Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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An account of the quantity and value of the foreign merchandize, exported from Great Britain to Portugal, between the 5th of January 1761 and the 5th of January 1787 : distinguishing the several articles, and the years.
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An account of the quantity and value of British manufacture and produce exported from Great Britain to Portugal, from Christmas 1760 to Christmas 1786, inclusive : distinguishing each year, and the species of goods.
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An account of the foreign produce and manufacturers, exported from Great Britain to France, between the 5th of January 1714 and the 5th of January 1787 : distinguishing each year, and the species of goods.
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An Account of the quantity and value of the imports into Great Britain from Portugal, between the 5th of January 1761 and the 5th of January 1787 ;distinguishing the articles, and the years ; pursuant to an Order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated the 2d February 1787
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An account of the quantity and value of the imports into Great Britain from France, between the 5th of January 1714 and the 5th of January 1787 : distinguishing each year, and the species of goods.
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An account of the quantity and value of the British produce and manufactures exported from Great Britain to France, between the 5th of January 1714 and the 5th of January 1787 : distinguishing each year, and the species of goods : pursuant to an order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated the 2d February, 1787.
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An account of the value of all goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into the dominions of Portugal, from Great Britain, and her colonies, in the year 1773 : and, per contra, an account of the value of all goods, wares, and merchandize, exported from the dominions of Portugal to the dominions of Great Britain, ...
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State of the trade between the British dominions and Portugal : taken from the accounts prepared by the British Factory.
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Remonstrance of the French Parliament to the King, on the pernicious tendency of the stamp-duty, &c, &c
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Réponse donnée par le roi, le 25 août 1787, aux remontrances de la Cour des aides : on y a joint l'arrêté de la Cour des aides du 27 août, sur la réponse du roi : l'arrêté de la Cour des monnoies : l'arrêté du Parlement séant à Troyes, du 27 août : & les réquisitoires sur l'impôt du timbre & l'impôt territorial, par M. de Barville, avocat général à la Cour des aides.
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