Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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De morbis puerorum, or, a treatise of the diseases of children; : with their causes, signs, prognosticks, and cures, for the benefit of such as do not understand the Latine tongue, and very useful for all such as are house-keepers, and have children. With the contents of the several chapters, as also an alphabetical table of all the diseases mentioned herein. By Robert Pemell practitioner in physick, at Cranebrooke in Kent. May the 29. 1653.
Pemell, Robert.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London, : Printed by J. Legatt, for Philemon Stephens, at the guilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard.,

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Tractatus, de facultatibus simplicium, : the second part of the treatise of the nature and qualitie of such physical simples as are most frequently used in medicines. Methodically handled for the benefit of those that understand not the Latine tongue. To which is added many compound medicines for many diseases incident to manking; as also an alphabetical table at the latter end very necessary for the reader. By Robert Pemell practicioner of physick, at Cranebrooke in Kent.
Pemell, Robert.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London, : Printed by J. Legatt, for Philemon Stephens, at the guilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard.,

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A rich closet of physical secrets collected by the elaborate pains of four several students in physick, and digested together : viz. The child-bearers cabinet. A preservative against the plague and smal pox. Physical experiments presented to our late Queen Elizabeths own hands. With certain approved medicines, taken out of a manuscript, found at the dissolution of one of our English abbies, and supplied with some of his own experiments, by a late English doctor.
A. M.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London : printed by Gartrude Dawson, and are to be sold by John Saywell at his shop at the sign of the Greyhound in little Britain without Aldersgate,

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A choice manuall, or rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery : collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of gascon pouder, and lapis contra yarvam, by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite waies of preserving, conserving, candying, &c.
Kent, Elizabeth Grey
Year: 1653
Publisher: London : printed by G[artrude]. D[awson]. and are to be sold by William Shears, at the sign of the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard,

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A choice manual of rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery
Kent, Elizabeth Grey
W. J.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London : Printed by G.D., and are to be sold by William Shears ...,

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A choice manval of rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery;

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A Book of fruits & flovvers. : Shewing the nature and use of them, either for meat or medicine. As also: to preserve, conserve, candy, and in wedges, or dry them. To make powders, civet bagges, all sort of sugar-works, turn'd works in sugar, hollow or frutages; and to pickell them. And for meat. To make pyes, biscat, maid dishes, marchpanes, leeches, and snow, craknels, caudels, cakes, broths, fritter-stuffe, puddings, tarts, syrupes, and sallets. For medicines. To make all sorts of poultisses, and serecloaths for any member swell'd or inflamed, ointments, waters for all wounds, and cancers, salves for aches, to take the ague out of any place burning or scalding; for the stopping of suddain bleeding, curing the piles, ulcers, ruptures, coughs, consumptions, and killing of warts, to dissolve the stone, killing the ring-worme, emroids, and dropsie, paine in the ears and teeth, deafnesse.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London : Printed by M.S. for Tho: Jenner at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, London.,

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