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Ergodic theory. Information theory --- Mathematical distribution theory --- Fourier analysis --- Maximum entropy method --- Positive-definite functions --- Distributions, Positive-definite --- Positive-definite distributions --- Functions --- Entropy maximization --- Entropy maximum principle --- Maximization, Entropy --- Entropy (Information theory) --- Maximum principles (Mathematics) --- Analysis, Fourier --- Mathematical analysis --- Functions, Continuous --- Fonctions continues --- Entropie maximale, Méthode d' --- Fourier, Analyse de --- Fonctions continues. --- Entropie maximale, Méthode d'. --- Fourier, Analyse de.
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In this volume the underlying logic and practice of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is made clear by providing a general modeling framework that utilizes the tools of ML methods.
Mathematical statistics --- Estatistica aplicada as ciencias sociais --- Grootste aannemelijkheid. --- Schattingstheorie. --- Statistische methoden. --- Sociale wetenschappen. --- Méthodes statistiques. --- Sciences sociales --- Estimation, Théorie de l'. --- Maximum vraisemblance. --- Exemple empirique. --- Code Gauss. --- Social sciences --- Estimation theory. --- Théorie de l'estimation --- Statistical methods. --- Méthodes statistiques --- #SBIB:303H522 --- #SBIB:303H10 --- #PBIB:2003.3 --- -Estimation theory --- Estimating techniques --- Least squares --- Stochastic processes --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: handboeken statistische analyse --- Methoden en technieken: algemene handboeken en reeksen --- Statistical methods --- Estimation theory --- Social Sciences --- Statistics - General --- Méthodes statistiques. --- Estimation, Théorie de l'. --- Théorie de l'estimation --- Méthodes statistiques --- Social sciences - Statistical methods
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In Maryland, late in the spring of 1816, the snow fell brown, and blue, and even red. Brown snow fell in Hungary that year, and in the village of Taranto in southern Italy, where any snow is rare, the red and yellow snow caused great alarm. In New England, 1816 was called the Year Without aSummer. Crops failed throughout America, the price of corn and wheat soared, and farmers (lacking feed) sold off livestock, bringing about a collapse in beef and pork prices. In Western Europe, it was even worse, a major disaster, with food riots and armed groups raiding bakeries and grain markets.This turmoil followed a catastrophic volcanic eruption a year earlier on the other side of the world--the April 1815 explosion of the volcano called Tambora, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa--a blast heard almost a thousand miles away in Sumatra.In Tales of the Earth, Charles Officer and Jake Page describe some of the great events of environmental history, from natural catastrophes such as the Tambora eruption, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 (the greatest in recorded history), and the ice ages, to disasters such as the nuclear falloutfrom Chernobyl, acid rain, and the progressive depletion of the ozone layer. Officer and Page present much of their narrative through eye-witness accounts or through the commentary of prominent figures (in discussing the Lisbon earthquake, for instance, they recount the famous clash between Voltaireand Rousseau over the meaning of the disaster, and in discussing the Black Plague, they quote Boccaccio, whose Decameron was set during "the late deadly pestilence"). The authors provide fascinating discussions of meteorites and comets; of the demise of mammoths, mastodons, and dinosaurs; and ofgreat floods that have swept the earth.But if nature can make trouble for humanity, Officer and Page show that human activity can also make trouble for nature. They examine the depletion of natural resources (we burn coal and oil at millions of times their natural rate of production), air pollution in such major urban areas as LosAngeles and London (where the Killer Smog of 1952 caused the death of some four thousand people), and the pollution of major waterways, like the Chesapeake Bay and Lake Erie. And they explore the global impact of such phenomena as depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain, population growth, and thegreenhouse effect.Ranging from catastrophic eruptions at Santorini and Krakatoa to manmade disasters such as the mercury poisoning in Japan's Minamata Bay, Tales of the Earth will interest anyone concerned with the environment and the natural world.
614.87 --- 550.34 --- 551.21 --- 556.166 --- 52-424 --- 551.583 --- 56.017.4 --- 502.55 --- 502.56 --- 551.461.2 --- Exposure to ambient influences. Environmental hazards. Personal protection and safety --- Seismology. Earthquakes --- Vulcanicity. Vulcanism. Volcanoes. Eruptive phenomena. Eruptions --- Maximum runoff. Floods. Flood runoff --- Collisions of bodies and systems (astronomy) --- Variations of climate. Climatic change --- Causes of extinction of organisms in various eras --- Pollution, contamination danger. Protection against pollution --- Danger and damage other than pollution, from agriculture and industry --- Sea level (regardless of tides) --- Earth --- 551.461.2 Sea level (regardless of tides) --- 502.56 Danger and damage other than pollution, from agriculture and industry --- 502.55 Pollution, contamination danger. Protection against pollution --- 56.017.4 Causes of extinction of organisms in various eras --- 551.583 Variations of climate. Climatic change --- 556.166 Maximum runoff. Floods. Flood runoff --- 551.21 Vulcanicity. Vulcanism. Volcanoes. Eruptive phenomena. Eruptions --- 550.34 Seismology. Earthquakes --- 614.87 Exposure to ambient influences. Environmental hazards. Personal protection and safety --- Earth (Planet)
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The aim of this book is to study harmonic maps, minimal and parallel mean curvature immersions in the presence of symmetry. In several instances, the latter permits reduction of the original elliptic variational problem to the qualitative study of certain ordinary differential equations: the authors' primary objective is to provide representative examples to illustrate these reduction methods and their associated analysis with geometric and topological applications. The material covered by the book displays a solid interplay involving geometry, analysis and topology: in particular, it includes a basic presentation of 1-cohomogeneous equivariant differential geometry and of the theory of harmonic maps between spheres.
