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Lifestyles --- #SBIB:316.7c121 --- 316.32 --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Life style --- Life styles --- Styles, Life --- Human behavior --- Manners and customs --- Lebensführung. --- Lebensstil. --- Sozialstruktur. --- Soziologie.
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Civilization, Modern. --- Culture. --- Culture --- Civilization, Modern --- #SBIB:316.7h120 --- 316.7 --- 316.32 --- Modern civilization --- Modernity --- Civilization --- Renaissance --- Cultural sociology --- Sociology of culture --- Popular culture --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- 316.7 Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- Cultuursociologie --(algemeen) --- History --- Social aspects
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Emigration and immigration. --- Equality. --- Labor mobility. --- Globalization --- Social aspects. --- Economic aspects. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 312.1 --- 382.11 --- 316.32 --- Immigratie. --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering. --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Immigratie --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering
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We live in a runaway world. New patterns of risk and uncertainty threaten the stability of our traditional institutions. To make sense of these profound changes in our lives, and invent new politics for the twenty-first century, we must understand the dynamic forces which are transforming our society.The book opens a dialog between Ulrich Beck's sociology of 'Risk Society' and key thinkers and opinion leaders from the world of politics and policy making. It explores the way we perceive risk and integrate change into our lives - insisting that these are essential forces driving policy development today. A new politics must engage actively with people's lived experience. Contributions from Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, Susie Orbach, John Gray, Ray Pahl, Martin Woollacott, Anna Coote, Patricia Hewitt and others explore the daily experience of risk - from intimate relationships to global warming - and offer their analysis and insight into how we understand this changing world. This book captures part of the spirit of the age and will be of absorbing interest to students of sociology, politics and social policy
Risk --- Technology --- Policy sciences --- Social aspects --- Congresses. --- Social change --- Technologie --- Congresses --- Aspect social --- Congrès --- Sociologie --- Samenleving --- Verzorgingsstaat --- Postmodernisme --- Politiek --- Beleid --- #SBIB:35H006 --- 316.32 --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Science --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Economics --- Uncertainty --- Probabilities --- Profit --- Risk-return relationships --- Social aspects&delete& --- Bestuurswetenschappen: theorieën --- Analyse --- Evaluatie --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Risk - Social aspects - Congresses --- Technology - Social aspects - Congresses --- Policy sciences - Congresses
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This is a timely, distinctive and sparkling introductory account of social theory and the central role of enlightenment within it. Osborne argues that social theory should be based on an idea of enlightenment rather than modernity.
Enlightenment --- Lumières (Philosophie) --- Lumières [Siècle des ] --- Siècle des Lumières --- Verlichting (Filosofie) --- Social sciences --- Philosophy --- Ethics --- #SBIB:17H20 --- #SBIB:316.21H00 --- 316.32 --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Pharmacy Philosophy --- Philosophical Overview --- Hedonism --- Stoicism --- Overview, Philosophical --- Overviews, Philosophical --- Pharmacy Philosophies --- Philosophical Overviews --- Philosophies --- Philosophies, Pharmacy --- Philosophy, Pharmacy --- Egoism --- Ethical Issues --- Metaethics --- Moral Policy --- Natural Law --- Situational Ethics --- Ethical Issue --- Ethics, Situational --- Issue, Ethical --- Issues, Ethical --- Law, Natural --- Laws, Natural --- Moral Policies --- Natural Laws --- Policies, Moral --- Policy, Moral --- Censorship, Research --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Aufklärung --- Eighteenth century --- Philosophy, Modern --- Rationalism --- Social philosophy --- Social theory --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: algemeen --- Theoretische sociologie: inleidingen op de huidige toestand
