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This book offers a comprehensive survey of the man-made fibres, including rayons and other natural polymer fibres, and the true synthetic fibres which have made such rapid progress in modern times.
Manufacturing technologies --- Textile fibers. --- Textile fibers, Synthetic. --- tekstilfibre --- syntetiske fibre --- ingeniørfag --- mekanikk --- produksjonsteknikk --- anvendt vitenskap --- bedriftsledelse
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Indonesia --- chemical constituents --- descriptions --- dyes --- ethnobotany --- fences --- fibre plants --- firewood --- illustrations --- medicinal plants --- timber --- vegetables --- vernacular names
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Gossypium --- Varieties --- Fibre crops --- oil crops --- Cultivation --- cropping systems --- Plant diseases --- pests of plants --- Production --- Marketing --- Byproducts --- Animal feeding --- Lutte
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Nutritionary hygiene. Diet --- Fibre alimentaire --- Dietary fibres --- Fibre digestible --- Digestible fibre --- Propriété mécanique --- Mechanical properties --- Propriété organoleptique --- Organoleptic properties --- Propriété rhéologique --- Rheological properties --- Amidon --- Starch --- Glucide --- Carbohydrates --- Pectine --- Pectins --- Polyholoside --- Polysaccharides --- Oligosaccharide --- Oligosaccharides --- Besoin nutritionnel --- nutritional requirements --- Santé publique --- public health --- Physiologie de la nutrition --- Nutrition physiology --- Technologie alimentaire --- Food technology --- Fiber in human nutrition --- Agrotechnology and Food Sciences. Food Sciences --- Food Chemistry --- Chemistry of Food Components --- Chemistry of Food Components.
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Fibre alimentaire --- Dietary fibres --- Technologie alimentaire --- Food technology --- Fonction physiologique --- physiological functions --- Développement de produit --- product development --- 664.017 --- 641.1 --- 612.396 --- Properties of preserved foods and foodstuffs. Food quality --- Foodstuffs from the point of view of properties. Nutritional value --- Carbohydrates. Starches. Sugars. Glycolysis. Dietary fibre --- 612.396 Carbohydrates. Starches. Sugars. Glycolysis. Dietary fibre --- 641.1 Foodstuffs from the point of view of properties. Nutritional value --- 664.017 Properties of preserved foods and foodstuffs. Food quality --- Fiber in human nutrition --- Food --- Fiber content of food --- Roughage --- High-fiber diet --- Dietary fiber --- Fiber in the diet --- Roughage in the diet --- Nutrition --- Fiber content --- Composition
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Most of the material in this volume is new. The first three chapters deal with three important fiber-optic components--fiber-based gratings, couplers, and interferometers--that serve as the building blocks of lightwave technology. In view of the enormous impact of rare-earth-doped fibers, amplifiers and lasers made by using such fibers are covered in Chapters 4 and 5. The last three chapters describe important applications of nonlinear fiber optics and are devoted to pulse-compression techniques, fiber-optic communication systems, and soliton-based transmission schemes. This volume should serv
Fiber optics. --- Nonlinear optics. --- Optics, Nonlinear --- Fiberoptics --- Fibre optics --- Fibreoptics --- Optics, Fiber --- Optics --- Lasers --- Integrated optics --- Optoelectronic devices --- Photonics --- Optical fiber communication --- Fiber optics --- Nonlinear optics --- Optique des fibres --- Optique non linéaire --- ELSEVIER-B EPUB-LIV-FT
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Drug plants --- Food crops --- essential oil crops --- oil crops --- Dye plants --- Tan plants --- Pesticide crops --- Stimulant crops --- Fibre crops --- Rubber crops --- Resins --- Crops --- Chemical composition --- medicinal properties --- technical properties --- uses
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Plant husbandry --- Central Africa --- Afrika --- Afrique --- Agriculture --- Landbouw --- Plante de culture --- Crops --- Plante à grains --- Grain crops --- Plante sucrière --- Sugar crops --- Légumineuse légumière --- Vegetable legumes --- Vegetables --- Arbre fruitier --- Fruit trees --- Noix --- Walnuts --- Plante oléagineuse --- oil crops --- Plante stimulante --- Stimulant crops --- Plante à fibres --- Fibre crops --- Plante à caoutchouc --- Rubber crops --- Plante à huiles essentielles --- essential oil crops --- Plante pesticide --- Pesticide crops --- Plante à tannin --- Tan plants --- Plante fourragère --- Feed crops --- Géographie économique --- Economic geography --- Africa --- 631.11 <66> <67> <68> --- 633 --- 634 --- 635 --- Landbouwgewassen . Afrika --- Tropische gewassen . Afrika --- Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Westafrikaanse Staten en Gebieden. West-Afrika--Equatoriaal en Centraal Afrikaanse Staten. Centraal-Afrika. Midden-Afrika--Staten en gebieden van Zuidelijk Afrika --- Field crops and their production --- Plant and Crop Sciences. Crop Sciences --- Crop Husbandry --- Tropical Crop Husbandry --- AFR Africa --- Tropical Africa --- agriculture --- crop production --- 633 Field crops and their production --- 631.11 <66> <67> <68> Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Westafrikaanse Staten en Gebieden. West-Afrika--Equatoriaal en Centraal Afrikaanse Staten. Centraal-Afrika. Midden-Afrika--Staten en gebieden van Zuidelijk Afrika --- Tropical Crop Husbandry. --- Tropical crops --- Cultures tropicales --- 63 landbouw --- (6) Afrika --- 634.6 tropische vruchten --- Crop science --- Forestry --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Africa, Sub-Saharan --- Afrique subsaharienne --- Cultures tropicales. --- Tropical crops. --- Crops. --- Grain crops. --- Sugar crops. --- Vegetable legumes. --- Vegetables. --- Fruit trees. --- Walnuts. --- oil crops. --- Stimulant crops. --- Fibre crops. --- Rubber crops. --- essential oil crops. --- Pesticide crops. --- Tan plants. --- Feed crops. --- Economic geography. --- Afrique subsaharienne. --- Africa, Sub-Saharan. --- Africa.
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