Cartes harmoniques --- Harmonic maps --- Harmonische kaarten --- Immersies (Wiskunde) --- Immersions (Mathematics) --- Immersions (Mathématiques) --- Harmonic maps. --- Differential equations, Elliptic --- Applications harmoniques --- Immersions (Mathematiques) --- Équations différentielles elliptiques --- Numerical solutions. --- Solutions numériques --- Équations différentielles elliptiques --- Solutions numériques --- Differential equations [Elliptic] --- Numerical solutions --- Embeddings (Mathematics) --- Manifolds (Mathematics) --- Mappings (Mathematics) --- Maps, Harmonic --- Arc length. --- Catenary. --- Clifford algebra. --- Codimension. --- Coefficient. --- Compact space. --- Complex projective space. --- Connected sum. --- Constant curvature. --- Corollary. --- Covariant derivative. --- Curvature. --- Cylinder (geometry). --- Degeneracy (mathematics). --- Diagram (category theory). --- Differential equation. --- Differential geometry. --- Elliptic partial differential equation. --- Embedding. --- Energy functional. --- Equation. --- Existence theorem. --- Existential quantification. --- Fiber bundle. --- Gauss map. --- Geometry and topology. --- Geometry. --- Gravitational field. --- Harmonic map. --- Hyperbola. --- Hyperplane. --- Hypersphere. --- Hypersurface. --- Integer. --- Iterative method. --- Levi-Civita connection. --- Lie group. --- Mathematics. --- Maximum principle. --- Mean curvature. --- Normal (geometry). --- Numerical analysis. --- Open set. --- Ordinary differential equation. --- Parabola. --- Quadratic form. --- Sign (mathematics). --- Special case. --- Stiefel manifold. --- Submanifold. --- Suggestion. --- Surface of revolution. --- Symmetry. --- Tangent bundle. --- Theorem. --- Vector bundle. --- Vector space. --- Vertical tangent. --- Winding number. --- Differential equations, Elliptic - Numerical solutions
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In this book Daniel Hamermesh provides the first comprehensive picture of the disparate field of labor demand. The author reviews both the static and dynamic theories of labor demand, and provides evaluative summaries of the available empirical research in these two subject areas. Moreover, he uses both theory and evidence to establish a generalized framework for analyzing the impact of policies such as minimum wages, payroll taxes, job- security measures, unemployment insurance, and others. Covering every aspect of labor demand, this book uses material from a wide range of countries.
331.52 --- Labor demand --- Labor market --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Demand, Labor --- Demand for labor --- 331.52 Arbeidsmarktstructuur. Vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt. Spreiding van arbeidsplaatsen. Spreiden van arbeidskrachten. Tewerkstellingsgraad --- Arbeidsmarktstructuur. Vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt. Spreiding van arbeidsplaatsen. Spreiden van arbeidskrachten. Tewerkstellingsgraad --- Supply and demand --- Labor demand. --- 331.526 --- 331.123 --- Levels of employment. Employment situation, conditions --- #A9402E --- 331.526 Levels of employment. Employment situation, conditions --- 332.630 --- 332.691 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Labour market --- Labor market. --- Marché du travail --- Mercado de trabajo. --- Cobb–Douglas production function. --- Comparative advantage. --- Compensating differential. --- Contract curve. --- Cost curve. --- Demand For Labor. --- Demand response. --- Derived demand. --- Developed country. --- Developing country. --- Earnings. --- Economic cost. --- Economic efficiency. --- Economic forces. --- Economic interventionism. --- Economics. --- Efficiency wage. --- Efficiency. --- Elasticity of intertemporal substitution. --- Elasticity of substitution. --- Employment. --- Endogenous growth theory. --- Estimation. --- Excess supply. --- Externality. --- Factor cost. --- Factor price. --- Implicit cost. --- Income elasticity of demand. --- Indifference curve. --- Induced innovation. --- Inelastic. --- Inflation. --- Instrumental variable. --- Investment goods. --- Isoquant. --- Job security. --- John Haltiwanger. --- Labour supply. --- Law of demand. --- Layoff. --- Living wage. --- Long run and short run. --- Mandatory retirement. --- Manufacturing in the United States. --- Marginal cost. --- Marginal product. --- Marginal rate of substitution. --- Marginal rate of technical substitution. --- Maximum wage. --- Minimum wage. --- Monopsony. --- Neoclassical economics. --- Net Change. --- Net investment. --- New Keynesian economics. --- Oligopoly. --- Outsourcing. --- Partial equilibrium. --- Payroll tax. --- Phillips curve. --- Present value. --- Price Change. --- Price elasticity of demand. --- Price elasticity of supply. --- Production function. --- Productive efficiency. --- Productivity. --- Profit (economics). --- Profit maximization. --- Real business-cycle theory. --- Real versus nominal value (economics). --- Real wages. --- Recession. --- Reservation wage. --- Response Lag. --- Risk aversion. --- Scarcity. --- Shephard's lemma. --- Shortage. --- Stephen Nickell. --- Subsidy. --- Substitution effect. --- Supply (economics). --- Supply and demand. --- Supply shock. --- Tax incidence. --- Tax. --- Theory of the firm. --- Time preference. --- Total cost. --- Total factor productivity. --- Trade barrier. --- Unemployment in the United States. --- Unemployment. --- Utility. --- Utilization. --- Variable cost. --- Wage.
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