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Technique. --- Simultan (Bachmann) --- Malina (Bachmann) --- Vertelkunst. --- Erzähltechnik. --- Bachmann, Ingeborg, --- Bachmann, Ingeborg. --- Drei�igste Jahr. --- Malina. --- Simultan. --- Simultan (Bachmann). --- Malina (Bachmann).
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Narrative and Media, first published in 2006, applies narrative theory to media texts, including film, television, radio, advertising, and print journalism. Drawing on research in structuralist and post-structuralist theory, as well as functional grammar and image analysis, the book explains the narrative techniques which shape media texts and offers interpretive tools for analysing meaning and ideology. Each section looks at particular media forms and shows how elements such as chronology, character, and focalization are realized in specific texts. As the boundaries between entertainment and information in the mass media continue to dissolve, understanding the ways in which modes of story-telling are seamlessly transferred from one medium to another, and the ideological implications of these strategies, is an essential aspect of media studies.
Fiction --- Literary rhetorics --- Mass communications --- Discourse analysis, Narrative. --- Mass media. --- MAD-faculty 12 --- mediakunst --- beeldkunst --- vertelkunst --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Communication
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Art de conter en litterature --- Storytelling in literature --- Vertelkunst in de literatuur --- Gray, Spalding --- Dramatists [American ] --- 20th century --- American drama --- History and criticism
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82-31 <038> --- Roman--Vertaalwoordenboeken --- Verteltheorie. --- Vertelkunst. --- Erzählforschung. --- Erzähltheorie. --- Narrative --- 82-31 <038> Roman--Vertaalwoordenboeken --- Narrative. --- 82.0 --- 82.0 Literatuurtheorie --- Literatuurtheorie --- Fiction --- Literature --- Narration (Rhetoric).
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Art de conter --- Art de dire les contes --- Art de raconter des histoires --- Art du conte --- Art du conteur --- Contes -- Art de dire --- Conteurs -- Art de dire --- Story-telling --- Storytelling --- Telling of stories --- Vertelkunst --- Boccaccio, Giovanni --- Criticism [Textual ]
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Ancient Greek hymns traditionally include a narrative section describing episodes from the hymned deity's life. These narratives developed in parallel with epic and other narrative genres, and their study provides a different perspective on ancient Greek narrative. Within the hymn genre, the place and function of the narrative section changed over time and with different kinds of hymn (literary or cultic; religious, philosophical or magical). Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns traces developments in narrative in the hymn genre from the Homeric Hymns via Hellenistic and Imperial hymns to those in the Orphic tradition and in magical papyri, analysing them in narratological terms in order to place them in the wider context of ancient Greek narrative literature. Contributors are: Ewen Bowie, Michael Brumbaugh, Nicola Devlin, William D. Furley, Miguel Herrero de Jáuregi, Anne-France Morand, Ivana Petrovic, Nicholas Richardson, Susan A. Stephens, and Athanassios Vergados --
Hymns, Greek (Classical) --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Hymnes grecs anciens --- Narration --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- Homeric hymns --- History and criticism --- Hymnen. --- Grieks. --- Vertelkunst. --- Hymnes homériques --- Narrative (Rhetoric) --- Narrative writing --- Rhetoric --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Narratees (Rhetoric) --- Inni omerici --- Homērikoi hymnoi --- Hymni Homerici --- Hymns, Greek (Classical) - History and criticism
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This is the second volume in a series of volumes which together will provide an entirely new history of ancient Greek (narrative) literature. Its organization is formal rather than biographical. It traces the history of central narrative devices, such as the narrator and his narratees,time, focalization, characterization, and space. It offers not only analyses of the handling of such a device by individual authors, but also a larger historical perspective on the manner in which it changes over time and is put to different uses by different authors in different genres. The present volume deals with time: changes in the order of events (analepsis versus prolepsis), the speed of narration (events may be recounted scenically or in the form of a summary), and frequency (events may be recounted once, repeatedly, or not at all).
