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1623 (9)

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July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick : Relating the late and full ouerthrow giuen by him to two regiments of Monsieur Tilly. The continuance of Bethlem Gabers warlike preparations. Some new propositions made by the emperour vnto him. Count Mansfields march out of Embdenland, vnto Meppen. With other newes of the Prince of Orang and Spinolaes last designes. Together with diuers other particulars, from seuerall places and the continuation of our former newes.
Authors: ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London : printed [by Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard,

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Decemb. 13. Number 7. Weekely nevves from Germanie, and other places of Europe. : VVith the late proceedings of Bethlem Gabor, with his approaches towards Vienna and Prague, with seuerall armies, and diuers ouerthrowes giuen to the Emperours forces. The lantsgraue of Hessens message to the King of Denmarke. The Emperours sending away of the Empresse and his children to Inspurg from Vienna. The feare that Prague and Vienna is of the Transiluanian armies and others. The Popes new prayer for the Emperours proceedings.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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Aug. 27. Numb. 45. More nevves for this present weeke. : Relating, the fresh noise of the approach of the Turkes towards the Empire. The agreement of the lower Saxony with the Emperour. The present state of the Duke of Brunswickes, Monsieur Tillyes, and Count Mansfields armies. Many particulars of the Prince of Oranges going into the field. Together, with something about the election of the new Pope and diuers prodigies lately seene in the Empire, with diuers other particulars from seuerall places..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard.,

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The newes of Europe, containing these particulars. : the iealousie of Italy concerning Bethelem Gabor, and the Emperour. The distresse of the Emperours army. The proceedings of Bethelem Gabor. The seuerall townes he hath surprised. The diuers ouerthrowes, to which the Imperiall Army hath beene subiect. The affrightings of Prague and Vienna. The calling of Tilly out of Hessen. The preparations of Mansfield and Brunswicke to rise. The solemne Christening of the King of Bohemiaes youngest sonne. A generall fast. and praiers among the States..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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September 24. Number 49 more nevves for this present weeke : Kelating [sic], the last businesse betwixt the Emperour & Bethlem Gabor. The manner of the Iesuites peruerting of Protestants in the Palatinate. The preparations of the princes of both Saxonies for their owne defence. The present posture of the warre betwixt Monsieur Tilly, and the Count of Mansfield. The iourney of the prince from Madrid to the port of St. Anderas, and of his imbarking for England. With something also, concerning the present affaires of the lowe Countries, Turkie, &c. And, a further relation of the Protestants synode in France..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard.,

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October 2. Number 50 Our last nevves containing, a relation of the last proceedings betwixt the Emperour, Bethlem Gabor and other princes. : As also, the King of Denmarks, the landgraue of Hessens, and the lower Saxonies preparations for the defensiue. Likewise, the prosecution of the businesse betwixt Tilly and Mansfield, and Tillyes marching vpwards. More also of the siege of Lipstadt. And of a late designe of the Prince of Orange, with the last affaires about the Grisons. At the end is annexed by a reuerend diuine, an admonition touching a relation lately published of the birth of antichrist in Babilon. With many other particulars of consideration..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Thomas Archer.,

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Nouember 11. Number 3. The wonderfull resignation of Mustapha, and the aduancing of Amarath a younger brother of the lately deposed Osman. : The descending of the Tartars into Podolia, and Walachia, who taking some aduantages of the Cossacks vnrulinesse, thought to surprize the towne of Leopolis. The continuing of Bethelem Gabor in Hungarie, not comming thither by a voluntarie incursion, as hath beene coniectured: but by the calling of the nobility, who had long since nominated him King. The state of Count Mansfields armie, with the lamentable accident of Carbason, his sergeant maiors cutting off his wiues head, by reason one called him cuckold. The present estate of Spinola's armie. The present estate of the affaires in Holland, and the armie of the Prince of Orange..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: Printed at London : By Edw. All-de, and are to be sold by Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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October 28. Number 2. A most true relation : contayning the great inuasion made by Bethlem Gabor in the Emperours dominions, with particular names of those townes he hath taken in already. As likewise, the marching vp of Monsieur Tilly to the Emperour: and the great preparations in defence: with the Emperours further designes to crosse the attempts of Bethlem Gabor. As also, the siege of Brin in Versperimur in Hungary, by the Turkes. With diuers other matters of moment concerning Count Mansfield, the war-like proceedings at the siege of Lipstadt: and the affaires of the low countries.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edward Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard.,

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September 12. Numb. 47. Our last weekly newes. : Relating the proceedings betwixt the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor. Diuers particulars about religion in the Empire. The last newes of the Counts of Tillie and Mansfield. As also of the Prince of Oranges, and the Marquesse of Spinolaes armies. The present businesse concerning the Valtoline. Together with diuers other very memorable occurrences, from the seuerall parts of the world..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne,

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