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Writing as a Method for the Self-Study of Practice
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789811624988 Year: 2021 Publisher: Singapore Springer Singapore :Imprint: Springer

International journal for the semiotics of law

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internationaal recht --- Semiotics (Law) --- Sémiotique (Droit) --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Semantics (Law) --- Law --- Droit --- Law (Philosophical concept) --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- General and Others --- Philosophy. --- Jurisprudence --- philosophie du droit. --- linguistique. --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- filosofia do Direito --- retsfilosofi --- filosofija tad-dritt --- tiesību filozofija --- Rechtsphilosophie --- filozofi e së drejtës --- филозофија права --- filosofía del Derecho --- õigusfilosoofia --- filozofija prava --- rättsfilosofi --- философия на правото --- filosofia del diritto --- teisės filosofija --- filozofia práva --- jogfilozófia --- φιλοσοφία του δικαίου --- juridische filosofie --- oikeusfilosofia --- filozofia dreptului --- philosophy of law --- filozofie práva --- filozofia prawa --- филозофија на правото --- θεωρία του δικαίου --- retsteori --- теорија на правото --- teória práva --- právní myšlení --- teisės teorija --- јуриспруденција --- Rechtstheorie --- théorie du droit --- teoria del diritto --- teorie práva --- tiesību teorija --- teoria do Direito --- teoria e së drejtës --- rättsteori --- teorija prava --- teoría del Derecho --- právní teorie --- rechtsfilosofie --- teoria dreptului --- rechtstheorie --- theory of law --- jogelmélet --- oikeuden teoria

Het geheugen van de Lage Landen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789079705030 9079705039 Year: 2009 Publisher: Rekkem : Ons Erfdeel,

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In Het geheugen van de Lage Landen schuilen vele plaatsen van herinnering. Deze lieux de mémoire zijn niet noodzakelijk fysieke plekken. Het zijn symbolische knooppunten, die letterlijk of figuurlijk kunnen zijn. Het zijn pleisterplaatsen van het geheugen. De voetbalderby der Lage Landen is zo'n pleisterplaats, net als de Val van Antwerpen, Oranje, het Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal en de Aula van de Gentse universiteit. Net als Godfried Bomans, Willem Elsschot en de Vlaamse Golf. Net als tal van andere plekken, mensen, gebeurtenissen en concepten. In Het geheugen van de Lage Landen worden eenendertig plaatsen van herinnering tot leven gewekt. Zij laten zich niet begrenzen door de contouren van een natiestaat, maar hebben de mentale ruimte van de Lage Landen als horizon. Zij herinneren aan wat die landen verenigt, maar ook aan wat hen verdeelt en aan hoe zij elkaar geïnspireerd hebben. Dit boek brengt deze geheugenplaatsen in kaart, zonder nostalgie, maar met zin voor nuance en met oog voor detail. Het biedt een verrassend perspectief op de geschiedenis van de Lage Landen. Het geheugen van de Lage Landen telt 272 bladzijden en is ruim geïllustreerd in zwartwit. Het boek is geredigeerd door Jo Tollebeek en Henk te Velde. De foto's zijn van Jonas Lampens.


Sociology of culture --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Civilization. --- Civilization --- 940 Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden --- Academic collection --- C3 --- Vlaams Gewest [gewest in land België - BE] --- Nederland [land in werelddeel Europa] --- geschiedenis --- KADOC (x) --- BPB1201 --- #KVHA:Taalkunde; Nederlands --- #KVHA:Cultuurgeschiedenis; Nederlands --- Pays-Bas --- Histoire --- Linguistique --- Culture --- 949.2 --- 949.31 --- Kunst en cultuur --- Nederland --- Geschiedenis --- Taalwetenschap --- Cultuur --- History Netherlands --- History Belgium Flanders --- Historic sites --- Relations --- History --- kultur --- kulttuuri --- culture --- cultură --- cultuur --- kultura --- πολιτιστικός τομέας --- kultúra --- kultūra --- cultura --- Kultur --- kultuur --- култура --- livello culturale --- vita culturale --- културен живот --- erudizione --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- an Ísiltír --- Nederlandene --- die Niederlande --- Alankomaat --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Hollandia --- Nyderlandai --- Paesi Bassi --- Nederländerna --- Nīderlande --- Países Baixos --- Holanda --- Holandsko --- Холандия --- Holandia --- Nizozemska --- Țările de Jos --- Nizozemsko --- Madalmaad --- l-Olanda --- Холандија --- Países Bajos --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Madalmaade Kuningriik --- Nizozemské království --- Regatul Țărilor de Jos --- Holandské kráľovstvo --- Nizozemí --- Mbretëria e Holandës --- Краљевина Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Holandë --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Holande --- Kongeriget Nederlandene --- Reino de los Países Bajos --- Alankomaiden kuningaskunta --- Hollandi Kuningriik --- Olandija --- Hollande --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Holland --- Ολλανδία --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Holland Királyság --- Hollanti --- Holandija --- Regno dei Paesi Bassi --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kraljevina Nizozemska --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- das Königreich der Niederlande --- Konungariket Nederländerna --- Нидерландия --- ir-Renju tal-Olanda --- Olanda --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Królestwo Niderlandów --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- cultúr --- An Ísiltír --- Netherlands - Civilization --- Flanders (Belgium) - Civilization --- cultuurgeschiedenis. --- Lam Gods (Gebr Van Eyck). --- Nederlanden. --- Mémoire collective --- Mythes politiques --- Symbolisme en politique --- Vlaanderen (belgië) --- cultuurgeschiedenis --- Lam Gods (Gebr. Van Eyck) --- Nederlanden

