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Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen in der beruflichen Lehramtsausbildung : Eine Design-Based Research Studie an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: [s.l.] : wbv Media GmbH & Co. KG,

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Aus der mangelnden digitalen Kompetenz von (Berufsschul)Lehrkr&#228;ften, Lehramtsstudierenden und Sch&#252;ler:innen ergibt sich ein &#8222;digitaler Teufelskreis". Der Autor entwickelt, erprobt und evaluiert in seiner Dissertation aus einem Design-Based Research Ansatz ein Konzept f&#252;r ein Onlineseminar innerhalb der beruflichen Lehramtsausbildung an der Justus-Liebig-Universit&#228;t Gie&#223;en. Zentraler Baustein des Seminars ist die Eigenproduktion von Erkl&#228;rvideos, die digitale Kompetenzen niedrigschwellig f&#246;rdert und zur Sensibilisierung f&#252;r das Thema Digitalisierung im Handlungsfeld Schule beitr&#228;gt. Aus den Ergebnissen der praxisbezogenen Studie im Kontext des Studienstandorts Gie&#223;en leitet der Autor allgemeine Gelingensbedingungen und Handlungsempfehlungen f&#252;r die digitalisierungsbezogene Professionalisierung angehender Berufsschullehrkr&#228;fte ab.

Journal of Problem-Based Learning
ISSN: 22888675 25089145 Year: 2003 Publisher: Kuala Lumpur Fac.

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ICCTE journal.
Year: 2005 Publisher: Newberg, Or. : George Fox University

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Catholic Education
Year: 2023 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,

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Catholic education faces many challenges, mainly due to secularisation. This applies to both content and methods, as well as teacher training. In response to these challenges, the publication titled "Catholic Education" has been prepared. This topic is understood very broadly and includes all dimensions of education provided within the Catholic Church, in Catholic schools and Catholic communities around the world. The main aim of this reprint is to specify and answer new challenges for Catholic education and Catholic religious education that arise from secularisation and other reasons. This reprint contains 17 chapters authored by researchers from various countries and different traditions. Drawing from their diverse experiences, they not only address the issues within their own environments but also analyse global problems. Papers presenting Catholic education and Catholic religious education in historical, contemporary, and future perspectives are also present.

Educational Role of Language Journal
ISSN: 26579774

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Regards diversifiés sur l'éducation autochtone : Réflexions pour une pédagogie du XXIe siècle
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782760560123 2760560120 Year: 2024 Publisher: Qubec : Presses de l'Université du Québec,

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Ce livre « libre d'accès » représente le résultat de trois années de discussions, de partages et de réflexions autour de l'éducation autochtone. Plusieurs voix pancanadiennes se sont jointes pour apporter un message qui nous invite à prendre connaissance d'une pédagogie porteuse d'espoir. Nous sommes fières de souligner que ce présent ouvrage a été rédigé par des chercheurs et des éducateurs autochtones et allochtones par le biais de collaborations réalisées à partir et avec les épistémologies autochtones d'éducation et les méthodes autochtones de recherche dans un contexte de maillage entre savoirs autochtones et eurocentriques. Ces collaborations constituent en soi un puissant exercice de réconciliation, mais aussi et surtout de décolonisation.

The Vignette As an Exercise in Perception : On the Professionalisation of Educational Practices.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3847418858 3847427156 9783847418856 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich,

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Pedagogical work requires the willingness to engage with new situations and with people in their diversity. This book does not offer any simple recipes, but a gentle approach to important steps towards professionalisation in the teaching profession. These lead via an open attitude of perception and the inclusion of corporeality to an insight into how learning and teaching processes can be understood in a new or different way. With vignettes and examples from different pedagogical fields, the theoretical concepts are presented and reflected on their application.The book contains an English-language and a Greek-language version.

