Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Certaine articles concerning the statute lately made for the reliefe of the poor : to be executed in London, by the churchwardens and ouerseers of euery parish, according to the effect of the same statute.
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: [London] : Imprinted by [J. Windet for] Iohn Wolfe, printer to the honourable Citie of London,

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By the Queene. A proclamation for the due obseruation of fish dayes, suppressing of vnneccessary number of alehouses, and for the better execution of the late acte for punishment of rogues, vagabonds and beggers
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie,

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By the Queene. A proclamation for the publication of her Maiesties most gracious commission vnder the great seale of England, for auoyding of the trouble and charges that grow by concealements : and that her Highnesse louing subiects may compound for securitie of their estates from her Maiestie for a perpetuall quiet to them and their posterities.
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie,

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By the Queene. The Queenes Maiesties proclamation, declaring her princely intention to inhibite her subiects vpon most extreme paynes from offending on the seas : any persons in their ships or goods, being the subiected of any prince, potentate or state, in amitie with her Maiestie.
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie,

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By the Queene : The Queenes Maiesties proclamation declaring here princely resolution in sending ouer of her army into the realme of Ireland.
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie,

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Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties priuie councell, and by her Highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent : and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbes of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and about the same, as by order to be prescribed by the Lords Lieutenants of all the counties of the realme to the iustices of peace, Lords of Liberties, and officers of corporate townes. 1. Febr. xlij. yeere of her Maiesties reigne.
England and Wales.
Year: 1599
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie,

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Lavves and orders of vvarre : established for the good conduct of the seruice in Ireland.

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By the Lord Generall. Whereas it hath pleased the Queenes Maiestie for necessary defence of her Highnesse realme against forreine inuitation, to cause sundry troupes of horse and footemen to be leuied out of diuers adioyning counties, ..., We Charles Earle of Notingham, Baron Haward of Effingham, ... doe by this our proclamation straightly charge and commaund ...

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Het Boeck der secreten : inhoudende die conditien, contracten, enz., der Coninginne van Enghelant ende der Gheunieerde Provincien ... besloten den x augusti, anno 1585 : item, vint hier inne die secreten ofte handelinge ... van date den vj augusti 1598 : noch de Beschrijvinghe des ... morts van den Graef van Broeck : mitsgaders eenen brief van den Admirante gheschreven aen den Raedt van Gulick ... : boven desen noch de Beschrijvinghe der gheboorte, enz., van den jonghen Coninck van Schotlandt.

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