Initiation à la rédaction des textes législatifs, réglementaires et administratifs
ISBN: 9782802740766 2802740768 Year: 2013 Volume: *3 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Quoiqu’il s’agisse d’un impératif de démocratie, trop peu de textes législatifs ou réglementaires sont réellement compréhensibles par l’ensemble des administrés, non seulement en raison de la complexité technique des matières, mais aussi parce que leur rédaction, structure du texte, choix des termes, respect des formes, etc., est critiquable. De grands auteurs, comme Bentham et Montesquieu, ont pourtant souligné l’importance de pouvoir disposer de textes législatifs bien rédigés, qui s’insèrent harmonieusement dans l’ordonnancement juridique.- Quelle est la structure d’une loi, d’un décret ou d’une ordonnance, ou celle d’un arrêté réglementaire de l’État fédéral, d’une entité fédérée, d’une commune ou d’une province ?- Qu’est-ce qu’un préambule ou un exécutoire ?- Que contient le dispositif d’un arrêté ?- Comment transposer une directive européenne ?- La loi (le décret et l’ordonnance) et le règlement (arrêté royal, arrêté ministériel, règlement communal) doivent satisfaire, d’une part, à des conditions précises, de manière à ne pas porter atteinte à la sécurité juridique (respect des règles de compétence, application dans le temps, accomplissement de formalités obligatoires, etc.) et, d’autre part, aux exigences de la langue.- Afin d’améliorer la lisibilité des textes législatifs et réglementaires, quels mots et quelles structures de phrases convient-il de privilégier ou, au contraire, d’éviter (apocope, ellipse, métonymie, métaphore, etc.) ?- Quelles sont les règles relatives à l’emploi des langues et à la publicité des lois et règlements (conditions, force exécutoire, force obligatoire, etc.) ?L’ouvrage, riche de nombreux exemples et illustrations puisés dans la pratique, examine toutes ces questions et conditions.Il expose également les obligations législatives essentielles (motivation, publicité, etc.) qui s’imposent à l’Administration depuis une vingtaine d’années, en ce qui concerne les décisions administratives individuelles et les documents administratifs.Il décrit par ailleurs les exigences et les étapes essentielles auxquelles il convient d’être attentif pour réaliser une bonne coordination ou codification.


Public law. Constitutional law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- 340.134 <493> --- wetgeving --- taalkunde --- Legal composition --- -Bill drafting --- -BPB1408 --- Législation --- Légistique --- Linguistique --- Drafting of bills --- Legislation drafting --- Legislative drafting --- Authorship --- Law --- Communication in law --- Practice of law --- Forms (Law) --- 340.134 <493> Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- legislation --- linguistique --- Wetgeving --- Wetgevingstechniek --- Taalwetenschap --- Language --- Editing --- 101 Wetgevingstheorie --- Redaction juridique --- Projets de loi --- Droit --- Reglements (Droit administratif) --- Redaction --- Langage --- Rédaction législative --- Belgium --- Handbooks --- KJK 1 Law of Belgium --- Legislation --- Bill drafting --- Législation --- Rédaction --- EPUB-ALPHA-I EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- reachtaíocht --- -Rédaction législative --- Belgique

