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The story of O : prostitutes and other good-for-nothings in the Renaissance
ISBN: 067483951X Year: 1999 Publisher: Cambridge Harvard University Press

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Alteracoes na Biomassa Microbiana do Solo em Cultivos de Mandioca sob Diferentes Coberturas Vegetais
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1999 Publisher: Dourados : Embrapa Agropecuaria Oeste,

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Contemporary women artists.
ISBN: 1558623728 Year: 1999 Publisher: Detroit St. James Press

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Contemporary Women Artists examines the lives and works of over 350 of "the world's most prominent and influential" contemporary women artists. Entries often begin with a photo of the artist, then offer condensed facts about her birth, schooling, lifestyle, art career, and awards. Lists of solo shows and publications provide especially useful guideposts to the careers. When available, a short artist's statement concludes the introductory material, and an up-to-date, critical assessment concludes every entry. The husband-and-wife coeditors, who have put together encyclopedias on numerous subjects, have guided their 110 contributors well in providing judicious and restrained commentary. How they went about selecting artists for inclusion is more problematicAno real explanation is provided, and parameters seem hard to define. Should "contemporary" be taken to mean 20th century, post-World War II, or post-1960? As the preponderance of entries are truly contemporary, why are Georgia O'Keeffe and Mary Cassatt included? In any case, this is a wonderful, stimulating, and surprisingly well-written volume. Highly recommended for the reference collections as an adjunct to the Dictionary of Women Artist (LJ 12/97), an LJ best-reference source covering women born before 1950. Henkes's much narrower book is visually arrestingAthe artworks are insightful, poignant, striking, and original. He discusses 33 meritorious Hispanic/ Chicana artists, from Juana Alicia to Bernadette Vigil (none of whom are to be found in Contemporary Women Artists). Henkes is experienced in art commentary, having produced at least five other reference titles on American art and artists in the last nine years, yet his style remains halting and unpolished. His preference for sacred art leads to writing that sometimes sounds more like homilies in Christian Dogma than objective art criticism, and he detects the sacred at least as an undercurrent in perhaps too many examples, even when the artist works with modernist abstractions. Still, art collections with a special interest in Hispanic or women's studies will appreciate this unique reference.

L'art dans son moment politique : écrits de circonstance
ISBN: 2873171014 9782873171018 Year: 1999 Volume: *25 Publisher: Bruxelles : La lettre volée,

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L'Art dans son moment politique Cet ouvrage n'écrit pas une histoire linéaire. Celle, plutôt, d'une réalité en devenir dont le cadre chronologique est l'extrême fin du XXe siècle. Il y est question d'art contemporain et de «politique», un terme à comprendre en son sens étendu : tout à la fois le rapport à la polis, l'organisation publique comme occulte des mœurs en cours dans le corps social et ses systèmes (dont celui de l'art en particulier), la question de la légitimité, celle aussi de la domination, celle enfin de la logique activiste des concurrences. Les principaux aspects envisagés ont trait en conséquence à tout ce qui détermine l'art actuel dans un sens «politique», comme formule se destinant à investir l'espace réel pour l'habiter ou le changer.Initialement destinées à l'espace de la revue d'art ou de la conférence, rédigées donc «à chaud», les études proposées ici sont l'accompagnement d'une histoire de l'art vécue en direct, dans son moment politique même et sur un mode circonstanciel. Leur objet : rendre compte depuis l'intérieur, en s'appuyant sur des faits concrets, d'un «en-cours» de l'histoire contemporaine de l'art.

The sound of painting : music in modern art
ISBN: 3791320823 Year: 1999 Publisher: München : Prestel,

New media in late 20th-century art
ISBN: 0500203296 Year: 1999 Publisher: London Thames and Hudson

