Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Tractatio de sacramento Eucharistiæ : habita in celeberrima vniuersitate Oxoniensi in Anglia, per D. Petrum Martyrem Vermilium Florentinum, Regium ibidem Theologiæ professorem, cum iam absoluisset interpretationem. II capitis prioris epistolæ D. Pauli Apostoli ad Corinthios. Ad hec. Disputatio de eode[m] Eucharistiae Sacramento, in eadem Vniuersitate habita per eundem D. P. Mar. Anno Domini M.D.XLIX.
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A newe dialogue wherin is conteyned the examinacion of the messe : and of ye kynde of priesthode, whiche is ordayned to say messe: and to offre vp for remyssion of synne, the body [and] bloud of Christe agayne.
Turner, William
Year: 1549
Publisher: [London] : Imprynted by me Richarde wyer,
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The olde fayth of greate Brittaygne, and the newe learnynge of Inglande : wherunto is added a symple instruction, concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the co[m]munyon. Compyled by R.V.
R. V.
Year: 1549
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Anthony Scoloker. dwellynge in the Sauoy rentes wythoute Temple-barre. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendu[m] solum,
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The boke of Barthra[m] priest, intreatinge of thee bodye and bloude of Christe : wrytten to greate Charles the Emperoure, and set forth vii.C. yeares a goo, and imprinted an. d[omi]ni. M.D.XLIX. Cum preuilegio, ad imprimendum solum.
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