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New experiments and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh, according to the patentees invention : in a discourse humbly dedicated to His Majesty the King of Great Britain, &c.
Grew, Nehemiah
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : Printed by John Harefinch ...,

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New experiments and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh : according to the patentees invention: in a discourse humbly dedicated to His Majesty, the King of Great Britain, &c. By a fellow of the Colledge of Physicians, and of the Royal-Society.
Grew, Nehemiah
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : printed by John Harefinch,

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Additions au traité de l'eau de mer douce : faisant voir les avantages qui en reviennent tant sur mer que sur terre : avec la lettre de Mr. Boyle & le sentiment du college des medecins de Londres sur la qualité de cette eau : outre les nouvelles experiences du Sieur Nehemie Crew, membre de ce college & de la societé royale

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The supplement to a small treatise called Salt-water sweetned : shewing the great advantages both by sea and land, of sea-water made fresh. Together with the Honourable Mr. Boyle's letter, and the approbation of the Colledge of Physicians, of the wholsomness of this water. And also the conditions on which the patentees and others concern'd, do intend to contract with such as shall please to deal with them for the use of his invention.

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Nouvelles experiences, & utiles remarques, sur L'eau de mer dessalee, suivant la nouvelle invention du Sieur Fitzgerald & de ses associez. Comprises dans ce traité, tres humblement dedié à sa Majesté Britannique, par un membre du college des medecins de Londres, & de la Societe Royale. Et traduit de l'Anglois par le Sieur Guy Miege

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New experiments and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh : according to the patentees invention: in a discourse humbly dedicated to His Majesty, the King of Great Britain, &c. By Nehemiah Grew, M.D. Fellow of the Colledge of Physicians, and of the Royal-Society.
Grew, Nehemiah
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : printed by John Harefinch in Mountague-Court in Little Britain,

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Salt-water sweetned, or, A true account of the great advantages of this new invention both by sea and by land : together with a full and satisfactory answer to all apparent difficulties : also the approbation of the Colledge of Physicians : likewise a Letter of the Honourable Robert Boyle to a friend upon the same subject.

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L'eau de mer douce, ou La nouvelle invention de rendre douce l'eau salée : soutenue par l'approbation speciale du Roi de la Grande Bretagne; sur la Concurrence du College des Medecins de Londres; de la lettre de Mr. Boyle, ecrite sur ce sujet à un de ses amis; & de l'epreuve delicate faite à cette occasion, par le même Mr. Boyle, en presence du Roi : a quoi l'on a ajouté un traité curieux de nouvelles experiences, & utiles remarques, sur l'eau de mer dessalée suivant cette invention. L'un & l'autre tres humblement dediez à sa Majesté britannique

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Nouvelles experiences, et utiles remarques : sur l'eau de mer dessalée, suivant le secret du sieur Fitzgerald, & de ses associez. Par Nehemie Grew, membre du College des Medecins de Londres, & de la Societe Royale.

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New experiments and useful observations concerning sea-water made fresh : according to the patentees invention: in a discourse humbly dedicated to His Majesty, the King of Great Britain, &c. By Nehemiah Grew, M.D. Fellow of the Colledge of Physicians, and of the Royal-Society.
Grew, Nehemiah
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : printed by John Harefinch in Mountague-Court in Little Britain,

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