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Causes et conséquences de la situation actuelle en Algérie.
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Year: 1995 Publisher: Liège : Université de Liège [ULg], Faculté de droit,

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terrorisme --- islam --- islamisme --- algerie --- terrorisme --- islam --- islamisme --- algerie

L'ombre et son double : femmes islamistes, libanaises et modernes
Year: 1995 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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The study by Dalal el-Bizri, researcher and associate professor at the Lebanese University, is part of a CERMOC research program devoted to public life and its expressions in Middle Eastern societies (see Cahiers du CERMOC n ° 5, 7, 8, 9, 12).Often treated (more often mistreated by current representations), the situation of Muslim women in Arab societies is discussed here with regard to Lebanon, on which no field study was available, particularly since the development of Islamist mobilizations in Lebanese society. The raw material for this exploratory study is provided by interviews Dalal el-Bizri conducted with ten Shiite women active in Hezbollah, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The author restores us a testimony of the body to body and the debate which mingled her with her subject (s) during several months of investigation. She thus reminds the reader to what extent research is also a questioning of oneself, in the person of the researcher as well as in the paradigms which help him to construct his object. On this dialectic of subject and object, generally inscribed in the “horstext” of research but which here forms part of his very writing, another is superimposed. The itinerary of the women questioned about their release into the public sphere in Lebanon testifies to their modernity. Islam, which constructs their representation of themselves and inscribes them in history, appeals to tradition. Would the modernity claimed by Islamism be different from that which it condemns in the name of tradition? We know that the quarrel is not just a play on words. Its political dimension will shape the Lebanon of tomorrow and everyone, along with the author, must seek the outcome ... without concession.

L'ombre et son double : femmes islamistes, libanaises et modernes
Year: 1995 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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The study by Dalal el-Bizri, researcher and associate professor at the Lebanese University, is part of a CERMOC research program devoted to public life and its expressions in Middle Eastern societies (see Cahiers du CERMOC n ° 5, 7, 8, 9, 12).Often treated (more often mistreated by current representations), the situation of Muslim women in Arab societies is discussed here with regard to Lebanon, on which no field study was available, particularly since the development of Islamist mobilizations in Lebanese society. The raw material for this exploratory study is provided by interviews Dalal el-Bizri conducted with ten Shiite women active in Hezbollah, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The author restores us a testimony of the body to body and the debate which mingled her with her subject (s) during several months of investigation. She thus reminds the reader to what extent research is also a questioning of oneself, in the person of the researcher as well as in the paradigms which help him to construct his object. On this dialectic of subject and object, generally inscribed in the “horstext” of research but which here forms part of his very writing, another is superimposed. The itinerary of the women questioned about their release into the public sphere in Lebanon testifies to their modernity. Islam, which constructs their representation of themselves and inscribes them in history, appeals to tradition. Would the modernity claimed by Islamism be different from that which it condemns in the name of tradition? We know that the quarrel is not just a play on words. Its political dimension will shape the Lebanon of tomorrow and everyone, along with the author, must seek the outcome ... without concession.

L'ombre et son double : femmes islamistes, libanaises et modernes
Year: 1995 Publisher: Presses de l’Ifpo

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The study by Dalal el-Bizri, researcher and associate professor at the Lebanese University, is part of a CERMOC research program devoted to public life and its expressions in Middle Eastern societies (see Cahiers du CERMOC n ° 5, 7, 8, 9, 12).Often treated (more often mistreated by current representations), the situation of Muslim women in Arab societies is discussed here with regard to Lebanon, on which no field study was available, particularly since the development of Islamist mobilizations in Lebanese society. The raw material for this exploratory study is provided by interviews Dalal el-Bizri conducted with ten Shiite women active in Hezbollah, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The author restores us a testimony of the body to body and the debate which mingled her with her subject (s) during several months of investigation. She thus reminds the reader to what extent research is also a questioning of oneself, in the person of the researcher as well as in the paradigms which help him to construct his object. On this dialectic of subject and object, generally inscribed in the “horstext” of research but which here forms part of his very writing, another is superimposed. The itinerary of the women questioned about their release into the public sphere in Lebanon testifies to their modernity. Islam, which constructs their representation of themselves and inscribes them in history, appeals to tradition. Would the modernity claimed by Islamism be different from that which it condemns in the name of tradition? We know that the quarrel is not just a play on words. Its political dimension will shape the Lebanon of tomorrow and everyone, along with the author, must seek the outcome ... without concession.

Pour comprendre l'intégrisme islamique
ISBN: 2226081739 9782226081735 Year: 1995 Publisher: Paris Albin Michel

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Islamic fundamentalism --- 297.17 --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Islam --- Religious fundamentalism --- Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- 297.17 Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- Intégrisme islamique. --- Islam et politique. --- Islamic fundamentalism. --- Islamisme. --- intégrisme religieux --- Islamisme --- Comité permanent de Contrôle des services de renseignement et de sécurité (Comité permanent R) --- муслимански фундаментализам --- христијански фундаментализам --- верски фанатизам --- islámský fundamentalismus --- исламски фундаментализам --- θρησκευτικός φανατισμός --- θρησκευτικός φονταμενταλισμός --- fundamentalismo religioso --- fondamentalisme religieux --- náboženský extremismus --- religieus integrisme --- křesťanský fundamentalismus --- fondamentalismo religioso --- fundamentalisme --- верски екстремизам --- muslimský fundamentalismus --- религиозен фундаментализам --- vallásos fundamentalizmus --- fundamentalism religios --- vallási fundamentalizmus --- bunúsaíochas reiligiúnach --- fundamentalizm religijny --- uskonnollinen fundamentalismi --- fundamentaliżmu reliġjuż --- religiöser Fundamentalismus --- integrismo religioso --- ζηλωτισμός --- religieus conservatisme --- religious fundamentalism --- vjerski fundamentalizam --- náboženský fundamentalismus --- fundamentalizëm fetar --- verski fundamentalizem --- religiös fundamentalism --- integralismo religioso --- религиозен фундаментализъм --- reliģiskais fundamentālisms --- religiøs fundamentalisme --- usuline fundamentalism --- náboženský fundamentalizmus --- religinis fundamentalizmas --- верски фундаментализам --- Vast Comité van Toezicht op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Vast Comité I) --- intégrisme religieux --- islam --- islám --- ισλαμισμός --- Iżlam --- islamas --- islams --- islamismo --- iszlám --- ислям --- ислам --- Ioslam --- mahomedanism --- islamism --- moslimský veriaci --- islámské náboženství --- sunita --- islámská církev --- mohammedanisme --- šíita --- mohamedanizmus --- muslimi --- muhamedanisme --- mohamedánstvo --- Mohammedanism --- muhameedlus --- suna --- muhamedānisms --- muslimské náboženství --- muhamettilaisuus --- mahometonybė --- mešita --- Muhamedanizëm

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