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Gender pred tabulí : etnografický výzkum genderové reprodukce v kazdodennosti skolní třacute}idy
ISBN: 8021086165 9788021086166 9788074191190 8074191192 9788021060982 8021060980 Year: 2013 Publisher: Praha, [Czech Republic] ; Brno, [Czech Republic] : Masarykova univerzita,

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Studie je výsledkem etnografického výzkumu ve školní třídě, který se zaměřoval na (re)produkci genderu v každodennosti školního kolektivu. Vychází z etnometodologické perspektivy (West a Zimmerman 1987, česky 2008; Fenstermaker a West 2002) a je inspirována poststrukturalistickými studiemi dětství a genderu (především Davies 2003). Výzkum byl realizován v šesté třídě základní školy jako etnografické pozorování v hodinách rodinné, výtvarné a hudební výchovy. Studie reprezentuje komplexní pohled na genderovou reprodukci na různých úrovních, a to 1. na úrovni každodenních interakcí (doing gender), 2. v rovině diskursu a umísťování jedinců v rámci diskursu a 3. v rovině individuálních identit a významů, které genderu připisují samy děti.

Pedagogía crítica latinoamericana y género : construcción social de niños, niñas y jóvenes como sujetos políticos
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9586653897 9586653900 9789586653893 9789586653886 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bogotá D.C., Colombia : Manizales (Caldas) : Sabaneta (Antioquia) : Siglo del Hombre Editores ; Universidad de Manizales ; CINDE, Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano,

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The reflective workbook for teachers and support staff of trans and non-binary students : your school's transition as your students transition
ISBN: 1787752186 9781787752184 1787752178 9781787752177 1805015265 Year: 2021 Publisher: London, England : Jessica Kingsley Publishers,

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Revista diversidade & educação.
ISSN: 23588853 Year: 2013 Publisher: Rio Grande, RS [Brazil] : Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG,

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Gendered voices : reflections on gender and education in South Africa and Sudan
ISBN: 9789462091375 9789462091368 9462091374 9462091366 9462091358 9789462091351 1299702546 9781299702547 9789462091351 Year: 2013 Publisher: Rotterdam : SensePublishers,

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Internationally, there is growing awareness that the target of Education for All by 2015 will not be met unless more strident efforts are made to improve access for marginalized, hard-to-reach children (most often girls). For almost four decades gender equality in education has been one of the key global concerns and as a result various organizations at national and international levels along with governments have initiated programs focusing on achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment and improving girls’ access to education. By focusing on access alone (i.e. gender parity) we may not understand how education can be used to achieve empowerment and influence cultural practices that are gender insensitive. In this volume we attempt to call into question the content of gender equality as simple parity and in doing so we reflect upon the following questions: • Do the global (macro) discourses on gender equality in education lead to a focus on numbers only or to more profound sustainable changes at the national (meso) level and the school (micro) level? • To what extent have national policies been adjusted to reflect the global discourses on gender equality? • Are schools/classrooms (micro) expected to adjust to these global discourses and if so in what ways has this happened? • What are the challenges of providing access to good quality education for girls in both countries? • Is there a dichotomy between the schools/classrooms on the one hand and the community on the other in terms of gender equality/equity? • To what extent is gender equality/equity imposed upon schools and communities and does it take into account the cultural practices in traditional communities? Key words: Gender equality, education, Global vs. local concerns 3 selling points: • The volume highlights that although research has shown how global educational policies homogenize national educational policies and are therefore playing what can be termed a neo-colonial role in identifying pivotal themes and topics in education across the world such as gender equality, literacy and quality education in local contexts, they are often steeped in a Western logic which is not always culturally relevant or conducive. Making global recommendations for education across cultures and places is thus not always unproblematic. • The volume highlights that a push for girls’ schooling must navigate wisely in sensitive terrain where complex contextual aspects must be understood and taken into account. Girls’ attendance and retention in school are important first steps in the struggle for epistemic access, but must be followed by serious deliberations about what kind of school and what kind of knowledge in the schools is appropriate, and about equality and equity. • The volume attempts to understand how the global gender goals in education affect both local policies and local practice and in doing so it attempts to question the simple focus on access only.

