Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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A sermon preached at Whaddon in Buckinghamshyre the 22. of Nouember 1593. at the buriall of the Right Honorable, Arthur Lorde Grey of Wilton, Knight of the most Honorable order of the Garter, by Thomas Sparke pastor of Blechley
Sparke, Thomas
Year: 1593
Publisher: At Oxford : Printed by Ioseph Barnes printer to the Vniversitie,
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Carre. 1593. An almanacke and, prognostication for the yeere of our redemption. MDXCIII, being from the fyrst creation of the worlde 5555. yeeres with sundry short, pichthy, and pleasant rules and tables: worthy with delyre earnestly to be read, and with atte[ ... ] obseruation [ ... ] lesse diligently to be remembred: collected accroding to art by Iames Carre, maister of Artes
Carre, James
Year: 1593
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis,
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Gwydonius : The card of fancie wherein the follie of those carpet knightes is deciphered, which guiding their course by the compasse of Cupid, either dash their ship against most daungerous rockes, or else attaine the hauen with paine and perill. Wherein also is described in the person of Gwydonius, a cruell combat betweene nature and necessitie. By Robert Greene Maister of Art, in Cambridge.
Greene, Robert
Year: 1593
Publisher: London : Printed by Th. C[reede] for William Posonbie,
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A learned and notable sermon vpon the text Vos autem non sic. But you not so : Lately preached vpon speciall occasion, by M. Butler of Owndell, in S. Maries Church in the Vniuersity of Cambridge: and succinctly debating the chiefe matters, which are now in question in the Church of England. Verie profitable for the further resoluing of them, who being brought into suspence by the contradiction of ministers, are content to lend an indifferent eare vnto the truth.
Year: 1593
Publisher: At London : Printed by [R. Field for] Iohn VVolfe,
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Frende. 1593. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lorde God. M.D.XCIII. : Composed according to lawfull and lawdable art, and referred specially to the meridian and eleuation of the northeren pole of Canterburie, but may serue vniuersally, without any great error, for most partes of Englande. By Gabriell Frende, practitioner in Astrologie and phisicke.
Frende, Gabriel
Year: 1593
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Richarde Watkins and Iames Robertes. Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis,
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The phoenix nest : Built vp with the most rare and refined workes of noble men, woorthy knights, gallant gentlemen, masters of arts, and braue schollers. Full of varietie, excellent inuention, and singular delight. Neuer before this time published. Set foorth by R.S. of the Inner Temple Gentleman.
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Moriemini. A verie profitable sermon preached before her Maiestie at the court, about xiij. yeares since: by H.B.
H. B.
Broughton, Hugh
Year: 1593
Publisher: London : Printed [R. Field for] by Iohn VVolfe,
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Short questions and answeres to be learned of such as be ignorant, before they be admitted to the Lords Supper. : Whereunto are added certaine obseruations necessarie to be vsed of euerie Christian.
Whiting, Giles.
Year: 1593
Publisher: London, : Printed by Thomas Orwin, for Robert Dexter,
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The sinful mans search: or seeking of God. Preached by Henrie Smith, and published according to a true corrected copie, sent by the author to an honorable ladie
Smith, Henry
Year: 1593
Publisher: London : Printed [by Thomas Scarlet] for Cuthbert Burby,
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Tarltons newes out of purgatorie : Onelye such a iest as his iigge, fit for gentlemen to laugh at an houre, &c. Published by an old companion of his, Robin Goodfellow.
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