Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Writing New England
Adams, Abigail
Adams, Henry
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, John
Alcott, Bronson
et al.
Alcott, Louisa May
Allen, Fred
Antin, Mary
Apess, William
Beston, Henry
Bishop, Elizabeth
Bradstreet, Anne
Bryant, William Cullen
Bushnell, Horace
Chapman, John Jay
Cheever, John
Cotton, John
Cummings, ΕΕ
Danforth, Samuel
Delbanco, Andrew
Dickinson, Emily
Douglass, Frederick
Du Bois, W Ε В
Edwards, Jonathan
Eliot, Charles W
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
Franklin, Benjamin
Frost, Robert
Fuller, Margaret
Giamatti, A Bartlett
Haley, Alex
Hall, Donald
Harvard College
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Howells, William Dean
Jackson, Shirley
James, Henry
James, William
Jewett, Sarah Orne
Kennedy, John F
Kinnell, Galway
Kozol, Jonathan
Lewontin, Timothy
Lowell, Robert
Lukas, J Anthony
Marquand, John P
Mather, Cotton
Matthiessen, FО
Mcphee, John
Oliver, Peter
Otis, James
O'Connor, Edwin
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer
Ripley, George
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Sexton, Anne
Stafford, Jean
Stevens, Wallace
Stoddard, Elizabeth
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Sumner, Charles
Taylor, Edward
The Salem Court
Twain, Mark
Updike, John
Webster, Daniel
West, Dorothy
White, ΕΒ
Wilbur, Richard
Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Wolff, Geoffrey
X, Malcolm
Τηоreau, Henry David
Auchincloss, Louis
Dana, Richard Henry
Frankfurter, Felix
Howe, Julia Ward
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Parker, Theodore
Sumner, William Graham
Winthrop, John
ISBN: 9780674335486
Year: 2013
Publisher: Cambridge, MA

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