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Kito en Kappie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9025245641 Year: 1969 Publisher: Helmond Helmond

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Kito vindt Poelika terug
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9025245633 Year: 1969 Volume: vol *5 Publisher: Helmond Helmond

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De bokkerijders
ISBN: 9061625513 Year: 1969 Publisher: Antwerpen Uitgeversfirma L. Opdebeek

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Cloches et carillons de la Collégiale Notre Dame de Huy
Year: 1969 Publisher: Arlon Les presses de l'avenir

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Standaard geschiedenis van de 20ste eeuw : foto's, feiten en figuren
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9002111274 900211124X 9002111258 9002111266 9002111282 9002111290 Year: 1969 Publisher: Antwerpen : Standaard Uitgeverij,

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Het einde van de 'Belle Epoque', in de herinnering van vele nog altijd: de goede oude tijd. De wereld was nog tamelijk stil want de moderne techniek stond nog in de kinderschoenen. Koningin Victoria stierf, maar engeland 'still ruled the waves'. (Bron: covertekst)

Lessen voor levenden : gesprekken met stervenden
ISBN: 9026301030 Year: 1969 Publisher: Bilthoven : Ambo,

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253:362.1 --- 253:362.1 Pastoraal voor zieken, ouderen en stervenden --- Pastoraal voor zieken, ouderen en stervenden --- #GGSB: Pedagogie --- #GGSB: Psychologie --- #GGSB: Godsdienstpsychologie --- Sociology of health --- General ethics --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #GGSB: Dood & Levenseinde --- #GGSB: Pastoraal --- Death. --- Attitude to Death. --- stervensbegeleiding --- Attitudes to Death --- Death, Attitude to --- Death, Attitudes to --- Death --- Cardiac Death --- Determination of Death --- Near-Death Experience --- Death, Cardiac --- Thanatology --- Fatal Outcome --- Attitude to Death --- Terminal Care --- #gsdb6 --- #GROL:SEMI-253:393 --- C3 --- palliatieve zorg --- interview --- psychologie --- #KVHB:Sterven --- #KVHB:Dood --- #KVHB:Palliatieve hulpverlening --- 364.46 ) Hulp en bijstand m.b.t. bepaalde groepen --- 418.7 --- 603.2 --- Rouwproces --- Stervensbegeleiding --- 174 --- Dood --- Palliatieve zorg --- Stervenbegeleiding --- rouw --- 174 Beroepsethiek. Beroepsmoraal. Deontologie van het beroep --- Beroepsethiek. Beroepsmoraal. Deontologie van het beroep --- End of Life Care --- Care End, Life --- Care Ends, Life --- Care, Terminal --- Life Care End --- Life Care Ends --- Advance Care Planning --- Kunst en cultuur --- Psychology --- dood --- palliatieve zorgen --- Status of persons --- rouwverwerking --- Social policy and particular groups --- Terminal Care. --- Terminal care. --- Attitude to death. --- Psychologie --- Algemene ethiek --- Sociologie van de gezondheid --- Sociaal beleid inzake bijzondere groepen --- Personenrecht --- End-Of-Life Care --- Care, End-Of-Life --- End-Of-Life Cares --- End Of Life --- End-Of-Life --- Pedagogie --- Godsdienstpsychologie --- Dood & Levenseinde --- Pastoraal

La Documentation catholique
ISSN: 00124613 Year: 1969 Volume: 2191 Publisher: Paris: Paris: Maison de la bonne presse, Bayard-presse,

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Current periodicals --- Revue périodique --- Catholicisme --- Sciences sociales --- 05 --- #GBSG:ts --- C3 --- socialiniai mokslai --- družbene vede --- social sciences --- humanitní vědy --- κοινωνικές επιστήμες --- sociālās zinātnes --- științe sociale --- társadalomtudományok --- општествени науки --- socialvidenskaber --- shkenca sociale --- scienze sociali --- Sozialwissenschaften --- xjenzi soċjali --- yhteiskuntatieteet --- samhällsvetenskap --- ciências sociais --- spoločenské vedy --- nauki społeczne --- eolaíochtaí sóisialta --- друштвене науке --- социални науки --- društvene znanosti --- sociale wetenschappen --- ciencias sociales --- sotsiaalteadused --- menswetenschappen --- sociální vědy --- bölcsészettudományok --- științe umane --- humanističke znanosti --- duchovědy --- humanvetenskap --- scienze umane --- humanities --- společenské vědy --- ühiskonnateadused --- културологија --- studime klasike --- humanidades --- ciências humanas --- sciences humaines --- humanitārās zinātnes --- humanitné vedy --- хуманистички науки --- Gesellschaftswissenschaften --- geesteswetenschappen --- humaniora --- humanitariniai mokslai --- Kulturwissenschaften --- επιστήμες του ανθρώπου --- духовни науки --- samfundsvidenskaber --- humanitaarteadused --- scienze dell'uomo --- Katholizismus --- katolicizem --- katolicizmus --- katolicisms --- katolisuus --- katolicismus --- catolicism --- katalikybė --- katoliiklus --- katolicyzm --- katolicisme --- katholicisme --- католицизам --- katolicizam --- καθολικισμός --- Catholicism --- katolicizëm --- cattolicesimo --- katolicism --- католицизъм --- catolicismo --- papežství --- katolická víra --- katholische Kirche --- katolické náboženství --- římskokatolická církev --- католичка црква --- katolická věrouka --- pausdom --- katolická církev --- katechismus --- papauté --- katolictví --- католичка вера --- papado --- církev římskokatolická --- католичка веронаука --- katolikus vallás --- римокатоличка црква --- påvedöme --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Kunst en cultuur --- Periodicals --- Caitliceachas --- sraitheachán --- Catholic Church --- Periodicals. --- Religious studies --- Ecclesiology --- Revue périodique --- Closed periodicals --- Katholieke Kerk --- Tijdschriften

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