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1623 (16)

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Iune 26. Numb. 37. More nevves; containing, the troubles in the emprire vpon the comming of Bethlem Gabor : As also, Mounsieur Tillies quartering in Hessenland. Brunsvvicks muster, forces, and march. Mansfields stay of the ships of Embden, for the carrying away of his army. The King of Denmarkes forwardnesse. The continuance of the siege of Warendorp, by the Baron of Anholt. The preparations of Don Cordoua, Spinola, and the Prince of Orange for the field. The last newes of the Grisons. Together with, the continuation of our former newes.
Year: 1623 Publisher: London : Printed [by Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, and Thomas Archer,

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February the 11. Numb. 18. Weekely newes, containing these particulars : A proclamation published by the states, for the apprehending of the conspirators of the late intented horrible treason against the whole state of the vnited Prouinces, and against the King and Queen of Bohemia, and their children; with seuerall letters concerning the plot, annexed to this present weekes relation, &c. : The generall meeting appointed by the Emperor in Austria and the land of Ens. : The murther committed on the person of the Lord of Polnitz (hauing beene ambassador of the Duke of Saxony) at Regenspurg. : The execution at Ispruck of a Protestant preacher who made a braue end, and died very resolutely. : The propositions made by the ambassadors of the elector of Saxony before the Emperor at Regenspurg. : The answer vpon them in the name of his Imperiall Maiestie. : The resolutions o the electors of Collen, Mentz, and Trier, touching the election of the new elector. : The propositions of the Emperor at the dyet. : With diuers other speciall occurrences.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathanael Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and William Sheffard.,

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The affaires of Italy, with the crowning and inauguration of the new Pope Barbarino a Florentine in Rome, and other accidents. : The occurrents of Hungary, with the affaires of the Prince of Transiluania, concerning his proceedings with the Emperour. Letters from Vienna, with the Emperours preparation against Bethelem Gabor. The siege of Lipstate in Westphalia, with the causes of the same, and many seuerall accidents arising from thence newes from the Hage, with the businesse of the prouinces thereabouts. What they write from Antwerpe, with the particulars of Brussels, as the present time affords..
Year: 1623 Publisher: [S.l.] : Printed for Nathaniel Butter.,

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Decemb. 13. Number 7. Weekely nevves from Germanie, and other places of Europe. : VVith the late proceedings of Bethlem Gabor, with his approaches towards Vienna and Prague, with seuerall armies, and diuers ouerthrowes giuen to the Emperours forces. The lantsgraue of Hessens message to the King of Denmarke. The Emperours sending away of the Empresse and his children to Inspurg from Vienna. The feare that Prague and Vienna is of the Transiluanian armies and others. The Popes new prayer for the Emperours proceedings.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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[May 30. Number 34. The last newes].
Year: 1623 Publisher: [London : Printed by Eliot's Court Press for N. Butler, and T. Archer,

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A relation of Count Mansfeilds last proceedings, since his entertainement into the service of the French king. : Also Bethlem Gabons great preparations. The last dsiposing of things in the Palatinate. The Duke of Fianoes [sic] entring vpon the Valtoline for the pope. Likewise the last designes of Count Henry Vandenberg. With the Prince of Oranges marching to Breda. Lastly, the Duke of Brunswicks, the king of Demarkes, and Don Cordua's last proceedings. With diverse other remakeable [sic] passages from forraine parts..
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and William Sheffard.,

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A relation of the late horrible treason, intended against the Prince of Orange, and the whole state of the vnited prouinces, according to the Dutch coppy printed at the Hage. : Whereunto is added these particulars out of our Weekely Newes: A declaration published by the French king, in behalfe and for the restoring of the Marquesse of Rosny ... The arriuall at Constantinople of the ambassadors of Sweden, Muscouia, and Polonia ... Whereunto is added A most true and wonderfull vision seene by Intien Iansen ... at Oosterzee ... With diuers other particular relations, of many parts of the world..
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter, Bartholomew Downes, and Thomas Archer.,

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July 29. Numb. 42. More newes of the good successe of the Duke of Brunsvvicke : Fully relating his last and seuerall victories atchieued against the forces of Monsieur Tilly. With the muster, march, strength, order, approches, encounters, and pursuits of the said Duke of Brunswick; from the first setting forth vnto the third of our Iuly. As likewise some letters betwixt the old Duke of Brunswick and Monsieur Tilly, concerning the state of the businesse. Something also of the emperours other preparations, and seuerall other occurences about the Kings of Denmarke, Poland, and Sweden. Together with other weekely newes from sundry other places.
Authors: ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London : Printed [by Eliot's Court Press?] for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne,

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Aug. 27. Numb. 45. More nevves for this present weeke. : Relating, the fresh noise of the approach of the Turkes towards the Empire. The agreement of the lower Saxony with the Emperour. The present state of the Duke of Brunswickes, Monsieur Tillyes, and Count Mansfields armies. Many particulars of the Prince of Oranges going into the field. Together, with something about the election of the new Pope and diuers prodigies lately seene in the Empire, with diuers other particulars from seuerall places..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard.,

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Nouember 11. Number 3. The wonderfull resignation of Mustapha, and the aduancing of Amarath a younger brother of the lately deposed Osman. : The descending of the Tartars into Podolia, and Walachia, who taking some aduantages of the Cossacks vnrulinesse, thought to surprize the towne of Leopolis. The continuing of Bethelem Gabor in Hungarie, not comming thither by a voluntarie incursion, as hath beene coniectured: but by the calling of the nobility, who had long since nominated him King. The state of Count Mansfields armie, with the lamentable accident of Carbason, his sergeant maiors cutting off his wiues head, by reason one called him cuckold. The present estate of Spinola's armie. The present estate of the affaires in Holland, and the armie of the Prince of Orange..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: Printed at London : By Edw. All-de, and are to be sold by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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