Machine translation
Authors: ---
ISSN: 09226567 15730573

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Machine Translation publishes original research papers on all aspects of MT, and welcomes papers with a multilingual aspect from other areas of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering, such as Computer-Assisted Translation, Multilingual Corpus Resources, Tools for translators, The role of technology in translator training, MT and language teaching, Evaluation, Description etc. Machine Translation regularly focuses on issues of special interest, features a regular Book Review section, and welcomes other contributions of interest to the wide readership of the journal, such as — text composition and generation, information retrieval, natural language interfaces, dialogue systems, message understanding systems, discourse phenomena, text mining, knowledge engineering, contrastive linguistics, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, computer-aided language instruction and learning software localization and internationalization.


Translation science --- Computer. Automation --- Machine translating --- Computational linguistics --- Traduction automatique --- Linguistique informatique --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Computational linguistics. --- Machine translating. --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften Vertaalwetenschap --- Periodicals --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- Computer Architecture, Languages and Compilers --- General and Others --- Information Science and Systems --- Software Engineering --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- Information Technology. --- Software Engineering. --- Automatic translating --- Computer translating --- Electronic translating --- Mechanical translating --- Automatic language processing --- Language and languages --- Language data processing --- Linguistics --- Natural language processing (Linguistics) --- Data processing --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften; Vertaalwetenschap --- Algorithms --- Applied linguistics --- Artificial intelligence --- Natural language generation (Computer science) --- Information theory --- Translating and interpreting --- Cross-language information retrieval --- Translating machines --- Mathematical linguistics --- Multilingual computing --- Tłumaczenie automatyczne --- linguistique. --- traduction automatique. --- mašīntulkošana --- tradução automática --- machine translation --- maskinöversättning --- strojno prevajanje --- strojový preklad --- traduzione automatica --- masintõlge --- strojový překlad --- koneellinen kääntäminen --- automatisk oversættelse --- përkthim automatik --- машинен превод --- automatische vertaling --- αυτόματη μετάφραση --- meaisínaistriúchán --- tłumaczenie automatyczne --- машинско превођење --- strojno prevođenje --- traduzzjoni awtomatika --- traducción automática --- машински превод --- traducere automată --- mašininis vertimas --- gépi fordítás --- automatische Übersetzung --- arvutipõhine tõlkesüsteem --- EUROTRA --- fordítói memória --- strojni prijevod --- počítačový překlad --- computerunterstützte Übersetzung --- računalno podržano prevođenje --- maschinelle Übersetzung --- computerised translation system --- automatinis vertimas --- datorizēta tulkošanas sistēma --- kompiuterizuota vertimo sistema --- számítógépes fordítás --- automaattinen kielenkääntöjärjestelmä --- počítačový systému prekladu --- računalni sustav za prevođenje --- sistem i komjuterizuar përkthimi --- edb-oversættelse --- автоматско преведување --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie

Mother Tongues and Nations
ISBN: 1934078255 3111746763 9786612706424 1934078263 128270642X 9781934078259 9781934078266 Year: 2010 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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This monograph examines the ideological legacy of the the apparently innocent kinship metaphors of "mother tongue" and "native speaker" by historicizing their linguistic development. It shows how the early nation states constructed the ideology of ethnolinguistic nationalism, a composite of national language, identity, geography, and race. This ideology invented myths of congenital communities that configured the national language in a symbiotic matrix between body and physical environment and as the ethnic and corporeal ownership of national identity and local organic nature. These ethno-nationalist gestures informed the philology of the early modern era and generated arboreal and genealogical models of language, culminating most divisively in the race conscious discourse of the Indo-European hypothesis of the 19th century. The philosophical theories of organicism also contributed to these ideologies. The fundamentally nationalist conflation of race and language was and is the catalyst for subsequent permutations of ethnolinguistic discrimination, which continue today. Scholarship should scrutinize the tendency to overextend biological metaphors in the study of language, as these can encourage, however surreptitiously, genetic and racial impressions of language.


