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Selbstverständlich - und doch umstritten : Wie sich Organisationen bezüglich Gleichstellung legitimieren
Year: 2023 Publisher: Zurich : Seismo,

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Im Fokus dieses Buches steht das Verhältnis von Organisationen und Gesellschaft im Bereich der Geschlechtergleichstellung in der Schweiz. Die empirische Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Umgang von Unternehmen und Nonprofit-Organisationen mit dem Anliegen der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern und beschreibt, welche gesellschaftlichen Diskurse in die Organisationslogiken einbezogen werden. Die Analyse zeigt auf, welche Ziele im Gleichstellungsbereich legitim sind und wie diese in einem ersten Schritt als selbstverständlich dargestellt werden. Die Organisationen unterstützen das Gleichstellungsanliegen grundsätzlich, um auch einer wahrgenommenen gesellschaftlichen Erwartung zu entsprechen. Die Umstrittenheit des Themas kommt dann zum Vorschein, wenn konkreter über die Massnahmen zur Zielerreichung diskutiert wird. Dabei wird die Problemanalyse der bestehenden Geschlechterungleichheiten oft nicht vollzogen. Ein Verständnis für strukturelle Ungleichheiten wäre jedoch für die tatsächliche Gleichstellung vonnöten, um zielführende Massnahmen ergreifen zu können, wie Melanie Nussbaumer in der Studie argumentiert.

Measuring Gender Equality : A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Some EU Countries.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783031414862 3031414861 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,

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This book, 'Measuring Gender Equality: An Analysis of Some EU Indicators,' edited by Enrico di Bella, Sandra Fachelli, Pedro López-Roldán, and Christian Suter, explores the complex issue of gender equality within the European Union. It examines the EU's commitment to gender equality through various policies and action plans, such as the Gender Action Plans and the European Parliament's resolutions. The book highlights the importance of measuring gender inequality using indicators developed by international organizations like the United Nations and the European Institute for Gender Equality. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and understanding of gender disparities, supporting the development and evaluation of effective gender policies. The book is intended for researchers, policymakers, and those involved in social and gender studies, providing quantitative support for defining priorities and assessing policy effectiveness.

Inklusive Bildung : Regionale, nationale und internationale Forschung und Entwicklungslinien
Year: 2023 Publisher: Graz : Leykam Buchverlag,

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In addition to contributions from research and development, the focus is on comparative country studies and current issues of digitisation in the context of inclusion. Furthermore, the volume also presents informative short contributions or profiles of current projects. Through this joint national and international The aim of this joint national and international overview of findings and project resources is to strengthen the sustainability of knowledge and ensure its transfer from research to the respective fields of practice.

Revista Latino-Americana de geografia e gênero.
Year: 2010 Publisher: Ponta Grossa [Brazil] : Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

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Direitos humanos, diversidade, gênero e sexualidade : reflexões, diagnósticos e intervenções na pesquisa em educação
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9786559540143 9786559540266 Year: 2020 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora UNESP

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Esta coletânea nasce do intento de divulgar resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC), Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), Campus de Marília, que abordam a intersecção dos direitos humanos e temas relativos à diversidade humana – com ênfase nos temas de gênero e sexualidade – com a Educação. O livro se encontra estruturado em duas partes: a primeira contém 07 textos que versam sobre Direitos Humanos, Dignidade, Diversidade e Educação, mostrando a relação dos direitos humanos com a Educação e sua intersecção com a questão da diversidade. Na segunda parte, que reúne 08 textos, o tema gerador das análises foi Direitos Humanos, Gênero, Sexualidade e Educação, tomando-se como foco os temas de gênero e sexualidade e, respectivamente, os direitos de mulheres, da população LGBTQIA+s (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, transgêneros, queers, intersexuais, assexuais, etc.) e outros grupos vulneráveis. Ao todo, reúnem-se, neste livro, 15 textos resultantes de pesquisas de Mestrado, Doutorado e Pós-Doutorado, em andamento ou concluídas, sendo 13 deles de autoria de discentes do PPGE e outros 02 textos confeccionados por professores convidados, também envolvidos com o PPGE. Suas discussões variam desde reflexões teóricas a diagnósticos ou intervenções em diferentes perspectivas e realidades educacionais.

A Voice for Maria Favela
ISBN: 135024757X 135024760X 1350247618 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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Now available in English for the first time, the book describes Antonio Leal's experiences of teaching so-called 'unteachable' children in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas while also conceptualising a new form of creative literacy.

Teaching learners with visual impairment
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Cape Town, South Africa : AOSIS,

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This book, Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment, focuses on holistic support to learners with visual impairment in and beyond the classroom and school context. Special attention is given to classroom practice, learning support, curriculum differentiation and assessment practices, to mention but a few areas of focus covered in the book. In this manner, this book makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge on the implementation of inclusive education policy with learners affected by visual impairment.

Geschlechterdifferenzierung in der Kindertageseinrichtung : Eine qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie
ISBN: 3847409026 3847407805 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Wie sollen pädagogische Fachkräfte in Kitas mitdem Thema Geschlecht umgehen? Vor der Folie von frühpädagogischen Geschlechterdebatten bietet diese Studie einen empirischen Einblick in Geschlechterkonstruktionen von Kindern, Fachkräften und Eltern im Alltag einer Kindertageseinrichtung. Des Weiteren werden theoretische und empirische Leerstellen einer frühpädagogischen Debatte um Geschlecht aufgezeigt, die entstehen, wenn diese lediglich vor der Folie von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit mit dem Ziel der Verbesserung von Chancengleichheit geführt wird. Die Studie gewährt viel mehr empirischen Einblick in die Geschlechterkonstruktionen von Fachkräften, Kindern  und Eltern. jugendhilfereport,  01.2017 Es ergeben sich diverse Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Studien, um das beobachtete milieuspezifische Einzelsetting tiefergehend mit strukturellen Variablen zu kontextualisieren. Diskurs- und Jugendforschung 2/2016

Fast forward to gender equality : mainstreaming, implementation and leadership
ISBN: 926431301X 9264313001 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,

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"This report maps strategies, governance tools, institutional settings and innovative approaches used by governments across the OECD to drive and support society-wide gender equality goals. It covers all state institutions, including legislatures and judiciaries, and discusses the challenges faced by OECD countries in achieving long-lasting impact. Finally, the report provides policy guidance for state institutions, supported by examples of what works across the OECD. This report establishes a baseline for monitoring progress, based on the 2015 OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Public Life."--Page 4 of cover.

Nuevas problemáticas de género y desigualdad en América Latina y El Caribe
ISBN: 9877222280 Year: 2017 Publisher: Buenos Aires : CLACSO,

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