Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Hell broke loose: or An history of the Quakers both old and new. : Setting forth many of their opinions and practices. Published to antidote Christians against formality in religion and apostasie. By Thomas Underhill citizen of London.
Underhill, Thomas.
Year: 1660
Publisher: London, : Printed for Simon Miller at the Starre in St. Paul's Church-yard,

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The strength and power of God manifested (in the creatures weakness) against the hard judgment and judgments of cruel and unreasonable minded men ...

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This is to be conveyed to the priest that made a dead sermon to the dead body of him that was called Justice Waterton; : contrary to the example of any of the apostles; or to any that mourneth in the same deceit with them.

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The heart of New-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or a brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, : demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state; with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary truth.
Norton, John
Year: 1660
Publisher: London, : Printed by John Allen at the Rising-Sunne in St. Pauls Church-yard.,

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A sad and mournfull lamentation : for the people of these nations, but especially for the priests, and leaders of them; and the more because of that which is coming to passe.
Smith, Humphrey
Year: 1660
Publisher: [[London?] : Printed for M.W.,

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Yet one warning more, to thee O England : together with a very tender lamentation with bowels of compassion & mourning, yet over thee O land. By one through whom the eternal, powerful, and heavenly voice, is uttered and sounded forth as a trumpet, ...
D. B.
Year: 1660
Publisher: London, : Printed for Robert Wilson,

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Faith in Gods promises, the saints best weapon: or, The great use and availableness of faith, both for the support and growth of saints in times most perilous. : Plainly discovering that the want of faith in the way of Gods promises, is the great cause of the want of Gods presence. With several considerations for the encrease of faith, tha[t] henceforth the saints may by faith so draw nigh unto God, and in faith so wait upon God, as with certainty of receiving from him. Whereunto is added something concerning the great errour and mistake of many men concerning the true Christ, and how he is said to be in his people; with other things very necessary to be known in order to saints resisting the temptation of the present times.
Caffyn, Matthew
Year: 1660
Publisher: London, : Printed by S. Dover, for F. Smith, at the Elephant and Castle, without Temple-Bar.,

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The Quaker-Jesuite, or, Popery in Quakerisme : being a clear discovery 1. That their doctrines, with their proofs and arguments, are fetcht out of the Council of Trent, Bellarmine, and others. 2. That their practises are fetcht out of the rules and practises of popish monks. With a serious admonition to the Quakers, to consider their ways, and return from whence they are fallen.
Brownsword, William
Year: 1660
Publisher: London : printed by J.M. and are to be sold by Miles Harrison, bookseller in Kendal,

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L'espreuve de la foy : en quoy le fondement de la foy est descouvert, a sçavoir, de la foy de l'hypocrite qui perit, & de la foy des saincts, laquelle est fondʹee fur la roche eternelle, afin que tous voyent quelle est leur foy, & que c'est enquoy ils se fient. Escrit afin qu'un chacun vienne au vray cercheur de la foy, & que leur foy dont ils parlent, & en laquelle on se fie soit cerchʹee, & le cœur du Pharisien soit manifestʹe, & cerchʹe, & que les pauvres ignorants & creatures aveugles viennent voir, & ne soyent plus trompʹees, en fiant en ce qui perit: en veritʹe il est de grande importance à un chacun, mesme à l'ame, a sçauoir l'espreuue de vostre foy. Escrit de par l'esprit du Seigneur, & publiʹe pour le bien de tous, afin qu'ils viennent bastir sur la roche eternelle, auec celuy duquel le nom selon le monde est. Jacques Parnell, qui par mespris et appellé Quaker, c'est a dire trembleur.
Parnell, James
F. G.
Year: 1660
Publisher: Londres : imprimʹe par T.M. pour Robert Wilson, et se vendent ʹa la boutique ʹa l'enseigne de l'Aigle noir, au rue appellee St. Martins Le grand,

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L'espreuve de la foy, : en quoy le fondement de la foy est descouvert, a scavoir, de la foy de l'hypocrite qui perit, & de la foy des saincts, laquelle est fondeé fur la roche eternelle, afin que tous voyent quelle est leur foy, & que c'est enquoy ils se fient. Escrit afin qu'un chacun vienne au vray cercheur de la foy, & que leur foy dont ils parlent, & en laquelle on se fie soit cercheé, & le coeur du Pharisien soit manifeste, & cerche, & que les pauvres ignorants & creatures aveugles viennent voir, & ne soyent plus trompees, en fiant en ce qui perit: en veriteé il est de grande importance a` un chacun, mesme a` l'ame, a scauoir l'espreuue de vostre foy. Escrit de par l'esprit du Seigneur, & publieé pour le bien de tous, afin qu'ils viennent bastir sur la roche eternelle, auec celuy duquel le nom selon le monde est.
Parnell, James
F. G.
Year: 1660
Publisher: Londres, : imprimeé par T.M. pour Robert Wilson, et se vendent a` sa boutique a` l'enseigne de l'Aigle noir, au rue appellee St. Martins Le grand,

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