Greek literature --- Time in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Littérature grecque --- Temps --- Histoire et critique --- Dans la littérature --- Littérature grecque --- Temps dans la littérature --- Time in literature --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique. --- Dans la littérature. --- Bellettrie. --- Grieks. --- Tijd. --- Vertelkunst. --- Griechische Literatur --- Zeit --- Zeit. --- Griechische Literatur. --- Greek literature - History and criticism. --- Literature & literary studies --- Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
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Waar mensen zijn, ontstaan verhalen. Er is geen samenleving, geen cultuur en zeker geen literatuur denkbaar zonder vertellingen. In de afgelopen decennia doken heel wat nieuwe, vaak verrassende verteltheorieën op, maar in het Nederlandse taalgebied kregen die nauwelijks of geen aandacht. Vertelduivels begint met een bespreking van klassieke concepten als plot & story en van theoretici als Franz Stanzel en Dorrit Cohn. Vervolgens komt de structuralistische verhaaltheorie van Gérard Genette en Mieke Bal aan bod. Hoe nieuwe theorieën deze klassieke benaderingen hebben gecorrigeerd, demonstreert Vertelduivels daarna in een uitgebreid hoofdstuk over de ‘postklassieke narratologie’. Deze eerste systematische verkenning voor het Nederlandse taalgebied toont het belang van de postmoderne verhaalanalyse en van diverse andere postklassieke benaderingen. Alle theorieën worden steeds concreet verduidelijkt aan de hand van twee korte teksten van Charlotte Mutsaers en Gerrit Krol. Dat Vertelduivels breed en helder is opgezet, bewijst het feit dat er een Engelse vertaling van is gemaakt bij de University of Nebraska Press. Herman & Vervaeck namen die gelegenheid te baat om hun boek te herzien en te actualiseren. Voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het analyseren en schrijven van verhalen.
82-3 --- 82-3 Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Criticism --- Psycholinguistics --- Fiction --- Epiek --- Verhaalaspecten --- Literatuurwetenschap --- Structuralisme --- 82-3 Fiction. Prose narrative --- Fiction. Prose narrative --- Verhaalaspect --- Structuralistische taalkunde --- literatuur --- scenario --- scenario's --- 82 --- narratologie --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Critique littéraire --- Criticism - 20th century --- Letterkunde --- Vertelkunst --- Nederlandse letterkunde
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Humans live in landscapes of make-believe. We spin fantasies. We devour novels, films, and plays. Even spotting events and criminal trials unfold als narratives. Yet the world of story has long remained an undiscovered and unmapped country. Now Jonathan Gottschall offers the first unified theory of storytelling. He argues that stories help us navigate life's complex social problems - just as flight simulators prepare pilots for difficult situations. Storytelling has evolved, like other behaviors, to ensure our survival. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, and evolutionary biology, Gottschall tells us what it means to be a storytelling animal and explains how stories can change the world for the better. We know we are master shapers of story. The Storytelling Animal finally reveals how stories shape us.
#KVHA:Media --- #KVHA:Journalistiek --- #KVHA:Narratieve journalistiek --- #KVHA:Verteltechnieken --- Literature and science --- Storytelling --- Story-telling --- Telling of stories --- Oral interpretation --- Children's stories --- Folklore --- Oral interpretation of fiction --- Poetry and science --- Science and literature --- Science and poetry --- Science and the humanities --- Performance --- Evolution. Phylogeny --- Fiction --- Literature and science. --- Storytelling. --- Vertelkunst
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This book, consisting of three self-contained studies, deals with the Euripidean messenger-speech. The first study concerns the form of the messenger-speech, which is that of a first-person narrative, and the consequences of this form. The second study analyses the messenger's style of presentation. In the third study the place and function of the messenger-speech within the play is discussed. Although scholars have dealt with the messenger-speech before, there is no single, up-to-date work of reference available. The present study aims at filling this void, while making use of analytical tools deriving from narratology and drama-theory. Eight appendices are added, which provide the reader with complete lists of phenomena discussed in the main text. Often considered transparent and self-explanatory, the messenger-speeches are now shown to be both complex and subtle texts.
Analyse du discours narratif. --- Grieks. --- Klassieke oudheid. --- Messagers --- Messengers in literature. --- Mythology, Greek, in literature. --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Narration (Rhetoric). --- Narration. --- Rhetoric, Ancient. --- Rhétorique antique. --- Speech in literature. --- Toneelstukken. --- Tragedy. --- Vertelkunst. --- Dans la littérature. --- History --- Euripide, --- Euripides --- Euripides. --- Personnages. --- Style. --- Characters --- Messengers. --- Technique. --- To 1500. --- Narration (Rhetoric) - History - To 1500. --- To 1500
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