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Family leave --- Sick leave --- Leave of absence --- Law and legislation --- United States.
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Absenteeism (Labor) --- -Sick leave --- -Medical leave --- Leave of absence --- Vacations, Employee --- Absence from work --- Employee absenteeism --- Labor absenteeism --- Work, Absence from --- Hours of labor --- Law and legislation --- -Law and legislation --- -Absenteeism (Labor) --- Sick leave --- Medical leave
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How do Family and Medical Leave Act rights operate in practice in the courts and in the workplace? This empirical study examines how institutions and social practices transform the meaning of these rights to recreate inequality. Workplace rules and norms built around the family wage ideal, the assumption that disability and work are mutually exclusive, and management's historical control over time all constrain opportunities for social change. Yet workers can also mobilize rights as a cultural discourse to change the social meaning of family and medical leave. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from social constructivism and new institutionalism, this study explains how institutions transform rights to recreate systems of power and inequality but at the same time also provide opportunities for law to change social structure. It provides a fresh look at the perennial debate about law and social change by examining how institutions shape the process of rights mobilization.
Parental leave --- Maternity leave --- Sick leave --- Leave of absence --- Law and legislation --- United States. --- Law --- General and Others --- Family leave --- Infant care leave --- Leave for parenting
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Absenteeism is the single most important cause of lost labour time, yet it has received much less scholarly attention than more dramatic forms of industrial disruption, such as strikes. Arguing that any explanation of absence rates must take into account the interests of both employers and employees, this book constructs a model of the markets for absence and sick pay. These are not independent since sick pay affects workers' incentives to be absent, and absences affect employers' willingness to pay sick pay. The book reviews the available empirical evidence relating to both markets, stressing the importance of careful identification of the effect of the price of absence on demand, since this is a crucial quantity for firms' policies. It concludes by discussing the implications of the model for human resources management, and for the role of the state in sick pay provision.
Personnel management --- Sick leave --- Absenteeism (Labor) --- AA / International- internationaal --- 332.815 --- 332.11 --- 338.020 --- Absence from work --- Employee absenteeism --- Labor absenteeism --- Work, Absence from --- Hours of labor --- Medical leave --- Leave of absence --- Vacations, Employee --- Absenteïsme. Ziekteverzuim. --- Arbeidscontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten. --- Theorie van de arbeid. --- Business, Economy and Management --- Economics --- Sick leave. --- Arbeidscontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten --- Absenteïsme. Ziekteverzuim --- Theorie van de arbeid
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Sociology of health --- Sociology of work --- Personnel management --- Arbeid en arbeiders --- Droit social --- Sociaal recht --- Travail et travailleurs --- ziekteverzuim --- humanisering van de arbeid --- Industrial hygiene --- -Quality of work life --- -Sick leave --- -Arbeidsveiligheid 613:614 --- arbeidsmarkt --- Medical leave --- Absenteeism (Labor) --- Leave of absence --- Vacations, Employee --- Humanization of work life --- Quality of working life --- Work life, Quality of --- Working life, Quality of --- Quality of life --- Work --- Employees --- Health of workers --- Hygiene, Industrial --- Industrial health engineering --- Occupational health and safety --- Occupational safety and health --- Occupations --- Work environment --- Environmental health --- Industrial management --- Medicine, Industrial --- 331.8 --- 658.31 --- marche du travail --- Health and hygiene --- Health aspects --- Quality of work life --- Sick leave --- Arbeidsveiligheid 613:614
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À l’heure où le nombre de malades de longue durée explose et où la problématique de l’absentéisme suscite de nombreux débats et de nombreuses crispations, la question du traitement juridique de l’incapacité de travail, replacée dans le cadre général du bien-être au travail, est cruciale.Cet ouvrage décrit tout d’abord l’arsenal pénal relatif au bien-être au travail.Au niveau civil, il est question de faire le point sur les obligations du travailleur qui se déclare en incapacité travail (avertissement préalable, justification et obligation de se soumettre au contrôle médical), tenant compte des récentes modifications légales en la matière (faculté de ne pas produire de certificat médical dans certains cas et nouveautés en cas de coïncidence entre l’incapacité de travail et les vacances annuelles du salarié).Le licenciement du travailleur en incapacité de travail est un sujet particulièrement délicat, puisque ce licenciement ne peut pas être fondé sur l’état de santé (passé, actuel ou futur), lequel constitue un critère protégé par le dispositif belge anti-discrimination.Le droit social s’est par ailleurs doté d’une fonction d’organisateur de voyages au travers du trajet de réintégration et du trajet de réinsertion qui font l’objet de contributions distinctes.La situation particulière des travailleurs inaptes à la suite d’un accident du travail ou d’une maladie professionnelle n’est pas oubliée.Enfin, vu les modifications légales récentes en matière de rupture du contrat de travail pour force majeure médicale, la question de l’inaptitude définitive au travail convenu donne lieu à un nouvel examen.
