education - Periodicals. --- Educational indicators - Cross-cultural studies - Statistics - Periodicals. --- Educational indicators. --- Educational statistics. --- Educational evaluation. --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Education --- Statistics --- Educational indicators --- Educational accountability --- Statistical methods
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This teacher-friendly book focuses on learning at all levels in secondary schools, dealing with how young people learn and how the adults in their lives can promote their learning.
Learning. --- Teaching. --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Education --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Achievement motivation in adolescence. --- Motivation in education. --- Instructional systems. --- Educational evaluation. --- Learning strategies. --- Effective teaching. --- High school teaching --- Evaluation. --- Secondary school teaching --- Teaching --- Instructional effectiveness --- Teaching effectiveness --- Teaching quality --- Teacher effectiveness --- Strategies, Learning --- Learning, Psychology of --- Academic motivation --- Academic achievement --- Motivation (Psychology) --- Adolescent psychology --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Learning systems --- Educational technology
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This publication describes the OECD PISA 2000 international database. The PISA 2000 database comprises micro-level data on student performance for 32 countries collected in 2000 and processed during the second half of 2000 and 2001, together with students' responses to the questionnaires and the test questions. The first results were released in December 2001 and presented in the publication Knowledge and Skills for Life: First Results of PISA 2000 (OECD, 2001). The purpose of this publication is to provide all the information required to understand the PISA 2000 database and perform analyses in accordance with the complex methodologies used to collect and process the data. It does not provide detailed information regarding these methods but rather directs readers to the publications which cover these aspects. The PISA 2000 database can be downloaded from
Didactic evaluation --- AA / International- internationaal --- evaluation --- enseignement --- 470 --- international --- evaluatie --- onderwijs --- Openbaar onderwijs: algemeenheden. --- internationaal --- Educational tests and measurements --- Educational evaluation --- Tests et mesures en éducation --- Evaluation en éducation --- Programme for International Student Assessment --- Programme for International Student Assessment. --- Openbaar onderwijs: algemeenheden --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Educational measurements --- Mental tests --- Tests and measurements in education --- Psychological tests for children --- Psychometrics --- Students --- Examinations --- Psychological tests --- Rating of --- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. --- International Programme for Student Assessment --- OECD/PISA --- PISA --- Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Alunos --- Program for International Student Assessment --- Starptautiskā skolēnu novērtēšanas programma --- Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves --- Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Estudiantes --- Enseignement secondaire --- Lecture --- Mathématiques --- Enseignement des sciences --- Evaluation scolaire --- Rendement scolaire
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De school is nog steeds de leerplaats bij uitstek.Maar ook buiten de schoolmuren valt heel wat te leren, een leven lang. In onze maatschappij ontwikkelen zich nieuwe ideeën over leren. Zo groeit de waardering voor kennis en ervaring die niet op school is verworven. Meteen rijst de vraag of die elders verworven competenties tastbaar gemaakt kunnen worden. Hoe kun je kennis en kunde die iemand niet met een diploma kan bewijzen, toch (h)erkennen en valoriseren? Een aantal Europese landen heeft een eigen systeem om elders verworven competenties te erkennen. Een vergelijking van de Duitse, Nederlandse, Britse, Franse en Finse aanpak is in de evc-discussie dan ook bijzonder relevant.
Education and state --- Education --- Educational evaluation --- EVC. --- Lerarenopleiding --- Permanente vorming. --- Standards --- Algemeen. --- beroepsopleiding --- Personnel management --- Educational systems. Teaching systems --- onderwijsonderzoek --- vergelijkende pedagogiek --- accreditatie --- competenties --- certificatie --- Research on teaching --- assessments (onderwijs) --- Adult education. Lifelong learning --- competentie --- competitief management --- europees recht --- kwaliteitsysteemcertificatie --- onderwijsvormen --- 378.2 --- Competenties --- Diploma's --- Hoger onderwijs --- Kwaliteitszorg --- Procedures --- Standaarden --- 452 )* ONDERWIJS - OVERIGE LANDEN --- Duitsland --- elders verworven competenties --- EVC-systeem --- Finland --- Frankrijk --- Groot-Brittannië --- Nederland --- onderwijssystemen --- 658.3 competenties --- 450.2 --- EVC --- 032168.jpg --- Elders verworven competenties --- 331.36 --- 331.5 --- 351.83 --- 374.7 --- 378 --- 452.2 --- 489.3 --- 489.4 --- 908 --- arbeidsmarkt --- België --- Europa --- EVC (elders verworven competenties) --- EVC erkenning verworven competenties --- hoger onderwijs --- leren --- levenslang leren --- onderwijs --- onderwijsbeleid --- politieke sociologie --- tewerkstellingsbeleid --- volwasseneneducatie --- #SBIB:316.334.1O211 --- #SBIB:316.334.1O243 --- Aansluiting onderwijs - arbeidsmarkt 371:331 --- Beroepskwalificaties 331.543 --- Beroepsopleiding 377 --- EG / Europese Unie 339.543EC/EU --- OESO / OCDE / OECD 339.92OECD --- Onderwijs 37 --- 712 Onderwijs voor volwassenen --- 736 Diploma's --- #A0204A --- 374.7 Education permanente. Permanent education. Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen nen --- Education permanente. Permanent education. Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen nen --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- (zie ook: certificatie) --- loopbaanontwikkeling. training, scholing op het werk --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --- Overheidsbeleid ten aanzien van werk en werkgelegenheid. Toezicht op de sociale wetgeving --- Hoger onderwijs. Academische studies. Universiteiten --- Onderwijs overige landen, organisatie --- Politiek, wetgeving en organisatie (hoger onderwijs) --- Didactiek (hoger onderwijs) --- Onderwijsbeleid: internationaal --- Onderwijsorganisatie: volwassenenvorming --- Government policy --- onderzoek --- Vaardigheden --- Ervaringsleren --- Levenslang leren --- Onderwijs --- 374.7 Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen --- Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen --- 374.7 Education and training out of school. Further education for adults --- Education and training out of school. Further education for adults --- Competentie --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport
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