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Culture. --- Cultural relations. --- International economic relations. --- #SBIB:39A3 --- #SBIB:316.7C120 --- 316.32 --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Cultural exchange --- Intercultural relations --- Intellectual cooperation --- Cultural sociology --- Culture --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Antropologie: geschiedenis, theorie, wetenschap (incl. grondleggers van de antropologie als wetenschap) --- Cultuursociologie: algemene en theoretische werken --- Social aspects --- 82:3 --- 82:3 Literatuur en maatschappijwetenschappen --- Literatuur en maatschappijwetenschappen --- Cultural relations --- International economic relations --- Popular culture --- Hulpwetenschappen --- antropologie en cultuur. --- Globalization
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Buyer behavior --- Choix de consommation --- Comportement d'achat --- Comportement des consommateurs --- Comportement du consommateur --- Consommateurs -- Comportement --- Consommateurs -- Habitudes --- Consommation (Economie politique) --- Consumenten -- Gedrag --- Consumentengedrag --- Consumer behavior --- Consumptie (Economie) --- Consumption (Economics) --- Decision making [Consumer ] --- Habitudes d'achat --- Habitudes de consommation --- Maatschappelijke organisatie --- Maatschappelijke structuur --- Organisation sociale --- Social organization --- Social structure --- Sociale organisatie --- Sociale structuur --- Structure sociale --- Verbruik (Economie) --- Verbruikers -- Gedrag --- Verbruikersgedrag --- Consumer behavior. --- Fast food restaurants --- Consommateurs --- Restaurants-minute --- Social aspects. --- Comportement --- Aspect social --- 316.32 --- 316.3:316.7 --- #SBIB:309H040 --- #SBIB:309H2812 --- #SBIB:316.7C140 --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Dialectiek tussen sociale structuur en sociale cultuur --- Populaire cultuur algemeen --- Marketing, consumentengedrag, consumentisme --- Cultuursociologie: cultuur en globale samenlevingen --- Social structure. --- Consumption (Economics). --- 316.3:316.7 Dialectiek tussen sociale structuur en sociale cultuur --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Organization, Social --- Anthropology --- Sociology --- Social institutions --- Quick-service restaurants --- Restaurants --- Consumer demand --- Consumer spending --- Consumerism --- Spending, Consumer --- Demand (Economic theory) --- Behavior, Consumer --- Decision making, Consumer --- Human behavior --- Consumer profiling --- Market surveys --- Social aspects
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Dit boek bundelt bijdragen van verschillende auteurs en is het resultaat van een interdisciplinaire samenwerking binnen de faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. Het wil studenten een overzicht bieden van feiten, onderzoeksgegevens, discussies... op het terrein van het multiculturalisme. Verschillende aspecten komen aan bod: gender en identiteitsvorming; multiculturele organisaties; stereotypen over etnische minderheden; mondialisering en migratie; inburgeringsbeleid; schoolsucces; immigrantenondernemerschap; islamitische organisaties; muziek; geestelijke gezondheidszorg; georganiseerde misdaad; media en geweld.
Multiculturele samenleving --- Nederland. --- Sociology of minorities --- Netherlands --- Intercultureel management --- Interculturele verhoudingen --- Interculturele communicatie --- Minderheidsgroepen --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Sociologie --- Allochtonen --- cultuursociologie --- vluchtelingenhulp --- criminaliteit --- allochtone jongeren --- migrantenbeleid --- allochtone kinderen, onderwijs --- racisme --- #A0008A --- 668.6 Multiculturele samenleving --- multiculturalisme --- migrantenproblematiek --- allochtonen --- interculturaliteit --- multiculturele samenleving --- 328.7 --- 954 --- allochtonen (gez) --- arbeid (gez) --- culturele antropologie (gez) --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking (gez) --- 316.32 --- Geweld --- Gezondheid --- Integratie --- Islam --- Migranten --- Muziek --- Samenleving --- Scholen --- 008 --- 362.9 --- 343 --- 325 --- 377 --- sociale problemen en zorg voor allochtone groepen --- Interculturaliteit --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Allochtoon --- Verpleegkunde --- Autochtoon --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Minderheid --- Persoon met een migratieachtergrond
