Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Ianuary 12. Numb. 6. The continuation of our vveekely avisoes, since the 2. ditto to the 12. of the same : Containing amongst divers other things these particulars following; the arrivall of the Queene of Sweden at the citie of Wittenburg, where a few houres after came a messenger from the King of Sweden, that presented her with these particulars following. An image of the child Iesus of pure gold ... and another image of S. Martin of pure gold; all which amongst other he had taken, being ornaments of popish churches. The present state of Tillyes armie ... The rendring of the citie of Mentz, and Oppenheym, with the taking of that castle by assault, with the articles of agreement vpon the former rendring. The cruell and barbarous behaviour of the Spanisp [sic] towards all the townes which they doe forsake before they depart away from them. The King of Sweden hath lately taken in the Palatinate these townes; Oppenheym, Crutznatk, Bagrag, Ladenburg, Slakenburg, and all the Bergstraight ...
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October 3. Numb. 48. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, from the 26. of September to this present : The encamping of the K. of Swedens army behind Furt, to entercept the furnishing of Walsteyns army with victuals. The Duke of Bavaria would haue gone into his owne country, but was refused. The apprehension of the Marquis De Oliuares, and Leganes in Spaine. The great victories lately obtained by the Saxon and Swedish forces in Silesia, with the taking of Steynan, where the Imperiall Generall Don Baltbazar, and the rest of the chiefe commanders, with 3000. souldiers were forced to saue themselues in the Sconce. The taking of the Imperiall Generall Holken that hath lately done all the spoile and mischeife in Bohemia. The taking of the citie Offenburgh by Gustavus Horne, very advantagious for the Swedish. Some passages betwixt the French King and Monsieur tending to an agreement, with some articles propounded. Newes from Spaine of that great losse of the King of Spaine in the East Indies. Certaine commissioners sent from the arch-dutchesse to the states to treat of peace.
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September 1. Numb. 42. The continuation of our weekely avisoes, since the 23. of the last, to the first of this present : Conteining amonst the rest, these particulars following. A patheticall speech made by the King of Sweden to his commaunders and captaines, vpon occasion of some misdemeanors committed by the souldiers. The confirmation of the burning of the Walsteyn and Bavarian magazen at Fryenstadt, together with the defeat given vnto some imperiall regiments at the same time. The taking of great Glogaw and Breslaw, with other townes in Silesia, by the nixt forces of the Swedes, Saxons and Brandenburgers. The preparation of the King of Sweden by (command of a generall fast throughout the whole army, and in the city of Norimberg) to goe vpon some great designe, most of his forces being come to him. Something concerning France, and the troubles there.
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Iune 23. 1632. Numb. 29. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 16. of this present : The continuance of the troubles at Constantinople. The differences in Polonia, about the choyce of a new King. The articles between the King of Sweden and the Duke of Bavaria. A letter of the French kings, relating the troubles betwixt his majestie and the Duke of Loraine. Some Low-Country passages about the present state of the warres there. The rendition of Prague to the Emperour vpon conditions. Some late passages of the King of Sweden in Bavaria. Also, the pursuite of the Spanish by the Swedish in the Palatinate.
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Iune 6. Numb. 26. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 28. of the last moneth, to this present : 1. The care of the old King and State of Poland, to provide for the defence of Lituania, and the confines, against the present invasion of the Muscovite. 2. The like care of the late King of Poland, for the governement of that kingdome in the interregnum, (being sicke) if in case he should die, and of his death on the 29. of Aprill following. 3. The names of some of the competitors which doe now labour to make a faction to be elected king. 4. The latest and best confirmed newes of the King of Sweden his proceeding in Bavaria, and of those cruelties vsed by the mutinous Boores against some of the Swedes, whereupon the King hath beene forced to punish that country, more then hee hath done any place, since he came into Germany [...]
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Aprill 28. Numb. 20. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 24. ditto : Conteining many very remarkeable passages concerning Germany, Italy, France, the Low Countries, &c. As namely, the popes deniall to furnish the emperour with money. Discontents betwixt the emperour, and the Prince of Transilvania. A more particular relation of the King of Swedens routing of Generall Tilly neare Ausburgh. His maiesties further proceedings since then, and of his taking in of these townes Ginsburgh, Lawingen, Hoogstadt; Dillingen, Grundelingen, Windelingen, Elching, Kirberg, Oberendorfe. A pretty passage betwixt the King of Sweden and one of Tillies sentinels. The restoring of the Protestant religion at Donawert, and rendring of divers cities and townes in Bavaria, to his Maistie of Sweden. With many other particulars from divers other places.
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The continuation of our Swedish intelligence, since the 23. of the last, to the first of this present. : Conteining amongst the rest, these particulars following. A patheticall speech made by the King of Sweden to his commaunders and captaines, vpon occasion of some misdemeanors committed by the souldiers. The confirmation of the burning of the Walsteyn and Bavarian magazen at Fryenstadt, together with the defeat given vnto some Imperiall regiments at the same time. The taking of great Glogaw and Breslaw, with other townes in Silesia, by the mixt forces of the Swedes, Saxons and Brandenburgers. The preparation of the King of Sweden by (command of a generall fast throughout the whole army, and in the city of Norimberg) to goe vpon some great designe, most of his forces being come to him. Something concerning France, and the troubles there..
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