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All the major movements in modern art, from Cubism and Dada to Performance and Installation, were initiated in reaction to the centuries-old tradition of representing the world visually in recognizable ways. Reflecting intellectual, scientific and technological developments, artists abandoned strict adherence to traditional materials and embraced any means which best served their purposes, redefining art and the countless ways in which it can be made and experienced. This pioneering book traces the history of new media in art and includes discussions of film making, video, digitally manipulated photography, virtual reality, installation and performance by artists such as Nam June Paik, Vito Acconci, Marina Abramovic, Pipilotti Rist, Bill Viola and others whose seminal works have radically transformed world art. Abramovic, Marina ; Acconci, Vito ; Ackerman, Chantal ; Almy, Max ; Anderson, Laurie ; Baldessari, John ; Balla, Giacomo ; Ballard, Norman ; Barney, Matthew ; Barry, Judith ; Beavers, Robert ; Benning, Sadie ; Beuys, Joseph ; Birnbaum, Dara ; Brook, Peter ; Burden, Chris ; Burgin, Victor ; Cahen, Robert ; Campus, Peter ; Chevalier, Miguel ; Cho, Seoungho ; Chong, Ping ; Cottingham, Keith ; Davis, Douglas ; Doherty, Willie ; Donegan, Cheryl ; Downey, Juan ; Duchamp, Marcel ; Eisenstein, Sergei ; Emshwiller, Ed ; Export, Valie ; Feingold, Ken ; Fischer, Konrad ; Forgacs, Peter ; Froese, Dieter ; Furuhashi, Teiji ; Gaumnitz, Michaël ; Gillette, Frank ; Glass, Philipp ; Godard, Jean-Luc ; Goldenberg, David ; Gordon, Douglas ; Graham, Dan ; Graham, Rodney ; Gromala, Diana ; Hamilton, Richard ; Hatoum, Mona ; Hershman Leeson, Lynn ; Hill, Gary ; Hyber, Fabrice ; Idemitsu, Mako ; Jacobs, Ken ; Jenkins, Amy ; Jesurun, John ; Jonas, Joan ; Kubota, Shigeko ; Latham, William ; Lepage, Robert ; Lord, Chip ; Lublin, Lera ; Lucas, Kristin ; Lucier, Mary ; Markopolous, Gregory J. ; McQueen, Steve ; Mendieta, Ana ; Miskell, Brad ; Modin, Bengt ; Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo ; Molnar, Vera ; Moore, Stefan ; Mullican, Matt ; Muybridge, Eadweard ; Nauman, Bruce ; Noll, Michael ; Odenbach, Marcel ; Ono, Yoko ; Orlan ; Oursler, Tony ; Paik, Nam June ; Piene, Otto ; Piper, Adrian ; Plessi, Fabrizio ; Prince, Richard ; Rapp, Ray ; Rauschenberg, Robert ; Reilly, John ; Richter, Gerhard ; Rist, Pipilotti ; Rosenbach, Ulrike ; Rush, Michael ; Sandin, dan ; Schneemann, Carolee ; Schwartz, Lillian ; Seaman, Bill ; Shaw, Jeffrey ; Shiomi, Mieko (Chieko) ; Simon, John ; Sims, Karl ; Sjolander, Ture ; Smith, Bradford ; Smith, Mike ; Smith, Stephanie ; Snow, Michael ; Sokurov, Alexandr ; etc.

Actualité des religions
Authors: ---
ISSN: 12914746 Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris Publications Malherbes

