Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, written in the Greeke tongue by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Eusebius Pamphilus Bishop of Cæsarea in Palæstina vvrote 10. bookes. Socrates Scholasticus of Constantinople vvrote 7. bookes. Euagrius Scholasticus of Antioch vvrote 6. bookes. VVherevnto is annexed Dorotheus Bishop of Tyrus, of the liues and endes of the prophetes, apostles and 70. disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greeke tongue and now perused and corrected by Meredith Hanmer, Doctor of Diuinitie. Last of all herein is contained a profitable chronographie collected by the said translator, with a copious index of the principall matters throughout all the histories

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