Landeskunde im Kontext : Die Umsetzung von theoretischen Landeskundeansätzen in DaF-Lehrwerken
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3737011214 3847111213 9783737011211 Year: 2020 Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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Landes- und kulturkundliche Inhalte sowie interkulturelle bzw. kulturreflexive Aspekte sind fester Bestandteil des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Doch wie sieht das in der Praxis und in Lehrmaterialien aus? Dieser Band bietet Grundlagen zur Lehrwerk- bzw. Landeskundeforschung und erkundet deren konkrete Umsetzung in einer kontextualisierten Lehrwerkanalyse. Untersucht werden frequent im schulischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht eingesetzte Anfänger-Lehrwerke für Jugendliche aus Polen und den Niederlanden. Gelungene Beispiele für die Umsetzung unterschiedlicher landeskundlicher Inhalte und Lernziele aus internationalen Lehrmaterialien bieten Anregungen für ein breiteres Spektrum an landeskundlichen Aktivitäten und Lernzielen, die direkt in die eigene Praxis umgesetzt werden können.  Cultural content as well as intercultural and culture-reflective aspects are key concepts in foreign language pedagogy. But how are these key concepts reflected in teaching practice and teaching materials? This book provides a sound theoretical basis of research concerning both teaching materials and culture pedagogy. In a contextualized textbook analysis, the authors explore to what extent research insights are integrated into six frequently used Dutch and Polish course books for beginning adolescent learners of German. A selection of good practice examples from international teaching materials display the implementation of various cultural contents and provide input for a wide array of cultural activities and teaching objectives, which can be directly implemented in teaching practice.

Integrating Information into the Engineering Design Process
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781557538543 1557538549 9781612493077 1612493076 Year: 2014 Publisher: West Lafayette, Indiana : Purdue University Press,

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"Engineering design is a fundamental problem-solving model used by the discipline. Effective problem-solving requires the ability to find and incorporate quality information sources. To teach courses in this area effectively, educators need to understand the information needs of engineers and engineering students and their information gathering habits. This book provides essential guidance for engineering faculty and librarians wishing to better integrate information competencies into their curricular offerings. The treatment of the subject matter is pragmatic, accessible, and engaging. Rather than focusing on specific resources or interfaces, the book adopts a process-driven approach that outlasts changing information technologies. After several chapters introducing the conceptual underpinnings of the book, a sequence of shorter contributions go into more detail about specific steps in the design process and the information needs for those steps. While they are based on the latest research and theory, the emphasis of the chapters is on usable knowledge. Designed to be accessible, they also include illustrative examples drawn from specific engineering sub-disciplines to show how the core concepts can be applied in those situations. "--

Environmental education in Indonesia : creating responsible citizens in the global south?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0429397984 9780429674747 0429674740 9780429674754 0429674759 9780429674730 0429674732 9780429397981 9780367027551 0367027550 0367784246 Year: 2019 Publisher: London : Routledge,

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Indonesia's wealth of natural resources is being exploited at breakneck speed, and environmental awareness and knowledge among the populace is limited. This book examines how young people learn about the environment to see how education can help to develop environmental awareness and avert vast environmental destruction, not only in Indonesia, but also in the Global South more generally. Based on in-depth studies conducted in the cities of Yogyakarta and Surabaya, complemented with surveys of students in secondary schools, Environmental Education in Indonesia examines educational curricula, pedagogy and "green" activities to reveal what is currently being done in schools to educate children about the environment. The book investigates the shortcomings in environment education, including underqualified teachers, the civil service mentality, the still-pervasive chalk-and-talk pedagogy and the effect of the examination system. It also analyses the role of local government in supporting (or not) environmental education, and the contribution of environmental NGOs. The book establishes that young people are not currently being exposed to effective environmental education, and the authors propose that the best and most culturally appropriate way forward in Indonesia is to frame pro-environment behaviour and responsibility as a form of citizenship, and specifically that environmental education should be taught as a separate subject. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of contemporary Indonesia and Southeast Asia, education for sustainability and environmental education, as well as sustainability and sustainable development more generally.

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