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La sous-traitance : séminaire organisé à Liège le 18 avril 2002.
ISBN: 2802717510 9782802717515 Year: 2003 Volume: 5 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Lorsqu'en 1975, IBM décida de faire appel à de petites entreprises pour la fabrication des composantes de ses ordinateurs personnels (PC), elle ne se doutait évidemment pas qu'elle prenait alors une décision lourde de conséquences... Avec la rapidité que l'on sait, les années 1990 ont fait de Intel et de Microsoft les maîtres de l'informatique mondiale : fameux changement de fortune pour ces anciens soustraitants du géant IBM ! Cet exemple, bien qu'anecdotique, illustre bien le potentiel économique du contrat d'entreprise en général et de la sous-traitance en particulier. Les rapports de force évoluent, comme le démontre d'ailleurs l'apparition de plus en plus marquée de la " co-traitance " dans les domaines les plus variés de la prestation de services : le phénomène ne se concentre donc pas au seul droit de la construction, même si c'est là que l'on puisera l'inspiration la plus riche pour l'ensemble des contrats d'entreprise. Le moment était donc venu d'examiner les contours juridiques de la sous-traitance, figure désormais indispensable de la vie des affaires, ainsi que les défis auxquels elle est confrontée de nos jours. C'est avec ce " cahier des charges " que la Commission Droit et Vie des Affaires ouvrait son colloque du 18 avril 2002, dont les rapports actualisés sont réunis clans le présent ouvrage.

Contracting and Safety : Exploring Outsourcing Practices in High-Hazard Industries.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030897923 3030897915 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book examines the increase in outsourcing, contracting and subcontracting as ways of organising work. It explores the impact of these employment arrangements on public safety, particularly when they are linked to complex supply networks in a range of engineering industries including oil and gas, nuclear power and aviation. The brief provides practical recommendations on how best to manage arrangements that target short-term profitability and also maintain excellence in long-term safety outcomes. The brief is a source of advice for organisations on how to maximise the benefits and minimise long-term system reliability issues that can be introduced by contracting and outsourcing, rather than assuming it to be a wholly negative or positive practice. Contracting and Safety comprises qualitative, empirical studies focusing on high-reliability organisation. As such, this brief provides a rich picture of the experience of working in complex supply chains. It will be of interest to researchers in industrial safety, as well as safety professionals and project managers within engineering industries.

Les marchés publics et privés dans la C.E.E. et Outre-mer. Tome I
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802706705 2802705679 9782802706700 9782802705673 Year: 1992 Publisher: Bruxelles : Emile Bruylant,

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800 Collectie Vlaams Vredesinstituut --- 822.5 Europese Unie --- 830 Economie --- 839 Technologie en infrastructuur --- 841 Politiek Bestel --- 841.5 Bestuur en beleid --- 880 Regio’s en landen --- droit des contrats --- entreprises --- marches publics --- pays de la ce --- 334.154.1 --- 351.7 --- AA / International- internationaal --- V4 - Marchés publics - Overheidsopdrachten --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- verbintenissenrecht --- bedrijven --- overheidsopdrachten --- eg landen --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt. --- Beheer van het openbaar domein. Openbare werken. --- Performance contracts --- Subcontracting --- Contrats de performance --- Sous-traitance --- 351.712 EC --- 351.824.5 EUR --- 332.84 EUR --- 351.712 EUR --- Openbare werken. Openbare aanbestedingen. Toewijzing van openbare werken. Algemene besteksbepalingen voor openbare werken. Aanvaarding, goedkeuring van openbare werken--EC --- 351.712 EC Openbare werken. Openbare aanbestedingen. Toewijzing van openbare werken. Algemene besteksbepalingen voor openbare werken. Aanvaarding, goedkeuring van openbare werken--EC --- #A9205A --- ce --- eg --- Building laws --- Public works --- Construction --- Travaux publics --- Comparative studies --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Etudes comparatives --- Commercial law --- European Union countries --- Corporation law --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt --- Beheer van het openbaar domein. Openbare werken --- Droit administratif --- Comparative studies.

Trust Management: Key Factor of the Sustainable Organizations Embedded in Network
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039212346 3039212338 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Nowadays, trust is an important determinant in the development of modern organizations. Not only is it becoming an increasingly important element of relationships between entities, but, above all, it positively influences the building of an organization's intellectual capital. This capital can be defined in different ways, but its definition always references elements that determine the potential of sustainable organizations, often in human, social, relational, organizational, and innovation dimensions. Trust is increasingly becoming the key determinant of this capital (Ko?uch, Lenart-Gansiniec, 2017). Trust also has a number of different definitions. However, the basis of many of these definitions is the building of relationships focused on developing some kind of individual or inter-organizational link. Organizational trust is a complicated concept, and it is the basis of all organized activities performed by people in the organization, largely because trust is needed to develop relationships with integrity and commitment. Thus, it is interesting to study the relationship between trust and the building of the intellectual capital of sustainable organizations. Indeed, intellectual capital plays a special role here. It is a guide and a platform for achieving not only a competitive advantage for the sustainable organization, but also a source of value creation in the short and long term. Thus, this strategic hybrid, composed of a business model, strategy, and business processes, is favorable to the development of intellectual capital (Jab?o?ski 2017). Trust is an element that ties this capital to relationships in business. Moreover, it has an integrated character (R.C. Mayer, J. H. Davis, F. D. Schoorman 1995). Assuming that, nowadays, the network paradigm is becoming increasingly important, it is worth asking how the mechanism of building trust-based intellectual capital in a sustainable organization functions as its key asset in the network environment.


modeling --- modal shift potential --- competition --- advertising --- deep uncertainty --- road freight transport --- integrity --- public management --- universities --- cooperation networks --- interpersonal trust --- public value --- cooperation --- risk perception --- DAG scheduling --- virtual teams --- foreign direct investment --- creative industry --- supply chain management --- antibiotics --- denial --- distress --- complexity --- consumer trust --- strategic projects --- large-scale collective action --- M&A sustainability --- stakeholders --- start-ups --- logistics service providers --- Sweden --- ethical advertising --- shockvertising --- ability --- transport services --- project success --- retained autonomy --- inter-organizational exchange relationships --- collaboration --- sustainable relationships --- trusted entities --- conceptual model --- relations --- public-social partnership --- apology --- public collaborative networks --- business processes --- networking --- co-innovation --- heterogeneous --- coordinating behavior --- structural equation modeling (SEM) --- trustworthiness --- trust repair --- cultural heritage management --- reciprocity types --- business model --- subcontracting --- penance --- General Discriminant Analysis --- Nzoia river basin --- opportunistic behaviors --- sustainability --- competences --- MCTS --- third-country relocation --- distrust --- quality culture --- prediction --- trust --- strategic hybrids --- multilevel research --- mixed-method research --- water policy gaming --- scenario-based experiments --- reciprocity-based trust --- antibiotic resistance --- consumer behavior --- trust management --- water supply companies --- international joint venture --- paradigm shift --- paradoxes --- asset specificity --- CSR --- control --- water cooperation --- cultural routes --- sustainable organizations --- performance --- higher education institutions --- online --- institutional theory --- strategy

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