Leaders in gender and education : intellectual self-portraits
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462093058 9462093059 9462093032 9789462093034 9789462093034 9789462093041 9462093032 9462093040 Year: 2013 Publisher: Rotterdam : Sense,

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Gender studies are a key lens through which education has been examined in the past forty years, having become an accepted and popular subfield in educational foundations studies. Moreover, scholars in gender and education have made tremendous contributions well beyond education, influencing humanities and social sciences scholars across the academy. Hearing the stories of these scholars—their development, education, important works, and thoughts on the future—offers unique insights into the genesis and growth of the field and gives new scholars an overview of advances made. Leaders in Gender and Education: Intellectual Self-Portrais does just that, showing the history of gender and education through the eyes of 16 of its leaders. By recounting their experiences and scholarly work, they trace the development of feminist and profeminist research on girls, on boys, and on the issues shaping both gender and education—issues like race, sexuality, neoliberalism, globalization, and more. Importantly, the volume has a global focus, including scholars from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. This diversity gives readers a broad sense of the progress of gender scholarship in education around the world. Each essay provides students and researchers alike with not only background on the 16 scholars included, but also the lists of major works—chosen by contributors themselves—direct readers to some of the most important scholarship on gender and education. Taken together, further, the contributors’ thoughts on the future of the field provide glimpses of productive directions for studies of gender and education.

Queer approaches : emotion, expression and communication in the classroom
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1648021484 9781648021480 Year: 2020 Publisher: Charlotte, North Carolina : Information Age Publishing, Incorporated,

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"This edited collection supports queer educators and students, underscores the reasons society does not see LGBTQ representation in classroom spaces, and offers "queered" pedagogical approaches for teaching students from diverse backgrounds. This collection places value on every educator and student through prioritizing inclusivity, and the chapters carefully articulate what (queer) inclusivity is, why it matters for all educators, students, and administrators, and what can happen when inclusive environments are not created and/or sustained. When prompted to think about marginalized educators and students, most literature and research focuses on federal/state laws and instances of bullying. The chapters in this collection are farther reaching and provide (queered) solutions for these individuals' needs and challenges. This volume addresses the ability of the LGBTQ community to see themselves represented in the curriculum of schools, discussed in the language of society, and valued in all discourse settings. In addition, this volume uses queerness as a lens through which to reimagine classroom spaces and institutions of higher learning"--

Supporting transgender and non-binary students and staff in further and higher education : practical advice for colleges and universities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1784506737 9781784506735 1785923455 9781785923456 Year: 2019 Publisher: London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers,

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"According to the research underpinning this book, 85% trans students and staff faced barriers. This practical guide enables post-secondary education professionals to create a safe and supportive environment for gender diverse applicants, students and staff. Using real life examples to explore common experiences and challenges for trans people in further and higher educational settings, it sets out policies, interventions and advice that have proven effective in providing impactful support on a wide range of issues such as learning, teaching, mental health, recruitment, support services, and institutional policies. Included is an easy-to-follow introduction to transgender terminology and identities, as well as legal and medical considerations" --

Supporting transgender students : understanding gender identity and reshaping school culture
ISBN: 160801228X 9781608012282 9781608012008 Year: 2021 Publisher: New Orleans, Louisiana : The University of New Orleans Press,

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"Supporting Transgender Students is a guide to help schools learn the basics of what gender is and why it matters in education. Drawing on the author's 25 years of experience working with schools and transgender students, this book considers how transgender and gender non-conforming youth experience the classroom, the playing field, and other school contexts. Supporting Transgender Students provides a clear roadmap and practical examples for how to take action in your school to effect change and create a gender inclusive community"--

Bridging the Rainbow Gap
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004549784 9789004549791 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leiden ;Boston Brill

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Growing out of a series of discussions and gatherings over the course of more than two years, Bridging the Rainbow Gap is a collection of chapters and response essays that take up key tensions, gaps, and possibilities in queer and trans scholarship in education. Working across K-12, higher education, and other education disciplines, the authors in the volume take up themes of identity development, ethnography, young adult literature, queer joy, queer potentiality, ideology, emerging issues in trans studies, whiteness in queer studies, and futures in queer and trans studies. Collectively, the book serves as an invitation into generative conversations about what queer and trans studies are, what they can be, and what they might do in education. .

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