Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Nouvelle Grammaire Franco̧ise : contenant une methode curieuse & facile, pour parvenir a l'elegance, & à la pureté de cette langue, comme elle se parle aujourdhuy à la cour de France. Augmentée & enrichie de plusieurs dialogues nouveaux, ou se trouvent quantité de belles phrases, sentences, & proverbes, utiles & necessaires a toutes sortes de personnes. Avec une nomenclature Angloise & Francoise, et les reigles de la quantite. Par Paul Festeau, natif de Blois (ou la langue Françoise se parle dans sa pureté) maistre de langues à Londres.
Festeau, Paul.
Year: 1679
Publisher: A Londres : chez Samuel Lowndes, demeurant vis a vis de la Bourse d'Exeter, dans le Strand,

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Claudius Mauger's French grammar : with additions : enriched with a new method, and all the improvements of that famous language as it now flourishes in the court of France : where is to be seen an extraordinary and methodical order for the acquisition of that tongue, viz. a most modish prononciation, the conjugation of irregular verbs, short and substantial rules : to which is subjoyned a most exact grammar of the English tongue, with all advantages that may make it desirable to forreigners.
Mauger, Claude.
Year: 1679
Publisher: London : Printed by S. Roycroft for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell ...,

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Dictionnaire françois : contenant les mots et les choses, plusieurs nouvelles remarques sur la langue françoise : ses expressions propres, figurées et burlesques, la prononciation des mots les plus difficiles, le genre des noms, le régime des verbe

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A dictionary of barbarous French, or, A collection, by way of alphabet, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words in French : taken out of Cotgrave's dictionary with some additions : a work much desired, and now performed, for the satisfaction of such as read Old French

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Dictionarium tetraglotton, novum in quo voces Latiniae omnes cum Graeca, Gallica ac Belgica interpretatione habentur studio et labore

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A new dictionary French and English, with another English and French : according to the present use, and modern orthography of the French, enrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs, digested into a most accurate method, and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners : to which is added, A collection of barbarous French, or, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words for the satisfaction of such as read old French authors
Miege, Guy
Year: 1679
Publisher: London : Printed for Thomas Basset ...,

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Indiculus universalis, or, The universe in epitome : wherein the names of almost all the works of nature, of all arts and sciences, with their most necessary terms, are in English, Latine & French, methodically and distinctly digested ...

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A dictionary of barbarous French : Or, a collection, by way of alphabet, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words in French : taken out of Cotgrave's dictionary, with some additions...

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