Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Ill-Posed and Non-Classical Problems of Mathematical Physics and Analysis
Abdinazarov, S
Amonov, B K
Ashurova, Z R
Begmatov, A H
Begmatov, Akbar H
et al.
Begmatov, Akram H
Djuraev, T D
Dzhuraev, Tukhtamurad D
Haidarov, A
Hämarik, U
Hämarik, Uno
Iskakov, KT
Iskakov, Kazizat T
Kabanikhin, SI
Kabanikhin, Sergey I
Khadjiev, DJ
Khadjiev, Djavvat
Khaidarov, Akram
Kholboev, Bakhodir M
Kobilov, S S
Lavrent'ev, Mikhail M
Lavrentx27ev, M M
Ochilov, Z H
Ochilov, Zarif H
Rajabov, N
Rajabov, Nusrat
Saitoh, S
Shodiev, D
Tautenhahn, U
Tautenhahn, Ulrich
Yamamoto, M
Yamamoto, Masahiro
Yarmukhamedov, I
Yarmukhamedov, Sh
Yarmukhamedov, Sharov
Zhuraev, Yu J
Çavus, Abdullah
Çavuş, A
Hashimov, A R
Kholboev, B M
Saitoh, Saburou
Zhuraev, Yunusali Y
ISBN: 9783110936520
Year: 2014
Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis
Axelsson, O
Bainov, D
Barel, Marc van
Beauwens, Robert
Bruneau, Charles-Henri
et al.
Bultheel, Adheuar
Byun, Du-Won
Covachev, V
Dang-Vu, H
Encinas, Luis Hernández
González-Vera, Pablo
Hemker, P W
Hermey, D
Holter, William H
Iriarte, Angel Arteaga
Jovanović, Boško S
Kajiwara, Jōji
Masqué, Jaime Muñoz
Mitsou, G V
Navon, I M
Navva, Hayato
Neytcheva, M
Nürnberger, G
Oppe, Thomas C
Orive, Ramón
Saitoh, Saburou
Schmidt, Jochen W
Simos, T E
Watson, G A
Østerby, Ole
Delcarte, C
Meinardus, Günter
Shishkin, G I
ISBN: 9783112318805
Year: 2020
Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-22 August 1993
Adomian, G
Aiki, Toyohiko
Alemayehu, Dejene
Allen, Myron B
Bainov, D D
et al.
Bainov, D
Belbas, S A
Ben-Yu, Guo
Brown, R C
Caubet, Jean-Pierre
Covachev, V
Covachev, VC
Ferragut, L
Galeotti, Marcello
González-Pinto, S
González-Vera, P
Grobbelaar, Marié
Hinton, D B
Iliev, I D
Jódar, L
Kajiwara, Jōji
Kozakiewicz, E
Lee, ES
Martin, J A
Misawa, Masashi
Miyazaki, Yoichi
Montenegro, R
Nanbu, Tokumori
Nenov, S I
Owens, DH
O'Regan, Donal
Plaza, A
Popivanov, PR
Porru, Giovanni
Puttaswamy, TK
Raikov, GD
Saitoh, Saburou
Vatsala, A S
Villanueva, RJ
Yamaura, Yoshihiko
Zayed, Ahmed I
Casasús, L
Horozov, E
Nakane, Shizuo
Rogers, E
ISBN: 9783112318874
Year: 2020
Publisher: Berlin Boston

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