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The politics of uncertainty
ISBN: 1299746314 0191669830 9780191669835 9780199680320 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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This volume offers a major new theory of authoritarian politics. It studies regime struggles between government and opposition under electoral authoritarianism and argues that autocracies suffer from institutional uncertainties.

Temas actuales en derecho y ciencia politica
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9587414853 9587411471 9789587411478 9789587411188 Year: 2011 Publisher: Barranquilla : Ediciones Uninorte,

Een plattegrond van de macht
ISBN: 9789038217567 Year: 2011 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Politiek regelt het maatschappelijk verkeer. In de samenleving bestaan heel wat verschillende behoeften, belangen en doelen. Omdat de middelen beperkt zijn, maar ook omdat er uiteenlopende visies bestaan over hoe we onze samenleving moeten organiseren, ontstaan er conflicten. Die worden doorgaans via samenwerking in allerlei instellingen en spelregels opgevangen. In Een plattegrond van de macht houden we die tegen het licht. Politiek opent heel wat boeiende vragen, zoals: wat is politiek eigenlijk? En wat is politicologie? Politiek handelen wordt vaak gedreven door ideologie: wat is ideologie en welke zijn de concrete manifestaties ervan? Niet enkel ideologie is van tel in de politiek, macht mag het cruciale bestanddeel van politiek genoemd worden. Wat is macht precies? België is een relatief elitair politiek stelsel, welke vragen kunnen we ons stellen over politieke elites? Heeft de massa een rol te spelen in de politieke besluitvorming? Wat zijn en doen politieke partijen? Hoe werken parlementen en regeringen? Dat doen ze bij ons in een 'democratische' context, maar wanneer is er echt sprake van democratie? Hoe is het openbaar bestuur georganiseerd? Wat is de betekenis van de EU voor het beleid? En de invloed daarop van de internationale politiek? In veertien hoofdstukken behandelen we deze en vele andere vragen. Ze belichten kernbegrippen en -processen, de voornaamste politieke actoren en instellingen, en ze geven aan welke wetenschappelijke en andere vragen we er ons over kunnen stellen. Dit inleidend handboek vormt een eerste kennismaking met politiek en met het denken en de taal van de politicologie. Het is geschreven voor studenten, maar ook voor al wie geïnteresseerd is in politiek. Het richt zich op fundamentele discussiepunten en wil de lezer kennis en inzichten aanreiken om zelf kritisch na te denken over politiek en samenleving. (Bron: achterflap publicatie)


politicologie --- Politics --- Political sociology --- politieke sociologie --- internationale politiek --- democratie --- Civil government --- Commonwealth [The ] --- Doctrines politiques --- Idées politiques --- Idéologie politique --- Pensée politique --- Political science --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politieke wetenschap --- Science [Political ] --- Science politique --- Théories politiques --- Wetenschap [Politieke ] --- BPB1202 --- #SBIB:32H3 --- Politicologie --- politiek --- Politieke wetenschappen: inleidende werken, handboeken, methoden --- 32 --- Political science. --- Belgium --- History --- Politics and government --- European Union countries --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil

European journal of political research.
ISSN: 03044130 14756765 Year: 1973 Publisher: [Dordrecht] : [Hoboken, NJ] : Kluwer Academic Publishers John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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The European journal of political research specialises in articles articulating theoretical and comparative perspectives in political sciences, and welcomes both quantitative and qualitative approaches. It also publishes short research notes outlining ongoing research in more specific areas of research.


Politics --- Political science --- Science politique --- Research --- Periodicals --- Recherche --- Périodiques --- Research. --- Europe. --- 32 <492> --- Law --- Constitution and Judicial System --- Regional and International Law --- Political Science --- Public Policy & Administration --- Politiek --- Social Sciences --- Law. --- Public Policy & Administration. --- Politiek. --- Social Sciences. --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EJETUDE EJIEE EJPOLIT EPUB-ALPHA-E EPUB-PER-FT WILEY-E --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Science, Political --- Council of Europe countries --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia --- Serials --- Political science - Research - Europe - Periodicals --- current periodicals --- Current periodicals --- Online periodicals --- political science --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- science politique --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- Sciences politiques

