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Colonial Spanish bureaucracy produced masses of “autobiographical” texts ('relaciones de méritos and servicios') which forced/invited individuals to present themselves as perfect subjects of the King in order to be rewarded. Bureaucracy produced the officials of the colonial regime, and, at the same time, it provided individuals with the possibility of exploring the literary potential of writing one’s curriculum vitae. This book helps contextualize a body of often-used yet understudied historic sources; it indicates that the fabric of early modern society was held together by a pervasive economy of 'mercedes' (rewards); and it shows that the tension between state-induced production of autobiographical documents and the individual’s endeavor to outsmart this system is at the origin of modern forms of literature.
Patronage, Political --- Autobiography --- Biography as a literary form. --- Clientélisme --- Autobiographie espagnole --- History. --- Political aspects --- Histoire et critique. --- Espagne --- Spain --- Colonies --- Administration --- Administration. --- Autobiography -- Political aspects -- Spain -- History. --- Patronage, Political -- Spain -- History. --- Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration. --- Biography as a literary form --- Regions & Countries - Americas --- History & Archaeology --- Latin America --- History --- Histoire et critique --- Biography --- Authorship --- Prose literature --- Autobiographies --- Egodocuments --- Memoirs --- Political patronage --- Spoils system --- Civil service reform --- History and criticism --- Technique --- Espainiako Erresuma --- España --- Espanha --- Espanja --- Espanya --- Estado Español --- Hispania --- Hiszpania --- Isupania --- Kingdom of Spain --- Regne d'Espanya --- Reiaume d'Espanha --- Reino de España --- Reino d'Espanya --- Reinu d'España --- Sefarad --- Sepharad --- Shpanie --- Shpanye --- Spanien --- Spanish State --- Supein --- イスパニア --- スペイン --- Clientelism, Political --- Patron-client politics --- Political clientelism --- Political sociology
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Desire in literature. --- Lovesickness in literature. --- Spanish fiction --- History and criticism.
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Social psychology --- Research --- -Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Psychology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- -Research --- Social psychology - Research
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Here the authors consider justice in organizations within the new framework of Fairness Theory, which integrates previous work in this area by focusing on accountability for events with negative impact on material and psychological well-being.
Organizational behavior --- Personnel management --- Distributive justice --- Organizational justice --- Moral and ethical aspects --- 174.5 --- Economische ethiek. Speculatie --- Distributive justice. --- Organizational justice. --- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- management --- personeelsbeleid en -opleiding --- management. --- personeelsbeleid en -opleiding. --- 174.5 Economische ethiek. Speculatie --- Corporations --- Employment management --- Human resource management --- Human resources management --- Manpower utilization --- Personnel administration --- Management --- Public administration --- Employees --- Employment practices liability insurance --- Supervision of employees --- Workplace justice --- Justice --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Social justice --- Wealth --- E-books --- Organizational behavior - Moral and ethical aspects --- Personnel management - Moral and ethical aspects --- Organisatieleer.
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How is a body written, and in which ways can literary texts shed light on the tension between immediate bodily expressions and writing if medieval writing practices compete with the new technology of printing? The present volume Escritura somática: La materialidad de la escritura en las literaturas ibéricas de la Edad Media a la temprana modernidad explores the relations between corporality and writing in genres and discourses that are key for understanding the phenomenon. The Iberian perspective, including contributions on Spanish and Portuguese texts, focusses on the materiality of writing with a shared epistemic frame. Contributors are Isabel de Barros Dias, Stephanie Béreiziat-Lang, Juan Casas Rigall, Robert Folger, Juan Pablo Mauricio García Álvarez, Miguel García-Bermejo Giner, Folke Gernert, Santiago Gutiérrez García, Simon Kroll, Miriam Palacios Larrosa, Adrián J. Sáez, and Margarida Santos Alpalhão.
091 <460> --- 094 <460> --- 091:003 --- 091:003 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- 091 <460> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Spanje --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Spanje --- 094 <460> Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Spanje --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Spanje --- E-books --- Knowledge, Theory of, in literature. --- Spanish literature --- History and criticism.
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Das Werk Rousseaus ist ein Ereignis planetarischer Auswirkung. Dass dieses Werk symptomatisch für die Moderne wurde, hat seinen Grund in der aporetischen Verschränkung von Autonomie und Heteronomie, die nach dem Tod des Königs jeder republikanischen Verfassung eingeschrieben ist.Rousseau ist sich dieser Problematik bewusst, wenn er um die Frage von Fremd- und Selbstbestimmung kreist. Er legt eine Spaltung im Subjekt gerade dort bloß, wo sich kollektive Vernunft und individueller Affekt, symbolische Ordnung und Imaginäres entzweien. Das diskursive Feld, das man als »Rousseauismus« bezeichnet, bleibt davon nicht unberührt; denn wenn politische Denker und Literaten weltweit Rousseau für sich in Anspruch nehmen, transkodieren sie kein stabiles Wissen, sondern verstricken sich unweigerlich in Widersprüche. Diesen Widersprüchen gehen die Autoren von Planet Rousseau nach.
Authors, French --- Authors, French. --- Philosophy, French --- Philosophy, French. --- Self in literature --- Self in literature. --- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, --- Criticism and interpretation --- 1700-1799. --- Kulturen --- kulturell --- Philosophie --- Philosophiegeschichte --- Kulturwissenschaften --- Kultur --- Geschichte --- Rouseau, Jan Jakub, --- Russo, Zhan Zhak, --- Rousseau, John James, --- Rūssū, Jān Jāk, --- Lu-so, --- Ru-xô, Giăng-Giá̆c, --- Rousseau, Jean Jaques, --- Rousseau, Jean Jeacques, --- Rousseau, J. J. --- Rusō, Jan Jakku, --- Rousseau, Gian Giacomo, --- Ruso, Z'an Z'aḳ, --- Rūcō, --- Citoyen de Genève, --- Citizen of Geneva, --- Roussō, --- Rousseau, --- Rūssō, --- Rousseau, Johann Jacob, --- Руссо, Жан-Жак, --- רוסא, זשאן־זשאק --- רוסא, י׳ן י׳ק, --- רוסו, זאאן זאאק, --- רוסו, ז׳אן־ז׳אק, --- روسو، چان چاك --- روسو، ژان ژاك --- 卢梭, --- Rousseau, Juan Jacobo, --- Rousseau, G. G. --- Ruso, Jan Jak, --- Rūsaw, Zhān Zhāk, --- Rūsū, Zhān Zhāk, --- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
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