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Nobilissimi herois, Dn. Caroli Howardi, Comitis Nottinghamiæ, Surriæ P.T. Apotheōsis. : Ad illustrissimum V. Dn Carolum Howardum, Comitem Nottinghamiæ, Baronem de Effingham, tou makaritou fratrem superstitem.

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[Nobilissimi] herois, [Dn.] Caroli Howardi, Comitis Notti[nghamiae, Surriae] P.T. Apotheōsis. : Ad [illustrissimum] V. Dn Caro[lum H]owardum, Comitem Nott[inghamiae, Baron]em de Effingham, [tou makaritou fratrem super]stitem.

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Nobilissimi herois, Dn. Caroli Howardi, Comitis Nottinghamiæ, Surriæ P.T. Apotheōsis : Ad illustrissimum V. Dn Carolum Howardum, Comitem Nottinghamiæ, Baronem de Effingham, tou makaritou fratrem superstitem.

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A discovery of the trecherous attempts of the cavaliers to have procured the betraying of Nottingham Castle into their hands : and how Colonell Hutchinson the governour thereof was promised to be made the best lord in Nottingham shire ... : with their constant resolution never to betray the trust the Parliament hath reposed in them ; nor desert the so just and lawfull cause they have engaged themselves in : exprest in a letter sent to Mr. Millington a member of the House of Commons and foure more that came with it.

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A discovery of the trecherous attempts of the cavaliers, to have procured the betraying of Nottingham Castle into their hands. : And how Colonell Hutchinson the governour thereof was promised to be made the best Lord in Nottingham shire, and to have ten thousand pounds, and the command of the said castle confirmed to him and his heires, if he would deliver it unto them: and their large offers to his Brother, and divers other commanders. With their constant resolution never to betray the trust the Parliament hath reposed in them: nor desert the so just and lawfull cause they have engaged themselves in. Exprest in a letter sent to Mr. Millington a member of the House of Commons, and foure more that came with it.

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