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Social change --- Bedrijfsbeheer --- Business administration --- Business entreprises--Management --- Concessies (Kleinhandel) --- Concessions (Commerce de détail) --- Concessions commerciales --- Consommation (Economie politique) --- Consumer goods Marketing --- Consumptie (Economie) --- Consumption (Economics) --- Corporations--Management --- Domestic marketing --- Efficience industrielle --- Entreprises--Gestion --- Franchisage --- Franchise (Commerce de détail) --- Franchises [Retail ] --- Franchises [Retail trade ] --- Franchises commerciales --- Franchiseurs --- Franchising --- Gestion d'entreprise --- Industrial administration --- Industrial efficiency --- Industrial management --- Industrieel productievermogen --- Industriële efficiëntie --- Industriële opbrengst --- Management [Industrial ] --- Marketing --- Marketing domestique --- Rationalization of industry --- Retail franchises --- Retail marketing --- Retail trade Marketing --- Scientific management --- Verbruik (Economie) --- Franchises (Retail trade) --- Marketing. --- Retail trade --- Industrial efficiency. --- Social aspects. --- McDonald's Corporation --- Influence. --- 316.3:316.7 --- 316.32 --- #SBIB:309H040 --- #SBIB:AANKOOP --- #SBIB:316.7C170 --- Dialectiek tussen sociale structuur en sociale cultuur --- Globale samenlevingsvormen --- Populaire cultuur algemeen --- Cultuursociologie: culturele groei, vooruitgang, stagnatie, technologische verandering, cultuurbewegingen --- Industrial management. --- Consumption (Economics). --- Franchises (Retail trade). --- 316.32 Globale samenlevingsvormen --- 316.3:316.7 Dialectiek tussen sociale structuur en sociale cultuur --- Retail industry --- Retailing --- Commerce --- Shopping centers --- Wholesale trade --- Consumer goods --- Aftermarkets --- Selling --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Management, Industrial --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Efficiency, Industrial --- Franchises, Retail --- Consumer demand --- Consumer spending --- Consumerism --- Spending, Consumer --- Demand (Economic theory) --- Social aspects --- McDonald's System, Inc. --- McDonald's (Firm : U.S.) --- Mac Donald (Firm : U.S.) --- Mac Do (Firm : U.S.) --- United States --- Sociological aspects --- Americanization --- Retail trade - Social aspects.
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Lerarenopleiding --- Naslagwerken --- Waardeonderzoek --- (vak)didactiek menswetenschappen. --- Overheidspublicaties. --- Vlaanderen. --- 311:3 --- 316.32 <493-17> --- 91 --- 316.752 <493-17> --- #BAVD --- #SBIB:303H34 --- #SBIB:316.7C122 --- #SBIB:323H521 --- Academic collection --- (493.1) Vlaanderen --- 316.442 sociale ongelijkheid --- 32 politiek --- 32.019.5 publieke opinie --- 351.752 normen en waarden --- 504 milieu --- #A9808A --- 17 --- 301.173 --- België. Vlaamse Gemeenschap --- Vlaanderen --- culturele verschuivingen --- gender --- individualisme --- milieu --- overheid --- politiek --- vertrouwen --- Vrouwenproblematiek (feminisme) --- 302 --- 320 )* POLITIEK --- 323 )* BINNENLANDSE POLITIEK --- demografie (gez) --- milieuproblematiek --- onderzoek --- opiniepeiling --- waardenbeleving --- Statistieken --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Gewest --- arbeid, vrouwen --- cultuur --- maatschappijwetenschappen --- politiek, binnenland --- sociologie, cultuur --- statistiek --- 172 --- 305.7 --- Waarden . Vlaanderen --- milieuhygiëne --- rolpatroon --- sociale problemen --- sociale psychologie --- sociologie --- Vlaanderen: waardeonderzoek --- cultuursociologie --- individualisering --- milieuvraagstukken --- openbaar bestuur --- opiniepeilingen --- politieke sociologie --- vrouwen --- 301.8 --- 304 --- emancipatie --- gender- effect --- gender-effect --- maatschappelijke problemen --- maatschappij --- statistieken --- vrouwenemancipatie --- 311:3 Sociale statistieken --- Sociale statistieken --- 316.752 <493-17> Waarden --(sociologie)--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Waarden --(sociologie)--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- 316.32 <493-17> Globale samenlevingsvormen--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Globale samenlevingsvormen--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Aardrijkskunde. Geografie --- Kwalitatieve methoden: grondige gevallenstudie, casework, social work --- Cultuursociologie: overtuigingen, waarden en houdingen --- Belgische politieke participatie en socialisatie --- Algemene ethiek --- Sociologie van de cultuur --- (zie ook: sociologie) --- 493.8 --- 008 --- 301.17 --- 504 --- 35 --- 301.08 --- 32 --- 396 --- Algemene statistische publicaties; België --- sociale en economische statistiek, algemene statistische publikaties, België --- sociale kwestie - sociale praktijk --- Vlaamse overheid --- Opiniepeilingen --- Opiniepeiling --- Emigratie --- Sociologie --- Overheidsbeleid --- Gemeenschappen en Gewesten
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