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Ecclesiology --- bouddhisme --- sikhs --- Derviches tourneurs --- L'ordre des Mevlevis --- Mawlawiyya --- Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi Rumi --- Konya --- sikhisme --- Nanak --- Talwandi --- la religion sikhe --- Tchènrézi --- bodhissatva --- bouddhisme Mahayana --- Tibet --- Guanyin --- Kannon --- fête de Noël --- silence --- confucianisme --- Abraham Heschel --- Elisabeth Badinter --- Bouddhisme --- Islam --- Christianisme --- Judaïsme --- interreligieux --- millénaire --- tolérance --- Paul Valadier --- Opus Dei --- franc-maçonnerie --- maçonnerie --- loges --- Maroc --- Israël --- Daniel Duigou --- diversité --- politique --- bouddhisme tibétain --- Michael Lonsdale --- Téhéran --- luthériens --- anglicans --- le Pape --- Juifs --- chrétiens --- Catholicisme --- terrorisme --- Véronique Jannot --- embryon --- kabbale --- Livre des morts --- la vie --- Arnaud Desjardins --- Philippe Cornu --- taoïsme --- Abraham Serfaty --- Ascension --- Jacques Oger --- dojo --- spiritualité laïque --- femmes --- celtes --- Joshin Bachoux --- Gérard Garouste --- Haggadah --- christianisme --- druides --- Roger-Pol Droit --- Mawlid --- Michel Wolkowitsky --- Sylvanès --- Notre-Dame de Pentecôte (NDP) --- feng shui --- Annick de Souzenelle --- Kagyu Ling --- Gérald Pagès --- Catherine Rich --- Henri Bancaud --- Hélène Weber --- bible --- pédophilie --- Christian Delorme --- mosquée Adda’wa --- Florence Despras --- Ganesh --- hindouisme --- Dominique Baudis --- spiritisme --- Philippe Gaudin --- Allan Kardec --- réincarnation --- hérétiques --- Yves Donnars --- spiritualité jésuite --- Lydie Salvayre --- Halloween --- Marielle Charbonnel --- Béthanie --- visionnaires --- précurseurs --- Betoule Fekkar Lambiotte --- confrérie Alawiya --- islam --- dhikr --- Jean Lacouture --- Ignace de Loyola --- jésuites --- ermites --- Oussama ben Laden --- René Guénon --- Jean-Claude Basset --- François Nourissier --- ramadan --- Raphy Marciano --- Richard Moss --- église de Rhema --- Afrique de Sud --- Andrew Cohen --- Fabienne Verdier --- judaïsme --- Gao Xingjian --- Hanoukkah --- Coran --- paradis --- la foi au paradis --- judaïsme libéral --- shinto --- shintoism --- nouvel an --- Jacqueline Délia --- sunnisme --- Olivier Py --- Carole Berté --- Arouna Lipschitz --- le mal --- wahabisme --- hanbalisme --- coran --- fondamentalisme protestant --- Théo Klein --- Chérif Khaznadar --- Lytta Basset --- Talmud --- Torah --- marxisme --- Hèléne Delavault --- Ridwan --- Yitskhok Niborski --- Roland Yuno Rech --- le pouvoir --- Karl Marx --- communisme --- Bhakti hindouiste --- bhakti --- Marcel Barros --- Wesak --- Pierre Milcent --- émotion --- lepénisme --- stoïcisme --- Cesaria Evora --- la Saint-Jean --- Edgard Vandenbroucque --- Wan Yun Lou --- hospitalité --- rose-croix --- sectes --- occident --- nudité --- Pateti --- Khorsad sal --- zoroastrisme --- Aude Fonquernie --- Shundo Aoyama roshi --- Dogen --- religions afro-chrétiennes --- Julia Kristeva --- Yom Kippour --- Jean-Louis Favard --- anglicanisme --- Christian Pierret --- Dassara --- Jacques Hubert --- géographie --- Thanksgiving --- Annette Brierre --- Chenjerai Hove --- éthique médicale --- Ysé Tardan-Masquelier --- Taizé --- Anny Duperey --- Europe --- economie --- humanisme --- catholicisme --- catholicisme romain --- Françoise Giroud --- fête religieuse --- vaudou --- Bénin --- Isabelle Saint-Martin --- Douglas Gressieux --- islam turc --- Jérôme Clément --- Aïd-al-Kabir --- pauvreté --- calligraphie --- Jacques Brosse --- Pourim --- carnaval --- Michel Jondot --- ésotérisme --- occultisme --- New Age --- Vatican --- Anglicanisme --- Abd el-Kader --- Qing Ming --- ancêtres --- Pape --- Jean Paul II --- Cheikh Bentounès --- Algérie --- Gérard Geist --- Henri Le Saux --- l’Inde --- Pape d’Assise --- protestantisme --- Orthodoxie --- Assise --- Jérusalem --- Thérèse d’Avila --- Esala Perahera --- Jésus --- Arméniens --- laïcité --- violence --- sacré --- Hubert Reeves --- Réformation --- soufisme --- Hannah Arendt --- Mohamed Fellag --- humour --- Timor --- Dalaï-lama --- Wahhabisme --- mormons --- transcommunication --- science --- Brésil --- Cameroun --- la mort --- Milarepa --- Shafique Keshavjee --- Inde --- Guru Nanak --- Japon --- Mexique --- prosélytisme --- catholiques --- Bouddha Shakyamuni --- vatican --- Dagpo Rimpotché --- Swami Veetamohananda --- Armand Abécassis --- Doudou Diene --- Mohamed Talbi --- Antoine Casanova --- Edgar Morin --- Joachim de Flore --- Tchétchénie --- Sri Lanka --- peine de mort --- Jean Piat --- non-violence --- René Girard --- Julienne de Norwich --- Amanda Suharnoko --- témoignages --- orthodoxie russe --- pardonner --- islamistes --- Chine --- karmapa --- Ivan Levaï --- Simon Wiesenthal --- Ama Adhe Tapontsang --- Desmond Tutu --- Abd-al-Haqq Guiderdoni --- René-Samuel Sirat --- Jigme Rimpotché --- psychanalyse --- tantrisme --- Bible --- Jung --- Frédérique Hébrard --- prostitution --- prostituées sacrées --- courtisanes --- Jean-Marie Rouart --- Michel Delpech --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- chamanisme --- Borobudur --- Brigitte Fossey --- thétan --- Développement personnel --- foi --- Jean-Michel Maldamé --- Rony Brauman --- pentecôtisme --- capitalisme --- juifs usuriers --- Karl Zéro --- Jacques Deperne --- yoga --- clonage --- Russie --- Dominus Iesus --- Geneviève de Gaulle --- Guillaume de Saint Phalle --- Bernie Glassman --- santé --- djinns --- l'au-delà --- Ratzinger --- Poutine --- Ariel Sharon --- Dalaï-Lama --- Indonésie --- bouddhisme theravada --- résurrection --- Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt --- icônes --- Marie-Claude Pietragalla --- Belgique --- Afrique --- monothéisme --- Thaîlande --- religion africaine --- Philippe Sollers --- mariage --- Martin Burkhard --- Derviche --- Saint-Valentin --- compassion --- amma --- Yamina Benguigui

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