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Qualitative methods in social research --- Social sciences --- Sciences sociales --- Research --- Methodology --- Recherche --- Méthodologie --- #SBIB:303H12 --- #SBIB:303H30 --- Methoden en technieken: sociale wetenschappen --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Méthodologie
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001.818 --- #SBIB:303H0 --- #SBIB:303H30 --- #KVHA:Schrijfvaardigheid; Nederlands --- #KVHA:Rapporteren; Nederlands --- Nederlands --- rapportage --- taalkunde --- Rapporteren. Onderzoeksrapporten --- Methoden in de sociale wetenschappen: algemeen --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- 8 --- 007.2 --- Rapporten --- 001.818 Rapporteren. Onderzoeksrapporten --- Rapporten.
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Personalizing Evaluation challenges the mainstream approach to program evaluation by inverting the traditional relationship between program and person. Saville Kushner shows how evaluation should document individual and group experience and use this as a lens through which to read social programs and to measure their significance in people's lives. He uses a wealth of examples and case studies to illustrate how a deeper understanding of program evaluation can be achieved across a range of issues and applications. The book addresses three principal concerns that are at the heart of the evaluation process: how to learn about evaluation in ways which are related to the often confusing and messy experience of doing it; how to understand the role of evaluation as a form of personal expression and, even, political action; and how to use evaluation to say something about people's lives as well as about the programs and institutions people are involved in.
#SBIB:303H60 --- #SBIB:303H30 --- #SBIB:003.IO --- Bijzondere methoden: algemeen --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Educational evaluation --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation
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1. Methodische aspecten van kwalitatief onderzoek 2. zelfstandigheid en ouderenzorg: een evaluatieonderzoek in een wooncentrum voor ouderen 3. De casestudy als strategie in het toegepast onderzoek 4. Onderzoek welzijnswerk 5. Formatief evaluatieonderzoek in een veranderende beleidscontext 6. Rehabilitatie van psychiatrische patiënten 7. Handelingsonderzoek: hoe doe je dat? 8. Inductieve, analoge en communicatieve generalisatie 9. Praktijkgericht kwalitatief onderzoek: problemen en perspectieven
Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek. --- Sociale welzijnszorg --- Evaluatietechnieken. --- Age group sociology --- Qualitative methods in social research --- #PBIB:2001.1 --- #SBIB:032.IO --- #KVHA:Kwalitatief onderzoek; Nederlands --- #SBIB:303H30 --- 001.891.5 --- Research (onderzoek) --- kwaliteit --- sociaal onderzoek --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- 658.5 --- 301.08 --- Methodologie --- Sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Onderzoek --- Diagnose --- Ontwikkeling --- Leerlijn --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Diagnostiek
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′Reflexive Methodology is a textbook indispensable to any young researcher. It does not tell its readers how to do research. It does something much more important: It shows how research has been done in the qualitative tradition, thus encouraging the readers to make their own choices′ - Barbara Czarniawska, Goteborg University
Science --- Qualitative methods in social research --- Reflection (Philosophy) --- Social sciences --- Research --- Methodology --- #SBIB:303H30 --- #SBIB:001.IO --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Methodology. --- Reflection (Philosophy). --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Philosophy --- Research&delete& --- Social sciences - Research - Methodology --- 001 --- 001.8 --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Onderzoeksmethodologie
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Qualitative methods in social research --- #SBIB:303H30 --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Social sciences --- Sociology --- Biographical methods. --- Research --- Methodology. --- Social theory --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Biographical methods in the social sciences --- Biography in the social sciences --- Biography --- Biographical methods --- Research&delete& --- Methodology
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This study investigates in detail the interaction between interviewers and respondents in standardised social survey interviews. Applying the techniques of conversation analysis, Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra reveals how certain rules of normal conversation fail to apply in interviews based on a standard questionnaire, and offers original empirical evidence to show what really happens. Her book demonstrates that interview results can only be understood as products of the contingencies of the interview situation, and not, as is usually assumed, the unmediated expressions of respondents' real opinions. Her conclusions have important implications for anyone interested in effective survey compilation and interpretation. The book is highly accessible, setting out the basic tools of conversation analysis simply and clearly, and suggesting ways of improving questionnaire design wherever possible. Its approach will be of great interest to students and researchers of survey methodology.
Interviewing in sociology. --- Interviewing. --- Social surveys. --- Questionnaires. --- Entretiens (Sociologie) --- Entretiens --- Enquêtes sociales --- Questionnaires --- Interviewing in sociology --- Interviewing --- Social surveys --- #SBIB:303H30 --- Community surveys --- Surveys, Social --- Social sciences --- Surveys --- Questioning --- Counseling --- Focus groups --- Interviews --- Social case work --- Sociology --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Research --- Methodology --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- Social Change --- Enquêtes sociales
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316.752 --- Individuation (Psychology) --- Social integration --- -Academic collection --- #SBIB:051.AANKOOP --- #SBIB:316.7C122 --- #SBIB:316.331H530 --- #SBIB:303H30 --- #A0106A --- 651 Maatschappij. Algemeen --- Inclusion, Social --- Integration, Social --- Social inclusion --- Sociology --- Belonging (Social psychology) --- Psychology --- Waarden --(sociologie) --- Cultuursociologie: overtuigingen, waarden en houdingen --- Godsdienstige praktijken: algemeen --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Individuation (Psychology). --- 316.752 Waarden --(sociologie) --- Academic collection
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Doel van deze publicatie is om de student(e) in kort bestek een overzicht te geven van de ontwikkeling, aard, verschillende stromingen en criteria die samen het denken over methodologie vormen. Wat methodologie is wordt vervolgens uitgewerkt aan de hand van kernbegrippen zoals paradigma, methodologie (weg waarlangs), methodiek (stappenplan) en instrumenten om data te verzamelen, te ordenen en te analyseren. Vervolgens wordt op twee manieren gekeken naar het gebruik van methodologie binnen de sociale wetenschappen en meer in het bijzonder de Bedrijfskunde. Enerzijds vanuit het onderscheid kwalitatief en kwantitatief, anderzijds vanuit het onderscheid onderzoeks-, ontwerp- en interventiemethodologie. Essentie is studenten vertrouwd te maken met basale kennis over het vaak als moeilijk ervaren vakgebied methodologie. Er worden vele praktische voorbeelden over het nut van methodologie in de praktijk gegeven.
Social Sciences and Humanities. Social Sciences --- Research Methodology. --- Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek. --- Philosophy of science --- Diagnose --- Methodologisch onderzoek --- #PBIB:2000.4 --- #SBIB:004.IO --- #SBIB:303H30 --- #SBIB:303H10 --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Methoden en technieken: algemene handboeken en reeksen --- #KVHA:Onderzoek --- #KVHA:Methodologie --- Diagnostiek
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Critically reviewing many of the assumptions, claims and methods of qualitative research, the authors show how both the researcher and researched are co-producers of meanings in the research relationship.
#SBIB:303H30 --- #SBIB:303H32 --- #SBIB:043.IOS --- Kwalitatieve methoden: algemeen --- Waarneming en participerende waarneming, gecontroleerde observatie, groepsdiscussie (vragenlijsten, interviews, experimenten) --- Entretiens (Sociologie) --- Speciale methoden. --- Methoden en technieken --- Qualitative research. --- Social sciences --- Research. --- Interviewing in sociology --- Sciences sociales --- Research --- Recherche --- Social science research
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