Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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An impeachment of high treason exhibited in Parliament against James, Lord Strange, son and heire apparant of William, Earle of Derby, by the Commons assembled in Parliament in the name of themselves and all the Commons of England : vvith an order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the apprehending of the said Lord to be published in all churches and chappels, markets, and townes, in the county of Lancaster and Chester.

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To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the humble desires of the high court of Parliament : declaring the grounds and chief motives that induce them to proceed in this course of raising a guard to defend themselves against all such as should oppose them : with the grounds of their fears collected into severall heads : also horrible news from Manchester, declaring a great skirmish betwixt the Lord Stranges forces and the followers of the deputy lieutenants, Iuly 19 : whereunto is annexed the Parliaments protestation to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty.

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Newes from Manchester being a trve relation of the battell fought before Manchester : wherein the Lord Strange lost 150 men besides 100 taken prisoners with the losse only of 12 men of the town side whereof six of them were taken prisoners
Year: 1642
Publisher: London : Printed for Richard Best,

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A True and exact relation of the proceedings of His Majesties army in Cheshire, Shropshire and Worstershire : together with what hath happened to the late Lord Strange now Earl of Derby, before Manchester : with the resolution of the town to oppose him and the number of men which were slain.
T. C.
Year: 1642
Publisher: London : Printed for M. Batt.,

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Good newes out of Cheshire. : Being a certaine relation of the late passages of that great malignant, James Earle of Darby; how he raised forces against the Parliament. With which drawing towards the Kings army near Brumicham in Warwicke-shire, he was set upon and defeated by the trained bands of that county, losing in the fight six hundred of his cavaliers.
Year: 1642
Publisher: London : Printed for Iohn Davis,

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Severall letters from the committees in severall counties. : To the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, speaker of the House of Commons, read in both Houses of Parliament, Iune 27. 1642. Wherein (amongst divers other passages very remarkable) is related how the towns men of Manchester, put themselves into arms, and stood upon their defence against the Lord Strange and his forces, who came to seize on the magazine. With an intercepted letter from Sir Edward Fitton, to Sir Thomas Aston at York: discovering a fowl designe of the malignant party. Whereunto is added severall votes of both Houses. Die Lunæ, 27. Junii, 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that these votes and four letters be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.

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A true and exact relation of the proceedings of His Majesties army in Cheshire, Shropshire and Worstershire. : Together with what hath happened to the late Lord Strange now Earl of Derby, before Manchester. With the resolution of the town to oppose him; and the number of men which were slain.

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An impeachment of high treason exhibited in Parliament, against James, Lord Strange, son and heire apparant of William, Earle of Derby, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves, and all the Commons of England. : VVith an order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the apprehending of the said Lord, to be published in all churches, and chappels, markets and townes, in the county of Lancaster and Chester. 16 September, 1642. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that this impeachment, with the order, shall be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliament.

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An impeachment of high treason, exhibited in Parliament : against Iames L Strange, sonne and heir apparant of William Earle of Derby by the Commons assembled in Parliament in the names of themselves and all the Commons of England, with an order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the apprehending of the said Lord, to be published in all churches, chappels, markets, and townes in the county of Lancaster and Chester.

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Victorious news from the Earle of Essex. : Being a true relation of a famous battaile fought betwixt His Excellencie and the Lord Strange upon the second dayes march from Northampton; their being slain on the Lord Strange his side forty, and but five slaine of the Earle of Essex. Wherein is declared how the Lord Strange was taken prisoner with five other chiefe commanders, there being found a warrant about the Lord Strange concerning the commission of array, which the Earle of Essex tooke. The number of armes and ammunition that was taken from the cavaleers the 19. Sept. 1642. 7. drummes. 5. peece of ordnance. 500. pikes. and 650. muskets. 109. horse with sadles. 220. pistols. 109. carbines. As many bridles. 1200. swords. with 3. cart load of materials for warre as spades. &c Published to prevent all false copies.
Year: 1642
Publisher: London : Printed for Wil. Cooke,

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