Politique comparée
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782802760771 2802760777 Year: 2018 Volume: 3 Publisher: Bruylant

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Ce troisième tome des Traités de science politique est consacré à une approche consubstantielle à la production des connaissances en sciences humaines et sociales : l’analyse comparative. De Tocqueville à Durkheim en passant par Weber, les pères fondateurs de l’approche savante du monde social et politique n’ont cessé d’user et de codifier l’importance de la comparaison dans la production des connaissances scientifiques. Dès son origine et plus encore avec son développement à partir du milieu du XXe siècle, la science politique accorde à la perspective comparée une place centrale tant dans l’étude des institutions ou des organisations politiques que dans celle des comportements électoraux ou collectifs. Les auteurs proposent, de manière à la fois didactive et prospective, de faire un bilan des apports de l’approche comparée en science politique. Ils veillent aussi à souligner les spécificités de l’approche comparée dans la science politique francophone pour mieux la positionner dans l’espace scientifique international. D’où leur souci de rendre compte des développements les plus récents des études comparées. Une attention particulière a également été accordée aux références bibliographiques mobilisées afin de faire de ce volume un ouvrage de référence.


BPB9999 --- BPB1812 --- Science politique --- STRADALEX --- Politique --- Politieke wetenschap --- Politiek --- E-books --- Comparative government --- Institutions politiques comparées --- Régimes politiques --- Études comparatives. --- politica --- politika --- Politik --- politică --- politikë --- politiek --- política --- polityka --- πολιτική --- poliitika --- politics --- политика --- politik --- politiikka --- politisches Leben --- πολιτική ζωή --- politisk liv --- vida política --- политички живот --- politikai élet --- политически живот --- politisk verksamhet --- politiek leven --- poliittinen elämä --- jetë politike --- viață politică --- politiskā dzīve --- życie polityczne --- politički život --- politinis gyvenimas --- politiskt liv --- vie politique --- ħajja politika --- politično življenje --- politický život --- political life --- vita politica --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- polaitíocht --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- politique --- science politique

International relations, political theory and the problem of order : beyond international relations theory?
ISBN: 0415095840 9780415095846 9780415095839 0415095832 1134865597 1280112484 9786610112487 0203983459 9780203983454 9781134865598 9781134865543 9781134865581 1134865589 Year: 1999 Publisher: London Routledge

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Is the world more or less ordered than during the cold war? Are we on the way to a neo-liberal era of free markets and global governance, or in danger of collapsing into a new Middle Ages? This book seeks to offer a general interpretation and critique of both methodolgical and substantive aspects of International theory.

Party politics.
ISSN: 13540688 14603683 Year: 1995 Publisher: London Sage

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Party Politics is a major journal that provides a forum for the analysis of political parties, including their historical development, structure, finance, policy programmes, ideology, electoral and campaign strategies, and their role within the various national and international political systems of which they are a part.


Politics --- Political parties --- Political science --- Partis politiques --- Science politique --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Political parties. --- Political science. --- Social Sciences --- Political Science --- Parti politique --- Revue périodique --- Current periodicals --- 329 <41> --- Politieke wetenschap --- Politieke partij --- Tijdschrift --- Periodicals --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- Parties, Political --- Party systems, Political --- Political party systems --- Divided government --- Intra-party disagreements (Political parties) --- Political conventions --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- sraitheachán --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- Closed periodicals --- Revue périodique

Politiek : een inleiding in de politieke wetenschappen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462907478 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom bestuurskunde