Native language. --- Langue maternelle --- Multilinguisme --- Multilingualism --- Native language --- Sociolinguistics --- Language and languages --- Language and society --- Society and language --- Sociology of language --- Language and culture --- Linguistics --- Sociology --- Integrational linguistics (Oxford school) --- Mother tongue --- Vernacular language --- Plurilingualism --- Polyglottism --- Social aspects --- Sociological aspects --- Multilingualism. --- Sociolinguistics. --- Sociolinguistique --- Ethnische Identität. --- Ethnolinguistik. --- Flerspråkighet. --- Metapher. --- Muttersprache. --- Nationalstaat. --- Språksociologi. --- mother tongue. --- national language. --- multilingualism. --- linguistics. --- materinščina --- lingua materna --- langue maternelle --- lingwa materna --- dzimtā valoda --- język ojczysty --- limbă maternă --- modersmål --- μητρική γλώσσα --- майчин език --- língua materna --- moedertaal --- матерњи језик --- emakeel --- Muttersprache --- materinski jezik --- мајчин јазик --- äidinkieli --- gimtoji kalba --- materinský jazyk --- mateřský jazyk --- anyanyelv --- lengua materna --- máthairtheanga --- gjuhë amtare --- rodný jazyk --- madrelingua --- mateřština --- céadteanga --- hemspråk --- lengua vernácula --- rodná řeč --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- monikielisyys --- ilteangachas --- vícejazyčnost --- повеќејазичност --- flersprogethed --- multilingvism --- plurilingüismo --- multilingwiżmu --- wielojęzyczność --- mitmekeelsus --- flerspråkighet --- poliglottismo --- daugiakalbystė --- вишејезичност --- viacjazyčnosť --- többnyelvűség --- višejezičnost --- multilinguisme --- multilinguismo --- Mehrsprachigkeit --- daudzvalodība --- shumëgjuhësi --- πολυγλωσσία --- многоезичие --- večjezičnost --- veeltaligheid --- ilteangachas pobail --- multilingvisms --- multilingvismus --- multilingvizmus --- soknyelvűség --- мултилингвизам --- nacionalni jezik --- národní jazyk --- język narodowy --- štátny jazyk --- langue nationale --- língua nacional --- valsts valoda --- nationalsprog --- limba națională --- nationalspråk --- nacionalinė kalba --- kansalliskieli --- Landessprache --- teanga náisiúnta --- национален език --- lengua nacional --- nationale taal --- εθνική γλώσσα --- riigikeel --- nemzeti nyelv --- lingwa nazzjonali --- lingua nazionale --- nationalt sprog --- kansallinen kieli --- landstaal --- Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Anthropology. --- Langage --- Acquisition

Initiation à la rédaction des textes législatifs, réglementaires et administratifs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802715143 9782802715146 Year: 2001 Volume: 2 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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[3e éd.] Quoiqu’il s’agisse d’un impératif de démocratie, trop peu de textes législatifs ou réglementaires sont réellement compréhensibles par l’ensemble des administrés, non seulement en raison de la complexité technique des matières, mais aussi parce que leur rédaction, structure du texte, choix des termes, respect des formes, etc., est critiquable. De grands auteurs, comme Bentham et Montesquieu, ont pourtant souligné l’importance de pouvoir disposer de textes législatifs bien rédigés, qui s’insèrent harmonieusement dans l’ordonnancement juridique. - Quelle est la structure d’une loi, d’un décret ou d’une ordonnance, ou celle d’un arrêté réglementaire de l’État fédéral, d’une entité fédérée, d’une commune ou d’une province ? - Qu’est-ce qu’un préambule ou un exécutoire ? - Que contient le dispositif d’un arrêté ? - Comment transposer une directive européenne ? - La loi (le décret et l’ordonnance) et le règlement (arrêté royal, arrêté ministériel, règlement communal) doivent satisfaire, d’une part, à des conditions précises, de manière à ne pas porter atteinte à la sécurité juridique (respect des règles de compétence, application dans le temps, accomplissement de formalités obligatoires, etc.) et, d’autre part, aux exigences de la langue. - Afin d’améliorer la lisibilité des textes législatifs et réglementaires, quels mots et quelles structures de phrases convient-il de privilégier ou, au contraire, d’éviter (apocope, ellipse, métonymie, métaphore, etc.) ? - Quelles sont les règles relatives à l’emploi des langues et à la publicité des lois et règlements (conditions, force exécutoire, force obligatoire, etc.) ? L’ouvrage, riche de nombreux exemples et illustrations puisés dans la pratique, examine toutes ces questions et conditions. Il expose également les obligations législatives essentielles (motivation, publicité, etc.) qui s’imposent à l’Administration depuis une vingtaine d’années, en ce qui concerne les décisions administratives individuelles et les documents administratifs. Il décrit par ailleurs les exigences et les étapes essentielles auxquelles il convient d’être attentif pour réaliser une bonne coordination ou codification.


