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"Meio quilo de gente" : um estudo antropológico sobre ultra-som obstétrico
Year: 2007 Publisher: [s.l.] : Editora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,

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Bem mais que um relato sobre ultra-sonografia fetal em mulheres de camadas médias do Rio de Janeiro, a obra propõe uma reflexão refinada sobre o papel da tecnologia médica na (re)definição do corpo e da própria realidade em que vivemos. Os resultados, apresentados, contribuem para o debate sobre a construção do feto como pessoa mediada pela tecnologia de imagem.

Labirinto de espelhos : formação da auto-estima na infância e adolescência
Authors: ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: [s.l.] : Editora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,

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Lidar com os anseios e questionamentos da adolescência não parece ser uma tarefa das mais fáceis, mas Labirintos de Espelhos - fomação da auto-estima na infância e na adolescência, consegue tratar do assunto de maneira mais acessível, sem, contudo, abandonar o caráter científico de uma pesquisa. As autoras, através dos depoimentos de diversos adolescentes, revelam que problemas como violência, relacionamento familiar e rendimento escolar, podem estar ligados a uma peça fundamental na formação destes jovens: a auto-estima. Nesta obra, o problema da auto-estima não constitui um fato isolado, mas sim uma questão que deve ser tratada como problema social e precisa ser encarada pela sociedade com a devida seriedade que há neste livro.

'In humanity's machine' : prison health and history
Year: 2017 Publisher: London (UK) : Howard League for Penal Reform,

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The pernicious and damaging effects of incarcerating juveniles has long been a topic of concern and controversy for reform groups, policy makers, childcare practitioners and academics; such concerns are doubly compounded where the mental health needs of the confined young person are in question. Yet, while there is a considerable scholarly literature on the history of juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice systems more broadly, there have been few substantial treatments of the institutional detention of juveniles in the modern era outside of official and non-official inquiries into historical allegations of child abuse. Equally, aside from a small number of highly focused studies, there is a paucity of scholarly research on the history of the mental health of juveniles in secure settings. Here, I detail the change in our understanding of the juvenile offender from that of a degraded if redeemable moral agent in the nineteenth century to our current conception of the detained youth as a figure marked by psychiatric morbidity, behavioural disturbance and complex needs. One of my central findings is that the context of institutional confinement itself has been an essential factor in the long-term psychiatric pathologisation of detained juveniles. This framed the scale, manner and context of their frequent group conceptualisation as potentially dangerous and uniquely debilitated by psychiatric morbidity. This is not to argue that the presence of trauma and psychiatric morbidity amongst juveniles in custody is simply a historical construct. Nor is it an argument that the use of psychiatry for detained youths merely constituted yet another instance of factitious medical labeling for the purposes of social control. Rather I suggest that, historically at least, the deployment of psychiatric diagnoses and treatment facilities within the youth secure estate has often primarily served institutional or political needs rather than the needs of juveniles in custody.

Bewähren sich Bewährungsstrafen? : Eine empirische Untersuchung der Praxis und des Erfolgs der Strafaussetzung von Freiheits- und Jugendstrafen
Year: 2009 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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This research/analysis focuses on an empirical analysis of the practical criminal law and the success of suspended sentence. The foundation of the research form data sets from the Bundeszentralregister and the Erziehungsregister. About 120.000 German data sets of stayed prison sentences and stayed young offender sentences are analyzed under the following aspects: the sentence received and if the delinquent reoffends in a period of four years after their sanction. Characteristics of age, gender, nationality and perhaps an existing penal background as well as possible probation service are part of the analysis. Also discussed are connections between relapse and the revocation of the parole. Another chapter deals with the success of the suspended sentences compared to other penalties, i.e. fines and prison sentences up to two years. Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit einer empirischen Analyse der Strafrechtspraxis und des Erfolges von Verurteilungen zu ausgesetzten Freiheits- und Jugendstrafen, den sog. Bewährungsstrafen. Sie widmet sich damit einem Kernstück des modernen Strafrechts. Auf der Grundlage von Datensätzen aus dem Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister werden rund 120.000 zu aussetzungsfähigen Freiheits- oder Jugendstrafen Verurteilte aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet hinsichtlich ihrer konkreten Sanktionierung im Bezugsjahr und einer etwaigen erneuten Straffälligkeit in einem vierjährigen Folgezeitraum untersucht. Besonderheiten hinsichtlich des Alters, des Geschlechts, der Nationalität und der im Register abgebildeten strafrechtlichen Vorgeschichte der Täter werden analysiert, ebenso eine etwaige Unterstellung unter Bewährungshilfe. Vortaten, Bezugstaten und Rückfalltaten werden delikts- und sanktionsspezifisch ausgewertet. Auch nach etwaigen Zusammenhängen zwischen Rückfall und Widerruf der Strafaussetzun.

