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Dedicated to the medina in the Mediterranean space, this book is essentially based on detailed historical and photographic research into the characteristics of city design and its evolution, as well as some case studies from direct experience. The main objective of the present study consists of its documentary and evocative value, without forgetting the analysis of the multiple architectural spaces with monumental complexes of extraordinary cultural importance arranged according to precise hierarchies and specific uses. The research summarises the different experiences from this immense Arab-Muslim architectural heritage and its urban evolution. These aspects are expressed both by the large number of case studies (from Cordoba to Palermo, passing through Fez, Séfrou, Marrakech and Tunis) as well as by the quality of the built spaces as a whole. The several contributions show an urban framework that is still legible and significant, consisting of grids of houses with forms, structures and functions that show a concentration of spaces, places and monuments stratified over time and developed in the Mediterranean countries, producing extremely diverse situations.
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Historic districts --- Historic preservation --- Congresses.
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A cidade-atração investiga os programas e projetos que, a partir dos anos 1990, incorporaram o patrimônio de cidades brasileiras como um ativo urbano destinado a contribuir para a transformação de quadros de desvalorização econômica e de uso e apropriação popular. Com base em processos deflagrados nas áreas centrais de Salvador, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, busca compreender os sentidos subjacentes à proliferação e à banalização de práticas preservacionistas e apontar outras possibilidades socialmente mais significativas de uso do patrimônio urbano.
Cultural property --- Historic districts --- Historic preservation --- City planning --- Protection --- History --- Government policy
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A subject that is inexplicably little studied at present, or indeed not at all, is that of the quest for possible applications and feasible objectives in the energy requalification of existing buildings, existing or planned open spaces, old city centres and the monumental and diffuse cultural heritage. At the present time it is crucial that the issues, research and techniques linked to the possibilities of an aware use of energy are applied to the old city centres and the existing heritage. This must start from a knowledge and investigation of the traditional building materials and techniques, which are in themselves inherently sustainable (comprising both the ancient city and the consolidated modern city and their historic stratifications). The historic environment indeed represents an infinite cultural and environmental resource and a very high percentage of the global architectural heritage.
Historic districts --- City planning --- Historic preservation --- Conservation and restoration --- Environmental aspects
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Comment les sociétés contemporaines « habitent-elles » les lieux, les sites, les monuments qu'elles constituent en patrimoine ? Comment investissent-elles le cadre matériel auquel elles attribuent une valeur patrimoniale et dans lequel elles sont, tout produire ? Autre question : que peuvent nous apprendre les modalités avec lesquelles les groupes sociaux réinvestissent les lieux patrimoniaux sur les rapports que ceux-ci entretiennent avec l'espace ? C'est à ces questions que cherchent à répondre les textes de trente-sept auteurs (des géographes, des sociologues, des historiens, des ethnologues) réunis dans cet ouvrage. Habiter le patrimoine explore ainsi la multitude des rapports que l'Homme tisse avec ses spatialités patrimoniales, les expressions de l'habiter, les pratiques qui s'y attachent, les contraintes qui y sont liées, les conflits générés ou le potentiel qui s'en dégage... dans le contexte de la société du début du XIXe siècle.