Public law. Constitutional law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Legislation --- Bill drafting --- Législation --- Projets de loi --- Rédaction --- Redaction juridique --- Droit --- Reglements (Droit administratif) --- Redaction --- Langage --- 340.134 <493> --- 101 Wetgevingstheorie --- Communication écrite Schriftelijke communicatie --- Langage administratif Administratief taalgebruik --- Langues dans l'administration Talen in de administratie --- Lisibilité Leesbaarheid --- Publicité (administration) Openbaarheid (overheidsdiensten) --- Réglementation Reglementering --- Textes de lois Wetteksten --- loi --- reglement --- administration --- belgique --- Citation of legal authorities --- -Legal composition --- -349.493 --- Af3bel --- Légistique --- Linguistique --- Drafting of bills --- Legislation drafting --- Legislative drafting --- Authorship --- Law --- Legal composition --- Communication in law --- Practice of law --- Forms (Law) --- Legal citations --- Annotations and citations (Law) --- Legal authorities --- Legal research --- Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- wet --- administratie --- belgie --- Wetgeving --- Wetgevingstechniek --- Taalwetenschap --- Language --- Editing --- 340.134 <493> Wetgevingstechniek. Decreet met kracht van wet. Besluit-wet--België --- Législation --- Rédaction --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- linguistics --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislation --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- reachtaíocht --- Projets de loi - Redaction - Belgique --- Droit - Langage --- Reglements (Droit administratif) - Redaction - Belgique --- Belgique --- -Belgique --- -Legislation

Simultaneous interpretation : a cognitive-pragmatic analysis
ISBN: 9027216312 1556197128 9786613047090 9027285470 1283047098 9789027285478 9781556197123 9789027216311 Year: 1999 Volume: 28 Publisher: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, Pa. : John Benjamins Pub. Co.,

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Simultaneous interpretation is among the most complex of human cognitive/linguistic activities. This study, which will interest practitioners and trainers as well as linguists, draws more on linguistics-based theories of cognition in communication (cognitive semantics and pragmatics) than on the traditional information-processing approaches of cognitive psychology, and shows SI to be a valuable source of data on language and cognition.Starting from semantic representations of input and output in samples of professional SI from Chinese and German into English, the analysis explains the classic phenomena - anticipation, restoration of the implicit-explicit balance, and communicative re-packaging ('re-ostension') of the discourse - in terms of an intermediate cognitive model in working memory, allowing a more unitary view of resource management in the SI task. Relevance-theoretic analysis of the input discourse reveals rich pragmatic information guiding the construction of the appropriate contexts and the speaker's underlying intentionalities. The course of meaning assembly is reconstructed in annotated synchronised transcripts.