Quality of work life --- Work capacity evaluation --- Sick leave --- Qualité de la vie au travail --- Capacité de travail --- Congé de maladie --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Evaluation --- Conditions de travail --- Évaluation de la capacité de travail --- Belgique --- Capacity and disability --- Vocational rehabilitation --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Réadaptation professionnelle --- Droit du travail
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Depuis l’arrêté royal du 28 mai 2003 relatif à la surveillance de la santé des travailleurs, les décisions médicales prises par le conseiller en prévention-médecin du travail y ont ajouté, qui interfèrent de plus en plus dans la gestion des entreprises. Les principales dispositions dudit arrêté bénéficient dès lors d’une attention particulière. Pour éviter au lecteur de s’égarer dans ce dédale qui implique détours dans d’autres réglementations (assurance obligatoire soins de santé et indemnités, mais aussi chômage), nous précisons les thèmes abordés, étant, successivement: l’empêchement de travailler à la suite d’une incapacité constatée par le médecin traitant et son indemnisation; la surveillance de santé imposée par l’arrêté royal du 28 mai 2003 et ses implications (e.a., obligation de l’employeur d’adapter le poste de travail ou d’offrir un travail de remplacement); la reprise des prestations de travail; les conséquences, sur le contrat, de la mise en œuvre ou non des recommandations du conseiller en prévention-médecin du travail; la rupture du contrat pour force majeure; l’incapacité de travail et les autres modes de rupture du contrat; le respect de la vie privée et l’interdiction de toute discrimination. Afin de permettre aux praticiens de se construire une opinion argumentée sur ces différentes facettes, l’auteur prend, à plusieurs reprises, position dans des controverses aussi importantes que, par exemple, les limites du pouvoir conféré au médecin-contrôleur, la possibilité du travailleur de reprendre anticipativement le travail ou les conditions nécessaires pour constater l’existence d’une force majeure pouvant rompre le contrat. Il n’en reste pas moins que ce positionnement relève d’un choix, certes argumenté, mais qui ne peut avoir pour effet de nier l’existence d’autres thèses. Aussi, le lecteur optera-t-il pour la solution qui lui semble la plus pertinente et ce, en connaissance de cause.
Social medicine --- Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- Capacity and disability --- Social security --- Labor laws and legislation --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Sécurité sociale --- Travail --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- arbeidsrecht --- sociaal recht --- bescherming op het werk --- sante publique --- maladies professionnelles --- droit du travail --- droit social --- protection au travail --- volksgezondheid --- beroepsziekten --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Sécurité sociale --- Sick leave --- Congé de maladie --- Belgique --- Droit social --- Médecins --- Interdiction professionnelle --- Employeur et employé (droit) --- Droit du travail
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In our contemporary period of human mobility and global capitalism, political identifications are being configured in multiple sites beyond the nation-state. The text's theoretical innovation is to analyze what happens at work in terms of larger processes of political belonging. In particular, it examines how the recognitions and reciprocities entailed by care work affect the political belonging of new African migrants in the United States.