Architecture and society. --- Historic districts --- Historic preservation --- Architecture et société --- Quartiers anciens --- Patrimoine historique --- Patrimoine culturel --- Architecture --- Aspect social --- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts --- Architecture et société --- Patrimoine culturel. --- Quartiers anciens. --- Aspect social. --- habitat --- géographie sociale --- patrimonialisation --- patrimoine
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Cet ouvrage entend contribuer au renouveau théorique de l’étude des médinas au Maroc, en rendant compte de l’étendue et de la nature d’un phénomène à peine envisageable au début des années quatre-vingt-dix. Les auteurs abordent, en effet, les mutations en cours dans les médinas à partir de la perspective de la gentrification, c'est-à-dire du phénomène de réinvestissement de quartiers anciens, souvent fort détériorés, par des nouveaux résidents aisés, qui y impulsent des dynamiques rénovatrices. S’appuyant sur des enquêtes de terrain dans plusieurs villes marocaines, les études présentées s’intéressent aux profils et aux motivations de ces nouveaux habitants, à leurs interactions avec les anciens habitants, au rôle de l’Etat, aux rapports entre gentrification, tourisme, patrimonialisation et cosmopolitisme. Tout en soulignant les dynamiques convergentes et les caractéristiques que les médinas marocaines partagent avec le modèle « classique » de la gentrification, elles pointent également les spécificités locales, y compris entre les différentes médinas. L’ensemble de ces études et des entretiens avec des personnalités impliquées dans la sauvegarde du patrimoine fournit une première perspective synthétique sur ce phénomène.
Gentrification --- Historic districts --- Cities and towns --- Urban renewal --- Architecture --- Embourgeoisement (Urbanisme) --- Médinas --- Villes --- Rénovation urbaine --- Conservation and restoration --- Conservation et restauration --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- Communities - Urban Groups --- Médinas --- Rénovation urbaine --- Migration transnationale --- Politique urbaine --- Médina --- Restauration architecturale --- Investissements étrangers --- Patrimoine urbain --- Sociologie urbaine --- Patrimonialisation --- Tourisme
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L’idée qu’on se fait généralement de Quito, capitale de l’Équateur se réfère à une ville hispano-américaine de haute montagne, dont le patrimoine urbain est exceptionnel : rien de plus. Or ce patrimoine est aussi le centre d’une métropole actuelle. Sa bourgeoisie l’a délaissé pour les nouveaux quartiers qui se sont construits au nord de la ville moderne. Seules, désormais, les petites gens y ont leur demeure. Ils en sont par nécessité les nouveaux conquérants. La lecture et l’analyse de la cité ancienne présentée ici mettent en évidence la force de cette transformation et la manière dont ces nouveaux occupants y vivent et s’en approprient l’usage. Le Quito hispanique fondé en 1534 n’est vraiment entré dans la modernité qu’au début du XXe siècle. Son ouverture au reste du monde se concrétisa fortement à partir de 1908 avec l’arrivée du chemin de fer. Le Centre Historique actuel, constitué de la ville des années 1900, a changé de résidants, d’usagers et de chalands. Cet ouvrage se propose de le considérer précisément, afin de déterminer s’il s’agit d’un ensemble de quartiers obsolètes, condamnés à échéance prévisible à changer de fonction, voire à être mis entre parenthèses comme une enclave historique définitivement muséifiée ; ou bien s’il constitue un élément significatif de la réalité quiténienne contemporaine. Cette question préoccupe les responsables de la gestion spatiale et sociale de la capitale équatorienne, surtout depuis que cette portion de la ville a été inscrite à l’inventaire du patrimoine mondial, sous l’égide de l’Unesco, en 1978. Karine Peyronnie et René de Maximy, qui ont longuement séjourné à Quito, ont observé les populations dans leurs travaux et leurs jours, rencontré les gestionnaires, arpenté inlassablement les rues, les ruelles et les places, interrogé des centaines de citadins.