Tolken. --- Psycholinguistics --- tolken --- Interpreting --- Translation science --- Pragmatics --- #KVHA:Tolken --- #KVHA:Simultaantolken --- Pragmatics. --- Translating and interpreting --- Interpretation and translation --- Interpreting and translating --- Language and languages --- Literature --- Translation and interpretation --- Translators --- Pragmalinguistics --- General semantics --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Psychological aspects. --- Translating --- Philosophy --- 82.03 --- 800.73 --- 800.73 Tweetaligheid. Meertaligheid. Vreemde talen. Vertalen --- Tweetaligheid. Meertaligheid. Vreemde talen. Vertalen --- 82.03 Vertalen. Literaire vertaling --- Vertalen. Literaire vertaling --- interpreting --- linguistics --- impact study --- translation --- mõju uuring --- hatástanulmány --- analýza dosahu --- Wirkungsstudie --- студија утицаја --- vaikuttavuustutkimus --- impactonderzoek --- изследване на влияние --- staidéar tionchair --- ietekmes izpēte --- studio d'impatto --- poveikio tyrimas --- étude d'impact --- студија за влијание --- analýza dopadu --- studim mbi ndikimin --- studija o utjecaju --- analiza wpływu --- konsekvensundersøgelse --- konsekvent-undersökning --- studju tal-impatt --- študija učinkov --- μελέτη επιπτώσεων --- estudio de impacto --- studiu de impact --- estudo de impacto --- konsekvensberegning --- zjišťování účinnosti --- studija o učinku --- konsekvensvurdering --- studie dopadu --- studio d'impatto economico --- impaktstudie --- studie vlivu --- konsekvensundersökning --- оценка на влијанието --- Wirksamkeitsuntersuchung --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingvistika --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- interpretação --- tłumaczenie symultaniczne --- përkthim me gojë --- interprétation --- толкување --- тумачење --- interpretazione --- превеждане --- suuline tõlge --- vertimas žodžiu --- tumačenje --- tolkning --- tlmočenie --- sinhronā tulkošana --- tulkkaus --- interpretazzjoni --- interpretación --- interpretare --- tolmácsolás --- tlumočení --- διερμηνεία --- ateangaireacht --- Dolmetschen --- tolmačenje --- simultano prevođenje --- usmeno prevođenje --- sinhronā tulkošana mutvārdos --- szinkrontolmácsolás --- interpretazione consecutiva --- консекутивно толкување --- interpretation --- interpretazione simultanea --- tlumočník --- relétolmácsolás --- ústní převod --- simultánne tlmočenie --- симултано толкување --- konsekutiva --- konsekutivtolkning --- sünkroontõlge --- interpretação consecutiva --- simultánní tlumočení --- përkthim simultan --- simultaan tolken --- konsekutivní tlumočení --- simultaanitulkkaus --- kabinové tlumočení --- konferencijsko prevođenje --- konszekutív tolmácsolás --- interprétation simultanée --- konferenciatolmácsolás --- interpretare simultană --- Simultandolmetschen --- konsekutiv tolkning --- konferenční tlumočení --- interpretación simultánea --- simultaneous interpreting --- interpretação simultânea --- soudní tlumočení --- ταυτόχρονη διερμηνεία --- szimultán tolmácsolás --- simultantolkning --- követő tolmácsolás --- sinchroninis vertimas --- aistriú --- traducción --- prevajanje --- vertimas raštu --- përkthim --- превођење --- traducere --- traduzione --- tradução --- tłumaczenie --- fordítás --- traduzzjoni --- tulkošana --- käännös --- vertaling --- oversættelse --- översättning --- traduction --- μετάφραση --- preklad --- tõlkimine --- překlad --- prevođenje --- превод --- Übersetzen --- lektorálás --- prijevod --- překládání --- traduzione libera --- písemný převod --- proces i përkthimit --- traduzione tecnica --- překlad textu --- писмено преведување --- translating --- překladatel --- pismeno prevođenje --- traduzione letteraria

A linguistic handbook of French for translators and language students
ISBN: 9789027200624 9789027200617 9789027264183 9027200610 9027200629 902726418X Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam Philadelphia

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A Linguistic Handbook of French for Translators and Language Students' offers the reader an in-depth contrastive study of French and English based on recent theories of linguistics and discourse analysis. At the same time it is a practical manual for the advanced language student or the translator with dozens of exercises in analyzing and translating French along with detailed corrections.Organized in three sections - Structure, Perspective and Coherence - the handbook first explores French word formation and syntax, then moves on to the use of tense and aspect, illocution and speech styles in various text types. Finally, problems concerning textual coherence and cohesion in both languages are discussed: anaphora and ellipsis, relevance and equivalence and information structure. Each chapter is followed by a list of suggested readings for further discussion and a detailed glossary at the end of the book explains all technical terms used. The handbook is designed to be used either as a textbook or for individuals working at home.