Evaluation of a trauma-informed program for juvenile justice-involved youth : the pilot program at Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation

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There is increasing recognition of the prevalence of trauma exposure among youth involved in the juvenile justice system. To better address the needs of these youth while mitigating negative downstream consequences of their behavior (e.g., youth recidivism), there have been efforts to develop trauma-informed programming. In this report, the authors conduct an evaluation of a trauma-informed pilot program run by the Colorado Division of Youth Services (DYS) in a residential youth facility. The authors find that core elements of the pilot program are consistent with trauma-informed models. Similar models, such as the Missouri Model, have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing negative youth and staff outcomes. However, the authors found few significant effects of the pilot program on outcomes of interest during the evaluation period. That said, there were a number of implementation challenges that may have contributed to the lack of significant differences. These include potential contamination effects, as staff and youth from across units interacted during the study period, as well as obstacles related to staffing levels and larger facility-level concerns. As the program continues to be implemented, it will be important to develop a clear program model; address concerns related to training and staffing levels; and continue to monitor the implementation and outcomes of the program.

Chronic juvenile offenders : final results from the Skillman aftercare experiment
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1994 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation,

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A classical experimental design was used to determine whether delinquents assigned to an experimental intensive aftercare program implemented in two sites had lower relapse and recidivism rates and a better readjustment to the community than control youths assigned to regular supervision following residential placement, provided by social workers or probation officers. Interviews with youths and staff suggest that the experimental program was more intensive in terms of the frequency of contact and counseling. Twelve month follow-up data showed a decline in coping skills, personal goals, and self-efficacy, and no significant differences in arrests, self-reported delinquency or substance use.

Juvenile delinquency and justice : sociological perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1588266311 9781588266316 Year: 2009 Publisher: Boulder, Colo. Lynne Rienner Publishers

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Youth crime and juvenile justice in California : a report to the Legislature

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Born to die in Medellin
ISBN: 0906156661 Year: 1990 Publisher: London Latin America Bureau

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Een verbijsterend relaas over geweld in Medellin, de tweede stad van Columbia. De auteur bezocht de gevangenissen, de ziekenhuizen en de sloppenwijken van deze hoofdstad van de drugmaffia. Hij interviewde tieners die huurmoordenaar werden, hun families, priesters en burgerwachten. Doorheen deze verhalen krijgen we een beeld van de wereld van de jongerenbendes in Medellin, van een jeugd die naar eigen zeggen geboren is om te sterven voor ze zelf kinderen heeft of oud kan worden. Dit relaas wordt voorafgegaan door een inleiding die de misdaadcultuur in Medellin beschrijft en de positie van de jonge doders in de Columbiaanse politiek nader toelicht.

Democratie en geweld : probleemanalyse naar aanleiding van de gebeurtenissen in Amsterdam op 30 april 1980
Year: 1980 Publisher: 's-Gravenhage : Staatsuitgeverij,

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Onderzocht wordt in hoeverre er sprake is van structurele factoren die tot een herhaling zouden kunnen leiden van zinloos en onaanvaardbaar gedrag. Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt naar vier typen geweld. Voor achtergronden van het geweld op 30 april wordt verwezen naar de spanningen op het gebied van huisvesting, het verschijnsel van "jeugdagressie" en de kenmerken van de grote stad. Research is being conducted into the extent to which there are structural factors that could lead to a repetition of senseless and unacceptable behavior. A distinction is made between four types of violence. For backgrounds of the violence on 30 April, reference is made to the tensions in the field of housing, the phenomenon of "youth day care" and the characteristics of the big city.

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