Human geography --- Inner cities --- Sociology, Urban --- Géographie humaine --- Centres villes --- Sociologie urbaine --- Quito (Ecuador) --- Quito (Equateur) --- History --- Histoire --- Géographie humaine --- Historic districts --- Cultural property --- Historic preservation --- Preservation, Historic --- Preservationism (Historic preservation) --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Historic neighborhoods --- Historic preservation districts --- Historical districts --- Madinahs --- Madinas --- Medinas --- Neighborhoods, Historic --- Preservation districts --- Registered historic districts --- Historic sites --- Protection --- Description and travel. --- San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) --- Quito --- Municipio del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (Ecuador) --- Ilustre Municipio de Quito (Ecuador) --- Distrito Metropolitano de Quito (Ecuador) --- Municipio Metropolitano de Quito (Ecuador) --- MDMQ (Ecuador) --- DMQ (Ecuador) --- San Francisco del Quito (Ecuador) --- espace urbain --- XXe siècle --- UNESCO --- patrimoine mondial
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Historic buildings --- Historic districts --- Architecture --- City planning --- City planning. --- Conservation and restoration --- Conservation and restoration. --- Historic preservation --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Halls --- Buildings --- Buildings, Restoration of --- Conservation of buildings --- Restoration of buildings --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Historic neighborhoods --- Historic preservation districts --- Historical districts --- Madinahs --- Madinas --- Medinas --- Neighborhoods, Historic --- Preservation districts --- Registered historic districts --- Historic sites --- Historic houses, etc. --- Historical buildings --- Monuments --- Government policy --- Management --- Restoration --- Repair and reconstruction --- Design and construction --- built heritage --- heritage conservation --- architecture --- heritage management --- Architecture, Primitive
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Landscape is central to tourism. It is key to the development, marketing/promotion, and consumption of tourism destinations, to triggering and sustaining tourism markets, and to enticing tourist dreams, fantasies, and behaviors. From ‘sight-seeing’ practices—at the basis of all tourism activities—landscape figures prominently all the way to the overall spatial planning and management of a destination for tourism development. The intertwined relationship between tourism and landscape comes with a series of costs and benefits, in the context of tourism landscapes. Landscapes of tourism reflect and stage recreational trends, multifunctional livelihood systems, conflicts and opportunities for employment and income generation, as well as human, cultural, and natural resource management and use. This Special Issue aims to enhance the interdisciplinary scientific dialogue on these issues and challenges, while highlighting their range and significance for tourism and the landscape, in terms of theory, empirical practice, approach, policy, ethics, and future prospects. Some of the questions posed for consideration here are: What are landscapes of tourism, for whom and how/why? What is the role of the landscape in tourism promotion, attraction, and experience? How does tourism affect the landscape? What lessons do the history and geography of tourism have to offer to tourism landscape stewardship? How may we best plan for and manage the landscape in the context of various forms of tourism growth and spread, at various scales? Scholarly advances in the past few decades have steadily built on a diverse—but spread-out and not adequately connected—bibliographical basis for future research. Much remains to be understood and exchanged as landscape and tourism—two highly complex and multifaceted scientific areas—come together in the scope of this Special Issue in a variety of ways across time, space, and culture.
resilience --- island tourism --- social-ecological systems --- protected area management --- landscapes --- deliberativeness --- social inclusion --- community engagement --- inclusiveness --- Baltic coast --- coastal resorts --- cultural landscape --- development of seaside resorts --- tourism architecture --- tourism development --- mountain destination --- dynamic landscape --- heterogeneity --- geological time --- anthropogenic modification --- North Japan Alps --- mining heritage --- landscape --- smart tourist promotion --- scenic values --- land consolidation association (LCA) --- tourism --- land fragmentation --- north-west of Italy --- bibliometric analysis --- Web of Science --- SciMAT --- VOSviewer --- sustainability --- campus tourism --- multi-scale perspectives --- color landscapes --- Wangjiang Campus --- thermal landscapes --- landscape services --- architecture-and-landscape integration --- seaside resorts --- cultural tourism attractiveness --- landscape conservation --- hierarchical framework --- Chinese historic districts --- multifunctionality --- rural tourism --- local development --- landscape design --- synergistic plans --- multiple functions --- peri-urban village --- landscapes of tourism --- conceptualization --- experts --- Europe --- tourist landscape --- bibliographic analyses --- content analysis --- imaginary --- cultural heritage site --- cultural conflict --- local communities --- assessment --- geo-interpretation --- geosite value --- geosite cluster --- geotourism --- landscape transformation --- impacts of tourism on the landscape --- sustainable tourism --- Slovakia --- n/a
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