Translating and interpreting --- French language --- English language --- Contrastive linguistics. --- European language --- linguistics --- linguistic group --- Germanic languages --- pakicë gjuhësore --- portugali keelt kõnelevad piirkonnad --- angļu valodas zemes --- Nederlandstalig gebied --- lingvistická menšina --- pays anglophones --- anglofónne územia --- países angloparlantes --- portugál nyelvű területek --- spanyol nyelvű országok --- French-speaking countries --- países germanófonos --- govorna zajednica --- francia nyelvű területek --- groupement linguistique --- países de habla portuguesa --- Engelstalig gebied --- valodas minoritāte --- zonë gjuhësore --- anglofoniskās zemes --- anglofonia --- portugalakalbės vietovės --- anglicky hovoriace krajiny --- países hispanohablantes --- pakicë linguistike --- språklig minoritetsgrupp --- área de habla hispana --- γλωσσική μειονότητα --- angol nyelvű területek --- јазично малцинство --- hispaania keelt kõnelevad piirkonnad --- njemačko govorno područje --- tysktalande länder --- kielivähemmistö --- keelevähemus --- αγγλόφωνοι πληθυσμοί --- países francófonos --- nemecky hovoriace krajiny --- γερμανόφωνες χώρες --- países de língua espanhola --- anglofoni --- francusko govorno područje --- raggruppamento linguistico --- Duitstalig gebied --- țări anglofone --- lingvistická skupina --- govorna skupina --- Franstalig gebied --- taalgebied --- anglofón nyelvterület --- говорно подрачје --- лингвистичко малцинство --- espanjankieliset alueet --- spansktalende områder --- tysktalende områder --- vende gjermanishtfolëse --- ranskankieliset maat --- linguistic area --- ispanakalbės vietovės --- sprogområder --- francofonia --- spāņu valodas zemes --- zonă lingvistică --- lusofonia --- paesi francofoni --- portugalsko govorno područje --- γαλλόφωνες χώρες --- prancūzakalbės šalys --- paesi anglofoni --- Sprachgemeinschaft --- portugisiskspråkig värld --- nyelvterület --- španielsky hovoriace krajiny --- frankofonní země --- nyelvi kisebbség --- saksankieliset maat --- área germanófona --- agrupamento linguístico --- zona linguistica --- engelsktalende områder --- francofoni --- prantsuse keelt kõnelevad piirkonnad --- vende frëngjishtfolëse --- αγγλόφωνες χώρες --- deutschsprachiges Gebiet --- linguïstische minderheid --- πορτογαλόφωνοι πληθυσμοί --- sprachliche Minderheit --- frankofón nyelvterület --- portugisisktalende områder --- portugalinkieliset alueet --- área francófona --- keelekogukond --- minoritate lingvistică --- francúzsky hovoriace krajiny --- portugiesischsprachiges Gebiet --- anglakalbės šalys --- French-speaking areas --- pays germanophones --- pays francophones --- fransktalende områder --- keelepiirkond --- franču valodas zemes --- jazykový svaz --- englanninkieliset maat --- prancūzakalbės vietovės --- lingvistiskā telpa --- zona linguística --- área de habla portuguesa --- países de habla inglesa --- Spanish-speaking areas --- ranskankieliset alueet --- γαλλόφωνοι πληθυσμοί --- vokiečiakalbės šalys --- portugāļu valodas zemes --- taalminderheid --- nyelvi közösség --- angol nyelvű országok --- minorité linguistique --- јазично групирање --- jazyková menšina --- německy mluvící země --- portugál nyelvű országok --- zona anglishtfolëse --- engelsktalande länder --- anglofonní země --- zona lingüística --- Portugeestalig gebied --- linguistic minority --- engelskspråkig värld --- minoria linguística --- anglophonie --- német nyelvű területek --- taalgroepering --- französischsprachiges Gebiet --- țări francofone --- englanninkieliset alueet --- área lingüística --- minoría lingüística --- anglicky mluvící země --- inglise keelt kõnelevad piirkonnad --- fransktalande länder --- hispanofoni --- jazyková oblasť --- zone linguistique --- francia nyelvű országok --- anglakalbės vietovės --- saksa keelt kõnelevad maad --- vācu valodas zemes --- language minority --- španjolsko govorno područje --- lingvistisk zon --- zona frëngjishtfolëse --- englesko govorno područje --- inglise keelt kõnelevad maad --- jazykové sdružení --- englischsprachiges Gebiet --- paesi germanofoni --- países de habla francesa --- țări germanofone --- German-speaking countries --- países anglófonos --- países hispanófonos --- área anglófona --- portugalsky hovoriace krajiny --- kalbinė mažuma --- países de habla española --- sprogligt mindretal --- govorno područje --- zona spanjishtfolëse --- γλωσσική περιοχή --- Portuguese-speaking areas --- países lusófonos --- francofonía --- vende anglishtfolëse --- frankofoniskās zemes --- kalbinė vietovė --- países de habla alemana --- Sprachgebiet --- lusofoni --- lingvistisk gruppering --- spanyol nyelvű területek --- jezična manjina --- English-speaking areas --- lusophonie --- kielialue --- лингвистичка група --- francouzsky mluvící země --- frankofónne územia --- német nyelvű országok --- prantsuse keelt kõnelevad maad --- franskspråkig värld --- English-speaking countries --- minoranza linguistica --- francophonie --- jazyková oblast --- zona portugalishtfolëse --- јазична група --- grupo linguístico --- jezikovna skupina --- kalbinė grupė --- grupp lingwistiku --- groupe linguistique --- grupa językowa --- keelerühm --- sprachliche Gruppe --- taalgroep --- jazyková skupina --- језичка група --- grupo lingüístico --- nyelvi csoport --- grup lingvisitic --- grup gjuhësor --- kieliryhmä --- лингвистична група --- sproglig gruppe --- gruppo linguistico --- γλωσσική ομάδα --- grúpa teanga --- språkgrupp --- jezična zajednica --- lingvistiskā grupa --- граматика --- etümoloogia --- nyelvtan --- spelluta --- γραμματική --- mondattan --- етимология --- lexicologia --- spraakkunst --- lingvistika --- pronunciation --- pragmatika --- angewandte Sprachwissenschaft --- nauka o původu slov --- phonetics --- fonetiikka --- наука за јазикот --- morfologie --- правопис --- Etymologie --- pravopis --- Sprechtechnik --- prononciation --- fonētika --- etimologija --- grammatik --- Pragmalinguistik --- dějiny jazyka --- sprogvidenskab --- uttalslära --- ordboksvetenskap --- etymologia --- pisownia --- leksikologija --- leksikologji --- лексикологија --- gramatika --- fonetică --- προφορά --- etimología --- fonética --- λεξικολογία --- fonologie --- litriú --- betydelselära --- filologie --- sémantique --- Rechtschreibung --- Phonetik --- gramatică --- helyesírás --- gramática --- etimoloģija --- tartis --- Grammatik --- grammatika --- etymológia --- etymology --- grammar --- orthographe --- ääntäminen --- etymologi --- alaktan --- etimológia --- lexikológia --- hangtan --- ortografia --- Lexikologie --- syntax --- etimoloġija --- Sprachforschung --- lexicology --- kirjakuju --- Semantik --- szemantika --- semantik --- ortogrāfija --- grammatica --- φωνητική --- valodniecība --- semantiikka --- kielioppi --- leksikoloģija --- σημαντική --- ετυμολογία --- szókincstan --- oikeinkirjoitus --- fonetiek --- semantika --- sémantika --- keeletehnika --- Morphologie --- fonetikë --- lexikologi --- lexicología --- uttal --- beszédtechnika --- uitspraak --- jezikoslovlje --- spelling --- fonetik --- leksikoloogia --- mluvnice --- pronuncia --- semántica --- izgovor --- ljudlära --- semantica --- pronunciação --- semântica --- shqiptim --- pronúncia --- semantikë --- ορθογραφία --- phonétique --- matematická lingvistika --- étymologie --- stavemåde --- pronunciación --- výslovnosť --- etymologie --- taalkunde --- jazykozpyt --- udtale --- ortografía --- ortografie --- allmän språkvetenskap --- semantics --- semantiek --- fonetica --- etimologie --- linguïstiek --- rašyba --- Linguistik --- lessicologia --- leksikologi --- foneetika --- fonetika --- stavning --- gramatikë --- sanasto-oppi --- etimologia --- sanasaíocht --- semantică --- grammaire --- jelentéstan --- семантика --- morfológia --- aplikovaná lingvistika --- lexicologie --- Sprachwissenschaft --- lingüística --- lingwistika --- taalwetenschap --- keeleteadus --- linguística --- kielitiede --- nyelvészet --- teangeolaíocht --- językoznawstwo --- linguistikë --- лингвистика --- kalbotyra --- lingvistică --- jazykověda --- γλωσσολογία --- jezikoslovje --- linguistique --- lingvistik --- linguistica --- jazyky Evropy --- teanga Eorpach --- lingwa Ewropea --- europäische Sprache --- европски јазик --- Europese taal --- Европейски език --- europæisk sprog --- język europejski --- limbaj european --- gjuhë europiane --- europski jezik --- ευρωπαϊκή γλώσσα --- evropský jazyk --- língua europeia --- euroopa keel --- langue européenne --- Europos kalba --- europeiskt språk --- európsky jazyk --- európai nyelv --- Eiropas valoda --- eurooppalainen kieli --- lengua europea --- европски језик --- lingua europea --- evropski jezik --- Linguistics --- Interpretation and translation --- Interpreting and translating --- Language and languages --- Literature --- Translation and interpretation --- Translators --- French language. --- Syntax. --- Translating --- Comparative linguistics --- Translation science --- French language - Translating and interpreting --- French language - Translating into English --- English language - Translating into French --- French language - Syntax --- English language - Syntax --- Contrastive linguistics --- Translating and interpreting. --- Translating into English. --- Translating into French. --- #KVHA:Taalkunde; Frans --- Translating.

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