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Politiek bepaalt voor een belangrijk deel ons dagelijks leven: van eenvoudige verkeersregels tot de vraag wie er toegang krijgt tot onderwijs of gezondheidszorg. Dit handboek reikt de instrumenten aan voor de wetenschappelijke studie van het politieke bestel. Het boek beoogt een brede kennismaking met de politiek; van de politieke filosofie, de empirische studie van politiek gedrag, tot een korte inleiding tot de bestuurskunde. Tegelijk is het ook een inleiding tot de politieke wetenschappen: wat is nu eigenlijk het specifieke van politicologie als wetenschapsdiscipline?Dit boek kiest voor een vergelijkende benadering: sleutelbegrippen als democratie, parlement, regering, liberalisme en beleidscyclus worden uitgelegd aan de hand van voorbeelden uit Nederland, België, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en andere Europese landen. Dit boek kiest ook voor de toekomst, door te eindigen met een hoofdstuk over de Europese Unie. Ondanks alle recente gebeurtenissen wordt de Unie voor aankomende generaties het belangrijkste politieke systeem.DoelgroepDit boek is bestemd voor studenten politicologie en is ook interessant voor studenten beleids- en bestuurswetenschappen en sociologie. Bron :


sciences politiques --- democratie --- liberalisme --- science politique --- démocratie --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- demokratija --- democrație --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politiek pluralisme --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- political science --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- Politiek --- Politicologie --- Handboeken --- #SBIB:32H3 --- 32 --- 32.01 --- 32.01 Politicologie --- 32 Politiek. Staatskunde. Staatswetenschappen --(algemeen) --- Politiek. Staatskunde. Staatswetenschappen --(algemeen) --- 32 Politics --- Politics --- Politieke wetenschappen: inleidende werken, handboeken, methoden --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Political sociology --- daonlathas --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- démocratie

The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030860051 9783030860059 3030860043 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This open access book centres on the advisory roles of political scientists in Europe. Based on a cross-national survey, the book offers a comparative analysis of the viewpoints and activities of university-based political scientists on external engagement. Political scientists in Europe appear more extrovert as academics than sometimes thought. In their professional functioning they engage in delivering knowledge and advice to all kinds of stakeholders in the policy process. This volume contains twelve in-depth country studies where different trends are visible, from political regime change to pressure for impact of academic work. The findings from this comparative analysis may inform our orientation on interaction between academics and their social and political environment, and what this means for education and training in university programs in political science.


political science --- gouvernement --- government --- rząd --- valtioneuvosto --- kormány --- guvern --- valitsus --- governo --- vyriausybė --- gvern --- Regierung --- vlada --- qeveri --- правителство --- κυβέρνηση --- влада --- regering --- valdība --- vláda --- rialtas --- Gobierno --- gouvernement national --- hallitusrakenne --- órgano de gobierno de ente preautonómico --- statsstyrelse --- valtion hallitus --- gabinete --- national government --- vládní kabinet --- Kabinett --- végrehajtó hatalmi ág --- nemzeti kormány --- nationell regering --- riigi valitsus --- gobierno nacional --- nacionalna vlada --- structură guvernamentală --- složení vlády --- Gobierno autonómico --- valsts valdība --- qeveri kombëtare --- estrutura governamental --- vyriausybės struktūra --- governo regionale --- zloženie vlády --- Bundesregierung --- struktura e qeverisë --- valitsusstruktuur --- šalies vyriausybė --- government structure --- kabinet --- kormányzati szerkezet --- vláda složeného státu --- nationale Regierung --- kormányzat --- governo nazionale --- celostátní (federální) vláda --- Κυβέρνηση της χώρας --- national regering --- Landesregierung --- valdības struktūra --- governo nacional --- vládny kabinet --- gobierno regional --- nationale regering --- politikas zinātne --- valtio-oppi --- ciencia política --- политички науки --- politične vede --- scienze politiche --- nauki polityczne --- politológia --- politisk videnskab --- science politique --- ciência política --- politieke wetenschap --- политичке науке --- političke znanosti --- politische Wissenschaft --- politologija --- eolaíocht pholaitiúil --- politologie --- shkenca politike --- politoloogia --- πολιτική επιστήμη --- știință politică --- политическа наука --- xjenza politika --- statsvetenskap --- политичка теорија --- Politologie --- statskundskab --- politikatudomány --- politické vědy --- státověda --- Politikwissenschaft --- ştiinţe politice --- politicologie --- statskunskap --- teorie politiky --- politoloģija --- политикологија --- politikos mokslas --- правно-политички науки --- Open Access --- policy advisors --- policymaking --- European politics --- political scientists --- academic engagement

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