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Swindlers and swindling. --- Securities theft --- Counterfeits and counterfeiting. --- Mafia. --- Escrocs et escroqueries --- Vol de valeurs mobilières --- Contrefaçon --- Mafia --- Coffey, Joseph J. --- Catholic Church. --- Corrupt practices. --- 262.133.5 --- Bock --- Vaticaanse bank. Geldwezen van het Vaticaan. Sint-Pieterspenning --- 262.133.5 Vaticaanse bank. Geldwezen van het Vaticaan. Sint-Pieterspenning --- Vol de valeurs mobilières --- Contrefaçon
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Beggars --- Swindlers and swindling --- Islamic civilization. --- Rogues and vagabonds. --- Abū Dulaf Misʻar ibn al-Muhalhil, --- Ḥillī, Ṣafī al-Dīn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Sarāyā, --- Civilization, Islamic. --- Ḥillī, Ṣafī al-Dīn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Sarāyā, --- Abū Dulaf al-Yanbūʻī, Misʻar ibn Muhalhil, --- Littérature arabe --- Escrocs et escroqueries --- Vagabonds --- Marginalité --- Voleurs --- 750-1258 --- Thèmes, motifs --- Dans la littérature --- Empire islamique --- Littérature arabe --- Marginalité --- Thèmes, motifs --- Dans la littérature
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Commercial crimes --- Fraud --- Swindlers and swindling --- Criminal investigation --- Tax law --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Belgium --- Embezzlement investigation --- Forgery --- Criminal procedure --- Escrocs et escroqueries --- Abus de confiance --- Faux --- Procédure pénale --- Investigation --- Enquêtes --- Financiewezen --- Fraude --- Fraudebestrijding --- Politie --- Criminaliteit --- 438 Financieel recht --- 347.73 <493> --- financien --- controle --- criminaliteit --- fraude --- financiele markten --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 343.530 --- 343.35 --- 343.51 --- 347.73 <493> Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen--België --- Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen--België --- finances --- contrôle --- criminalite --- marches financiers --- Computerfraude. Computerveiligheid. --- Misdrijven tegen de openbare administratie, de belasting- en administratieve wetgeving. --- Vals geld. Valsheid in de papieren van openbaar krediet --- 343.537 --- Con artists --- Confidence men --- Confidence women --- Grifters --- Scam artists --- Scammers and scamming --- Scamming --- Crime --- Criminals --- Tricksters --- Commercial fraud --- Deceit --- Misrepresentation (Crime) --- Deception --- Torts --- Hoaxes --- Impostors and imposture --- Crime detection --- Crime investigation --- Criminal investigations --- Detection of crime --- Investigations --- Law enforcement --- Crime scenes --- Detectives --- Forensic sciences --- Suspects (Criminal investigation) --- Corporate crime --- Crimes, Financial --- Financial crimes --- Offenses affecting the public trade --- Misdrijven tegen de openbare administratie, de belasting- en administratieve wetgeving --- Bedrog in contracten. Valse balans --- BPB0905 --- calaois --- fraudă --- fałszerstwo --- goljufija --- petos --- измама --- mashtrim --- frodi --- krāpšana --- bedrageri --- frode --- απάτη --- Betrug --- prijevara --- sukčiavimas --- podvod --- csalás --- превара --- bedrägeri --- fraud --- pettus --- defraudación --- eliminim i mashtrimit --- petosten ehkäisy --- zloupotreba --- pettuste vältimine --- lufta kundër mashtrimit --- petosten torjunta --- petosten torjuminen --- krāpnieciska darbība --- dolo --- krāpšanas apkarošana --- eliminarea fraudei --- oredligt förfarande --- csalás elleni küzdelem --- Betrugsbekämpfung --- předcházení podvodům --- sukčiavimo pašalinimas --- lest --- bestrijding van fraude --- pettustevastane võitlus --- beivrande av bedrägeri --- prevencia proti podvodom --- repressione delle frodi --- borba protiv zloupotrebe --- fight against fraud --- καταπολέμηση της απάτης --- kamp mot bedrägeri --- проневера --- prevenirea fraudei --- kova su sukčiavimu --- förebyggande av bedrägeri --- lotta contro le frodi --- lupta împotriva fraudei --- svig --- negodprātīga rīcība --- represión del fraude --- спречување перење пари --- lutte contre la fraude --- parandalim i mashtrimit --- pratica fraudolenta --- bekæmpelse af bedrageri --- luta contra a fraude --- πρόληψη απάτης --- prévention des fraudes --- Übervorteilung --- repressão de fraudes --- Betrugsverhütung --- cīņa pret krāpšanu --- fraud prevention --- prevenzione delle frodi --- forebyggelse af svig --- bekæmpelse af svig --- prevenção da fraude --- sukčiavimo prevencija --- bedrog --- καταστολή απάτης --- répression des fraudes --- onderdrukking van fraude --- stíhání podvodu --- csalás megelőzése --- борба против измама --- pettuste kõrvaldamine --- lucha contra el fraude --- apsauga nuo sukčiavimo --- boj proti podvodu --- elimination of fraud --- Ahndung von Betrugsfällen --- csalás kiküszöbölése --- спречување измама --- prevención del fraude --- eliminácia podvodu --- borsa nera --- uvedení v omyl --- sprečavanje zloupotrebe --- preventie tegen bedrog --- krāpšanas novēršana --- Computerfraude. Computerveiligheid --- Informers --- Commercial crimes - Belgium --- Fraud - Belgium --- Swindlers and swindling - Belgium --- Criminal investigation - Belgium --- code pénal --- escroquerie --- abus de confiance --- abus des biens sociaux --- le dol frauduleux --- usage de faux noms --- le faux en écritures
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