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La force majeure est un concept juridique bien ancré dans notre droit. Il n’est pas rare de la rencontrer en droit pénal, en droit civil ou encore en droit du travail. Ses conditions et cas d’application sont cependant très différents. Le présent ouvrage a pour objectif de dégager une vision transversale de la notion de force majeure. L’examen de celle-ci explorera ainsi des matières très différentes, du droit social au droit civil, en passant par le droit commercial, le droit pénal et le droit administratif. Il est certain que cette approche « horizontale » de la matière intéressera de nombreux praticiens.
Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Tort and negligence --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Belgium --- Vis major (Civil law) --- Procedure (Law) --- Liability (Law) --- Force majeure --- Procédure (Droit) --- Responsabilité (Droit) --- Congresses --- Ebooks --- Algemene juridische begrippen : Overmacht --- Notions juridiques générales : Force majeure --- E-books --- Discharge of contracts . --- Impossibility of performance . --- Vis major (Civil law) .
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Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Act of state --- Conflict of laws --- Vis major (International law) --- Acte de gouvernement --- Contrats (Droit international privé) --- Force majeure (Droit international) --- Contracts --- Vis major (Civil law) --- Impossibility of performance. --- International economic relations. --- 347.45 --- Bijzondere overeenkomsten --(algemeen) --- 347.45 Bijzondere overeenkomsten --(algemeen) --- Vis major (Civil law). --- Vis major (International law). --- Impossibility of performance --- International economic relations --- Contrats (Droit international privé) --- International law --- Act of God --- Force majeure --- Accident (Casus fortuitus) --- Extinguishment of debts --- Liability (Law) --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Frustration of contracts --- Supervening impossibility --- Discharge of contracts --- Performance (Law) --- Rebus sic stantibus clause --- Law and legislation
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This book aims to highlight the particular situation faced by certain hydropower companies by the fact that they cannot fulfil their contracts due to force majeure. The first part of this book will be an analysis of how water is used in electricity production. It is important to point out that all types of energy sources use water, to a different extent, of course, and that its spatial and temporal availability is very important. The focus will be on hydropower, presenting the current situation at the global level, and the effect of reducing the amounts of water in the river system. The second part is based on the presentation of the concept of force majeure and the ways of presenting and drafting it in a contract. Many disputes or the success of a contract depended heavily on the provisions of this article of the contract. Obviously, there are also situations in which the signatory parties abuse or are not protected by these provisions of force majeure. Starting from a few brief examples from the international level, we reach a wide discussion of the situation created in Romania, when the largest supplier of electricity produced on the basis of water terminates several contracts invoking force majeure. The manner in which the opinion of the parties involved is presented to the court is analyzed and presented in detail.
Environmental law --- Hydrosphere --- Geology. Earth sciences --- General ecology and biosociology --- Water supply. Water treatment. Water pollution --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- hydrologie --- environment --- water --- geografie --- milieurecht --- geologie --- milieutechnologie --- aarde (astronomie) --- Electric power production --- Vis major (Civil law) --- Water-power --- Law and legislation.
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Les conventions obligent non seulement à ce qui y est exprimé, mais encore à toutes les suites que l’équité, l’usage ou la loi donnent à l’obligation d’après sa nature » (art. 1135, C. civ.) De nombreux commentaires ont été consacrés à l’interprétation des conventions ainsi qu’à la fonction complétive de la bonne foi. Bien plus rares sont ceux qui, en doctrine belge, ont prétendu directement étudier l’article 1135 du Code civil. Cette dernière disposition, qui semble avoir pour objet la détermination du contenu obligatoire du contrat, mérite pourtant l’attention. Quelles sont, en effet, ces « suites » que l’équité, l’usage et la loi donnent aux obligations d’après leur nature ? Si les obligations légales paraissent tributaires de la qualification que doit recevoir le contrat, que peuvent, de leur côté, commander l’équité et les usages ? Et comment combiner cette disposition avec l’article 1134, alinéa 3 du Code civil ? Nonobstant le principe de la convention loi, des circonstances ou événements imprévus et indépendants de la volonté des parties peuvent perturber la correcte exécution du contrat, rendant celle-ci temporairement ou définitivement, partiellement ou totalement impossible ou en aggravant la charge pour l’un ou l’autre des cocontractants. Les auteurs passent en revue les principaux mécanismes admis par notre droit pour répondre à de telles situations : force majeure et, d’une manière plus limitée, mais qui semble promise à un élargissement, imprévision. Une attention particulière est réservée à la manière dont ces mécanismes sont accueillis et mis en oeuvre par la jurisprudence actuelle ainsi qu’à certaines questions pratiques qu’ils sont susceptibles de soulever, notamment quant à l’étendue de leurs effets sur les dispositions contractuelles. Les auteurs examinent comment appréhender de tels mécanismes en pratique.
Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Belgium --- Obligations (Law) --- Personal obligations (Law) --- Civil law --- Promise (Law) --- Ebooks --- Vis major --- Good faith (Law) --- Obligations (Droit) --- Force majeure --- Bonne foi (Droit) --- Juridische aspecten : Burgerlijk wetboek --- Aspects juridiques : Code civil --- E-books --- 347.4 <493> --- 347.4 <493> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Obligations (Law) - Belgium --- Belgique --- Contrats --- Imprévision (droit) --- Conditions (droit)
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Vis major (Civil law) --- Liability (Law) --- Contracts. --- Commercial law. --- Business --- Business law --- Commerce --- Law, Commercial --- Mercantile law --- Law --- Law merchant --- Maritime law --- Agreements --- Contract law --- Contracts --- Contractual limitations --- Limitations, Contractual --- Commercial law --- Legal instruments --- Obligations (Law) --- Juristic acts --- Liberty of contract --- Third parties (Law) --- Accountability --- Legal responsibility --- Responsibility, Legal --- Responsibility (Law) --- Civil law --- Act of God --- Force majeure --- Accident (Casus fortuitus) --- Extinguishment of debts --- Impossibility of performance --- Law and legislation --- Droit commercial (droit international) --- Imprévision (droit) --- Impossibilité d'exécution --- Contrats internationaux
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The recent financial crisis has questioned whether existing contracts may be adapted, terminated or renegotiated as a result of unexpected circumstances. The question is not a new one. In medieval times the notion of clausula rebus sic stantibus was developed to cope with such situations, and Germany introduced the theory of Wegfall der Geschäftsgrundlage. In England, the Coronation cases provided one possible answer. This comparative study explores the possibility of classifying jurisdictions as 'open' or 'closed' in this regard.
Law of obligations. Law of contract --- European law --- Rebus sic stantibus clause --- Vis major (Civil law) --- Contracts --- Breach of contract --- Discharge of contracts --- Clause rebus sic stantibus --- Force majeure --- Contrats --- Inexécution --- Extinction des obligations contractuelles --- Impossibility of performance --- 347.4 <4> --- Act of God --- Accident (Casus fortuitus) --- Extinguishment of debts --- Liability (Law) --- Clausula rebus sic stantibus --- Clauses (Law) --- Frustration of contracts --- Supervening impossibility --- Performance (Law) --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--Europa --- Law and legislation --- 347.4 <4> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--Europa --- Inexécution --- Law --- General and Others
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