Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflow[ings] of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and [other] places of England : destroying many thousands of men, wome[n,] and children, ouerthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other cattle.
Year: 1607
Publisher: Printed at London : by W[illiam]. I[aggard]. for Edward White and are to be solde at the signe of the Gunne at the north doore of Paules,
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More strange nevves: of wonderfull accidents hapning by the late ouerflowings of waters, in Summerset-shire, Gloucestershire, Norfolke, and other places of England : with a true relation of the townes names that are lost, and the number of persons drowned, with other reports of accidents that were not before discouered: happening about Bristow and Barstable.
Year: 1607
Publisher: Printed at London : By W[illiam] I[aggard] for Edward White and are to be sold at the signe of the Gunne at the north doore of Paules,
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1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England : destroying many thousands of men, women, and children, ouerthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other cattle.
Year: 1607
Publisher: Printed at London : By W[illiam] I[aggard] for Edward White and are to be solde at the signe of the Gunne at the north doore of Paules,
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Een vvarachtich verhael van de schrickelicke springvloedt in het landtschap van Summerset, Norford ende verscheyden andere plaetsen in Enghelandt gheschiet ..
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Een vvarachtich verhael van de schrickelicke springhvloedt in het landtschap van Summerset, Norford, ende verscheyden andere plaetsen in Enghelandt ..
Claesz, Cornelis
Year: 1607
Publisher: Amsterdam by Cornelis Caelsz. [sic]
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