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Durchgängige Sprachbildung zu gewährleisten wird seit einigen Jahren zunehmend als Aufgabe aller LehrerInnen angesehen. Voraussetzung dafür ist eine eingehende Auseinandersetzung damit, welche fachlichen und sprachlichen Anforderungen SchülerInnen im Unterricht meistern müssen. Grundlegend ist also zu untersuchen, wie Sprache im Fach beschaffen ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht daher u.a. folgenden Fragen nach:Welchen (fach-)sprachlichen Input erhalten SchülerInnen? Welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede lassen sich hinsichtlich des schriftlichen fachlichen Inputs in Form des Schulbuchs und hinsichtlich des mündlichen fachlichen Inputs in Form von Lehrer- und Schüleraussagen feststellen?Die Untersuchung dieser Fragen erfolgt an einer videographierten Unterrichtseinheit von sieben Stunden zum Thema Blut und Blutkreislauf in einer 8. Klasse im Fach Biologie. Den theoretischen Rahmen für die Untersuchung liefert der konzept-orientierte Ansatz, wobei ein für das Unterrichtsthema zentrales Konzept - das von Raum und Bewegung - ausgewählt, modelliert und analysiert wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, welches Potential die Kombination einer sprach- und fachdidaktischen Perspektive für die Gestaltung von sprachsensiblen Fachunterricht hat.
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"Against Immediacy is a history of early video art considered in relation to television in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. It examines how artists questioned the ways in which 'the people' were ideologically figured by the commercial mass media. During this time, artists and organizations including Nam June Paik, Juan Downey, and the Women's Video News Service challenged the existing limits of the one-to-many model of televisual broadcasting while simultaneously constructing more democratic, bottom-up models in which the people mediated themselves. Operating at the intersection between art history and media studies, Against Immediacy connects early video art and the rise of the media screen in gallery-based art to discussions about participation and the activation of the spectator in art and electronic media, moving from video art as an early form of democratic media practice to its canonization as a form of high art."--Publisher description.
ART --- PHOTOGRAPHY --- Television and art --- Television and art. --- Video art --- Video art. --- Film & Video. --- Techniques --- Cinematography & Videography. --- History --- 1900-1999. --- United States.
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Audio-visual library service --- Libraries --- -Video recording --- Video recordings --- -Videorecordings --- Videos --- Audio-visual materials --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- Documentation --- Public institutions --- Librarians --- Multimedia library services --- Instructional materials centers --- Special collections --- -Video recordings --- Collectors and collecting --- Electronic methods --- -Special collections --- Video recording --- Videorecordings --- Special collections&delete&
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Over the past decade, the video camera has become a commonplace household technology. With falling prices on compact and easy-to-use cameras, as well as mobile phones and digital still cameras with video recording capabilities, access to moving image production technology is becoming virtually universal. Home Truths? represents one of the few academic research studies exploring this everyday, popular use of video production technology, looking particularly at how families use and engage with the technology and how it fits into the routines of everyday life.The authors draw on interviews, observations, and the participants' videos themselves, seeking to paint a comprehensive picture of the role of video making in their everyday lives. While readers gain a sense of the individual characters involved in the project and the complexities and diversities of their lives, the analysis also raises a range of broader issues about the nature of learning and creativity, subjectivity and representation, and the "domestication" of technology---issues that are of interest to many in the fields of sociology and media/cultural studies.
Video recordings --- Video recording --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- Videorecordings --- Videos --- Audio-visual materials --- Electronic moviemaking --- Video direction --- Video production --- Production and direction --- Social aspects --- Electronic methods --- Direction --- Amatuer video --- Video recording. --- Production and direction. --- Social aspects.
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The explosion of the use of VCRs in the home has provided the most significant new form of home entertainment since television. Gray discusses the experiences of women using VCRs and the social and cultural background to ownership.
Video recordings --- Video recording --- Television and women. --- Women and television --- Women --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- Videorecordings --- Videos --- Audio-visual materials --- Social aspects. --- Electronic methods
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Designed to be practical and engaging, Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 is a project-based book to help you truly augment your skills and become a film editing hotshot.If you're just starting out or even migrating from existing video editing software, then this book is for you. With rapid progression through practical examples constructed to be both engaging and useful, Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 is ideal for learning the sometimes complex workflows of this powerful application.
Adobe Premiere --- Video digital --- Libros electrónicos --- Adobe Premiere. --- Premiere (Computer file) --- Digital video. --- Video recording --- Motion pictures --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- Digital motion video --- PC video --- Video, Digital --- Computer graphics --- Digital media --- Image processing --- Multimedia systems --- Data processing. --- Editing --- Electronic methods --- Digital techniques
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Digital video --- Video recording --- Sound --- Audio-visual equipment --- Audio-visual equipment. --- Audio-visual education --- Acoustics --- Continuum mechanics --- Mathematical physics --- Physics --- Pneumatics --- Radiation --- Wave-motion, Theory of --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- Digital motion video --- PC video --- Video, Digital --- Computer graphics --- Digital media --- Image processing --- Multimedia systems --- Equipment and supplies --- Recording and reproducing --- Digital techniques --- Digital techniques. --- Equipment and supplies. --- Electronic methods --- Engineering --- Social Sciences --- Telecommunications Technology --- Electrical Engineering --- Journalism, Mass Communication, Media & Publishing --- Communication Networks & Technology
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Institutions that have collected video testimonies from the few remaining Holocaust survivors are grappling with how to continue their mission to educate and commemorate. Noah Shenker calls attention to the ways that audiovisual testimonies of the Holocaust have been mediated by the institutional histories and practices of their respective archives. Shenker argues that testimonies are shaped not only by the encounter between interviewer and interviewee, but also by technical practices and the testimony process. He analyzes the ways in which interview questions, the framing of the camera, and c
Interviewing --- Video recording --- Oral history --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Cinematography --- Electronic cinematography --- Video tape recorders and recording --- Video tape recording --- Video taping --- Videography --- Videorecording --- Videotape recording --- Videotaping --- Magnetic recorders and recording --- History --- Oral biography --- Oral tradition --- Catastrophe, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Destruction of the Jews (1939-1945) --- Extermination, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Holocaust, Nazi --- Ḥurban (1939-1945) --- Ḥurbn (1939-1945) --- Jewish Catastrophe (1939-1945) --- Jewish Holocaust (1939-1945) --- Jews --- Nazi Holocaust --- Nazi persecution of Jews --- Shoʾah (1939-1945) --- Genocide --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Kindertransports (Rescue operations) --- Technique. --- Influence. --- Audio-visual aids. --- Social aspects. --- Personal narratives --- Study and teaching --- Electronic methods --- Methodology --- Nazi persecution --- Persecutions --- Atrocities --- Jewish resistance --- Holocaust, Nazi (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi Holocaust (Jewish Holocaust) --- Nazi persecution (1939-1945)
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