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The psychology of happiness
ISBN: 0415226651 9780415226653 9781315812212 9781317797852 9781317797869 9781317797876 9780415226646 Year: 2002 Publisher: London Routledge

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This new edition of The Psychology of Happiness provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of research into the nature of happiness. Major research developments have occurred since publication of the first edition in 1987 - here they are brought together for the first time, often with surprising conclusions. Drawing on research from the disciplines of sociology, physiology and economics as well as psychology, Michael Argyle explores the nature of positive and negative emotions, and the psychological and cognitive processes involved in their generation. Accessible and wide-ranging coverage is provided on key issues such as : the measurements and study of happiness, mental and physical health ; the effect of friendship, marriage and other relationships on positive moods ; happiness, mental and physical health ; the effects of work, employment and leisure ; and the effects of money, class and education. The importance of individual personality traits such as optimism, purpose in life, internal control and having the right kind of goals is also analysed. New to this edition is additional material on national differences, the role of humour, and the effect of religion. Are some countries happier than others ? This is just one of the controversial issues addressed by the author along the way. Finally the book discusses the practical application of research in this area, such as how happiness can be enhanced, and the effects of happiness on health, altruism and sociability. This definitive and thought-provoking work will be compulsive reading for students, researchers and the interested general reader

How Higher Education Feels
ISBN: 9789463006361 9789463006354 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leiden,Boston Brill | Sense

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Teaching and learning in higher education can evoke strong feelings, including confusion, anxiety, boredom, curiosity, surprise and exhilaration. These emotions affect students’ learning, progress and overall success. Teachers’ emotions affect how they teach and their relationships and communication with students. Yet the emotional dimensions of teachers’ and students’ experiences are rarely discussed in the context of improving higher education. This book addresses that gap, offering short, evocative case studies to spark conversation among university teachers. It challenges readers to reflect on how higher education feels, to explore the emotional landscape of courses and programmes they create and consider the emotional effects of messages embedded in various policies and practices. Following the student lifecycle from enrolment to reunion, each of the main chapters contains 10 to 15 accessible, emotionally-engaging poems that serve as succinct case studies highlighting how some aspect of learning, teaching or development in higher education feels. Each chapter also contains an expert scholarly commentary that identifies emergent themes across the cases and establishes connections to theory and practice in higher education. The poems-as-case-studies are ideal for use in faculty or educational development workshops or for individual reflection. A variety of theoretical perspectives and associated reflection prompts provide lenses for variously interpreting the poems. An appendix offers suggestions for structuring case discussions as part of educational development activities. The book promotes a person-centered discourse, giving voice to previously neglected aspects of higher education and reminding us that education is essentially a human endeavor.


Teaching --- onderwijs --- emoties --- opvoeding

Dealing with Emotions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789463000628 9789463000635 9789463000642 Year: 2015 Publisher: Leiden,Boston Brill | Sense

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Education is always evolving, consistently with a society in flux. So transformations in learning and pedagogy are necessary. These endless, rapid changes in pedagogy influence students and educators in a variety of ways and awake diverse emotions, from happiness to fear, from joy to anger. Emotions are proven to influence the ways students interact with the world. In the present book, the authors reflect on emotions and education from multiple perspectives: the socio-cultural perspective that looks at interactions among individuals, the creation and recreation of the self and others, the study of collaboration, change processes (transformative learning) and aesthetic and creative learning processes. The purpose of this volume is to reflect on students’ and educators’ emotional responses. The construction of a safe, stimulating learning climate is essential in innovative learning processes - emotional interactions, student-teacher relations and student-student interaction lay the foundation for collaboration and deep learning. The present book offers empirical documentation and theoretical reflections on how pedagogical and educational changes might challenge or facilitate learning for students and educators.

Feeling White
ISBN: 9789463004503 9463004505 9789463004497 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leiden;Boston Brill | Sense

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Discussing race and racism often conjures up emotions of guilt, shame, anger, defensiveness, denial, sadness, dissonance, and discomfort. Instead of suppressing those feelings, coined emotionalities of whiteness, they are, nonetheless, important to identify, understand, and deconstruct if one ever hopes to fully commit to racial equity. Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality, and Education delves deeper into these white emotionalities and other latent ones by providing theoretical and psychoanalytic analyses to determine where these emotions so stem, how they operate, and how they perpetuate racial inequities in education and society. The author beautifully weaves in creative writing with theoretical work to artistically illustrate how these emotions operate while also engaging the reader in an emotional experience in and of itself, claiming one must feel to understand. This book does not rehash former race concepts; rather, it applies them in novel ways that get at the heart of humanity, thus revealing how feeling white ultimately impacts race relations. Without a proper investigation on these underlying emotions, that can both stifle or enhance one’s commitment to racial justice in education and society, the field of education denies itself a proper emotional preparation so needed to engage in prolonged educative projects of racial and social justice. By digging deep to what impacts humanity most—our hearts—this book dares to expose one’s daily experiences with race, thus individually challenging us all to self-investigate our own racialized emotionalities. “Drawing on her deep wisdom about how race works, Cheryl Matias directly interrogates the emotional arsenal White people use as shields from the pain of confronting racism, peeling back its layers to unearth a core of love that can open us up. In Feeling White: Whiteness, Emotionality, and Education, Matias deftly names and deconstructs distancing emotions, prodding us to stay in the conversation in order to become teachers who can reach children marginalized by racism.” – Christine Sleeter, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, California State University, Monterey Bay “In Feeling White, Cheryl E. Matias blends astute observations, analyses and insights about the emotions embedded in white identity and their impact on the racialized politics of affect in teacher education. Drawing deftly on her own classroom experiences as well as her mastery of the methodologies and theories of critical whiteness studies, Matias challenges us to develop what Dr. King called ‘the strength to love’ by confronting and conquering the affective structures that promote white innocence and preclude white accountability.” – George Lipsitz, Ph.D., Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of The Possessive Investment in Whiteness Cheryl E. Matias, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver. She is a motherscholar of three children, including boy-girl twins.".