Caregivers. --- Home Care Services. --- Foreign workers, African --- Caregivers --- Home care services --- United States. --- Affordable Care Act. --- African American history. --- African migration. --- Washington DC. --- aging. --- care labor. --- cultural capital. --- death. --- dignity. --- domestic service. --- exclusion. --- flexible workforce. --- foreclosure. --- good death. --- health insurance. --- home care. --- home death. --- home ownership. --- house-building. --- humiliation. --- inheritance. --- interdependence. --- kinship. --- labor market. --- mortgages. --- racialization. --- regulations. --- retirement. --- sick leave. --- social mobility. --- social networks. --- transnationalism. --- Home care services.
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A country's economic productivity is directly related to the health of its workforce. Thus, how a nation allocates resources to the physical health of its population is of vital importance in establishing the economic well-being of its citizens.This volume contains nine original and innovative articles that investigate the relationship between a nation's health policies, employee health and resulting labor market outcomes. Topics include the direct link between employees' health and wages, the employment impact of an unfavorable health shock, the relationship between job insecurity and a worker's mental health, the effect of career disruptions on already chronically ill workers, the consequences of arbitrary health insurance disenrollments, the impact of reducing publically available sick day benefits, the repercussions of increasing employers' sick pay benefits on absenteeism, the relationship between economic conditions and opioid abuse, and the consequences of parental migration on children's health.For researchers and students of labor economics, or anyone interested in understanding how a country's health policies affect its economic productivity, this volume is a fundamental text.
Labour economics --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Health insurance --- Labor market --- Medical economics --- Labor economics --- Medical policy --- Industrial hygiene --- Sick leave --- Economic aspects --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Health plans, Prepaid --- Insurance, Health --- Medical care, Prepaid --- Medical insurance --- Prepaid health plans --- Prepaid medical care --- Sickness insurance --- Insurance --- Ambulance service --- Health care reform --- Home care services --- Hospitals --- Medically uninsured persons --- Surgical clinics --- Supply and demand --- Prospective payment --- Emergency services --- Outpatient services --- Rehabilitation services --- E-books --- Labor market. --- Health insurance. --- Business & Economics --- Labour economics. --- Labor. --- Medical policy - Economic aspects
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L'incapacité de droit commun dont est victime un travailleur pose d'innombrables questions aux praticiens du droit social. Située à la lisière du domaine médical, cette matière fait intervenir le médecin traitant, le médecin-contrôleur, le conseiller en prévention-médecin du travail et le médecin conseil de l'organisme assureur. Selon l'importance du rôle que l'on donne à chacun de ceux-ci, les réponses juridiques peuvent varier, voire être contradictoires.
Social law. Labour law --- Belgium --- Arbeidsrecht --- Droit du travail --- Droit social --- Sociaal recht --- Capacity and disability --- Social security --- Labor laws and legislation --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Sécurité sociale --- Travail --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Droit du travail Arbeidsrecht --- Accidents du travail Arbeidsongevallen --- Maladies professionnelles Beroepsziekten --- Sécurité sociale Sociale zekerheid --- droit du travail --- droit social --- protection au travail --- belgique --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.754 --- V19 - Suspension du contrat de travail - Opschorting van een arbeidscontract --- arbeidsrecht --- sociaal recht --- bescherming op het werk --- belgie --- Verhuur van diensten. Ondernemingscontract. Arbeidscontract. Dienstcontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten. --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Sécurité sociale --- Sick leave --- Congé de maladie --- Verhuur van diensten. Ondernemingscontract. Arbeidscontract. Dienstcontract. Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten --- Contrat de travail --- Contrôle médical --- Incapacité de travail --- Jour de carence --- Rechute --- Reprise de travail --- Fin du contrat de travail --- Relations individuelles de travail --- Belgique --- Suspension --- Maladie / Accident --- Salaire garanti --- Force majeure
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