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"Taking a blended approach to computational social science, this book helps you understand the fundamentals of what is is alongside the techniques for doing it. It is a practical, step-by-step guide into how, why and when computational social sciences should be used in the first place. It will improve: Your ability to understand challenges and benefits that computational methods provide within social science. Your computational thinking and basics in programming to understand how the processes work. You translation from research problems into algorithms. Your use of computational tools, from a range of applications without going into advanced technical detail. Computational Thinking and Social Science focuses on helping you understand and design computational research that addresses social science problems regarding your interests. With condensed summaries, key concepts, exercises accompanies by sample code and boxed examples of computational methods within social science research throughout each chapter, this book will allow you to delve deeper into context of coding and why it exists"--
#SBIB:303H4 --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Social sciences
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#SBIB:303H4 --- #KVHB:Statistiek --- #KVHB:SPSS --- Statistiek --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen
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SPSS (officieel 'IBM SPSS Statistics') is het meest gebruikte statistische programma ter wereld. SPSS 26 is de nieuwste versie van SPSS, die je ook krijgt als je een doorlopend abonnement op SPSS neemt met 'SPSS Subscription (Classic Interface)'.Het 'Basishandboek SPSS 26' van Alphons de Vocht is de opvolger van de mega bestsellers 'Basishandboek SPSS 25' en 'Basishandboek SPSS 24' en behandelt de relevante aspecten van zowel versie 26 als van SPSS Subscription (Classic Interface). Deze zeer bruikbare en uitermate gunstig geprijsde boeken over SPSS hebben hun waarde in de praktijk reeds lang bewezen.Niet voor niets wordt het 'Basishandboek SPSS 26' voorgeschreven op talloze opleidingen, hogescholen en universiteiten.Niet alleen wordt glashelder uitgelegd hoe je met SPSS 26 aan de slag gaat om te werken met gegevensbestanden en om statistische technieken en procedures toe te passen, maar ook wordt ingegaan op statistische kernbegrippen en de basisprincipes van statische toetsing in de praktijk.Dit boek is eenvoudigweg onmisbaar voor iedereen die optimaal met SPSS 26 aan de slag wil. Leerboek en naslagwerk voor het beheren en analyseren van data met behulp van het programma SPSS 26.
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"This approachable book introduces network research in R, walking you through every step of doing social network analysis. Drawing together research design, data collection and data analysis, it explains the core concepts of network analysis in a non-technical way. The book balances an easy to follow explanation of the theoretical and statistical foundations underpinning network analysis with practical guidance on key steps like data management, preparation and visualisation. With clarity and expert insight, it: Discusses a range of statistical models including QAP and ERGM, giving you the tools to approach different types of networks Provides a fully integrated discussion of digital data and networks like Twitter, sociolab and Amazon Offers digital resources like practice datasets and worked examples that help you get to grips with R software."
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Statistiek met Excel is een studieboek voor iedereen die statistische berekeningen moet maken. Alle onderwerpen die in een basiscursus statistiek aan bod komen, zoals frequentie- en kansverdelingen, hypothesetoetsen, regressie enz. worden behandeld. De theorie wordt steeds verduidelijkt met stapsgewijs uitgewerkte voorbeelden in Excel. Voorkennis van Excel is dus niet noodzakelijk.
statistiek --- MS Excel --- Statistical science --- Mathematical statistics --- #SBIB:303H4 --- #SBIB:303H510 --- 519.2 --- excel --- 310 )* STATISTIEK --- Excel --- Excel 2007 --- Statistiek ; automatisering --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: statistische technieken, algemeen --- statistiek (wiskunde) --- PHL-Business 12
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Quantitative methods in social research --- Computer. Automation --- Mathematical statistics --- Multivariate analysis --- Social sciences --- Statistical methods --- #SBIB:303H4 --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Structural equation modeling --- SEM (Structural equation modeling) --- Factor analysis --- Regression analysis --- Path analysis (Statistics) --- Social sciences - Statistical methods
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Mathematical statistics --- Statistics. --- #SBIB:303H4 --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- SAS (Computer file) --- SPSS (Computer file) --- Statistical package for the social sciences --- Statistical analysis system --- SAS system --- Statistics
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Information systems --- Logiciels --- Software --- 681.3*H2 --- #TCPW:AGGR --- #SBIB:303H4 --- #SBIB:35H24 --- #SBIB:IO --- Informatica --- Database management: security; integrity; protection--See also {?681.5*E5} --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Informatiemanagement bij de overheid --- Informatique --- Gegevensbanken --- Gegevensbanken. --- 681.3*H2 Database management: security; integrity; protection--See also {?681.5*E5}
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Programming --- Quantitative methods in social research --- Mathematical statistics --- Structural equation modeling --- #SBIB:303H4 --- #SBIB:303H520 --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: techniek van de analyse, algemeen --- SEM (Structural equation modeling) --- Multivariate analysis --- Factor analysis --- Regression analysis --- Path analysis (Statistics) --- AMOS. --- AMOS (Computer program) --- Associative memory organizing system --- Structural equation modeling.
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'An Introductory Guide to SPSS for Windows' develops SPSS skills through the use of sample programs that illustrate how to conduct the analyses typically found in an introductory statistics course.
#SBIB:052.AANKOOP --- #SBIB:303H4 --- Informatica in de sociale wetenschappen --- Social sciences --- Sciences sociales --- Statistical methods --- Computer programs. --- Méthodes statistiques --- Logiciels --- SPSS for Windows. --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Statistical methods&delete& --- Computer programs --- Statistical product and service solutions --- Statistical package for the social sciences
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