Teaching --- onderwijs --- emoties --- racisme --- opvoeding

Affect Dynamics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783030829650 9783030829667 9783030829674 9783030829643 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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This book features cutting edge research on the theory and measurement of affect dynamics from the leading experts in this emerging field. Authors will discuss how affect dynamics are instantiated across neural, psychological and behavioral levels of processing and provide state of the art analytical and computational techniques for assessing temporal changes in affective experiences. In the section on Within-episode Affect Dynamics, the authors discuss how single emotional episodes may unfold including the duration of affective responses, the dynamics of regulating those affective responses and how these are instantiated in the brain. In the section on Between-episode Affect Dynamics, the authors discuss how emotions and moods at one point in time may influence subsequent emotions and moods, and the importance of the time-scales on which we assess these dynamics. In the section on Between-person Dynamics the authors propose that interactions and relationships with others form much of the basis of our affect dynamics. Lastly, in the section on Computational Models of Affect, authors provide state of the art analytical techniques for assessing and modeling temporal changes in affective experiences. Affect Dynamics will serve as a reference for both seasoned and beginning affective science researchers to explore affect changes across time, how these affect dynamics occur, and the causal antecedents of these dynamics.

Neuropsychology of human emotion
Authors: ---
ISBN: 089862200X Year: 1983 Volume: 1 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) Guilford

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Emosan : emotie en neurocommunicatie
ISBN: 9789044130591 Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven Garant

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Waarom kan meer informatie leiden tot minder communicatie? Waarom is gebrek aan 'echte' communicatie de meest gehoorde klacht bij organisaties en in het bedrijfsleven? Waarom ontstaan er zo veel communicatiestoringen en emotionele conflicten? Welke opportuniteiten kunnen verschillen tussen mannelijke en vrouwelijke hersenen bieden? Wat gebeurt er in onze hersenen als we communiceren? Wat is het echte belang van emoties in interpersoonlijke relaties en in onze intermenselijke communicatie? Vanuit recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek rond de werking van de hersenen en het belang van emoties en gevoel, biedt dit boek nieuwe en vaak spectaculaire inzichten en verhoogt het de effectiviteit verhoogt van onze dagelijkse communicatie, zowel in onze persoonlijke relaties als in onze communicatie binnen een bedrijfs- of organisatieomgeving. Emosan bevat het woord 'emotie', terwijl 'san' in het Japans 'respect' betekent: het staat dus voor respect voor onze eigen emoties en die van onze gesprekspartners. Neurocommunicatie wordt in dit boek gedefinieerd als het aanpassen van onze manier van communiceren aan wat er onbewust gebeurt in de hersenen van onze gesprekspartner op het moment dat we met hem of haar

Emotion and the arts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0195111052 Year: 1997 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford university press,

The emotions : a philosophical exploration
ISBN: 0198238916 9780198238911 9780191597510 0191597511 Year: 2000 Publisher: Oxford : Clarendon press,

Een gesloten boek : autisme en emoties
ISBN: 9033459094 9789033459092 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Mensen, jong of volwassen, met autisme hebben moeite om gevoelsuitingen te herkennen en te begrijpen. Autisme is vaak onderzocht en veel bestudeerd, meestal vanuit een cognitieve visie. Specialist Peter Vermeulen (gezinspedagoog en autismedeskundige) legt in zijn boek meer nadruk op het affectieve vlak. In korte hoofdstukken over respectievelijk expressie, herkenning, begrijpen, inleven, leren en communiceren bespreekt de auteur onderzoek, experimenten en kleine voorbeelden van autisme en autistisch gedrag.I.I.I. Dharmaperwira-PrinsVoor mensen met autisme zijn emoties verwarrend en onoverzichtelijk. Hun gevoelswereld is in aanleg en dus vanaf de geboorte fundamenteel anders dan de onze. Ze ervaren hun eigen gevoelens anders, ook de lichamelijke. Ze uiten hun gevoelens op een andere, vaak vreemde manier. Ze hebben grote moeite om emoties bij anderen te herkennen en begrijpen die dan ook niet, waardoor ze vaak verrast worden door het gedrag van anderen. Prikkels die van buitenaf komen, begrijpen ze minder goed, situaties kunnen ze niet goed overzien en begrijpen. Ze worden erdoor 'overspoeld'. Ze kunnen dan ook explosief reageren. Ze kunnen zich niet verplaatsen in het perspectief of het standpunt van de ander, ze hebben geen vermogen tot empathie. Ze beseffen niet wat hun eigen gedrag aan emoties veroorzaakt bij anderen. Ze hebben niet zozeer een tekort aan 'theory of mind' dan wel een tekort aan 'intuition of mind'. Dit heeft grote gevolgen voor hun sociaal functioneren. De schrijver geeft aan hoe kinderen en jongvolwassenen met autisme en een normale intelligentie getraind kunnen worden om meer zicht te krijgen op eigen emoties en die van anderen. Tevens geeft hij tips voor communicatie met autisten. Vermeulen is orthopdeagoog. Het boek is bestemd voor ouders en hulpverleners van autistische kinderen.

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