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Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’éclaircir la notion de handicap et de montrer l’apport de la psychologie pour décrire, comprendre et modifier les processus qui sous-tendent le passage de la déficience à une situation de handicap. Une mise au clair conceptuelle permet, tout d’abord, de clarifier le terme de handicap et ses acceptions dans la langue et les textes français. L’analyse des dysfonctionnements présents dans le trouble du développement intellectuel et dans la schizophrénie illustre la contribution de la recherche à la compréhension du handicap. D’autres travaux montrent que le ressenti des personnes ou les représentations de leur environnement social participent également au développement et au maintien d’une situation de handicap. La seconde partie de l’ouvrage décrit les pratiques des psychologues pour agir sur le handicap. Celles-ci peuvent se centrer sur la remédiation des processus dysfonctionnels, mais le psychologue peut aussi agir sur les représentations sociales relatives au handicap, ou sur l’environnement matériel de la personne grâce à l’ergonomie. Les pratiques s’inscrivent souvent dans une coordination avec les pouvoirs publics, qui est parfois difficile à construire. Enfin, la contribution d’un psychologue auprès de détenus montre que notre société produit aussi du handicap hors du champ médical. La postface de l’ouvrage suggère que les notions d’adaptation et d’inadaptation peuvent rendre compte de façon appropriée d’une situation de handicap.
Disabilities --- People with disabilities --- Psychological aspects. --- Rehabilitation. --- Services for. --- Handicapped services --- Disability --- Disabling conditions --- Handicaps --- Impairment --- Physical disabilities --- Physical handicaps --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Animals with disabilities --- psychologie --- handicap
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This book explores the lived realities of people with disabilities from across the developing world and examines how the coping strategies of individuals and families emerge in different contexts.
People with disabilities --- Poverty --- #SBIB:327.4H60 --- #SBIB:39A9 --- Destitution --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Cripples --- Disabled --- Disabled people --- Disabled persons --- Handicapped --- Handicapped people --- Individuals with disabilities --- People with physical disabilities --- Persons with disabilities --- Physically challenged people --- Physically disabled people --- Physically handicapped --- Persons --- Disabilities --- Sociology of disability --- Social aspects --- Derde wereld: ontwikkeling, sociale verandering: algemeen --- Medische antropologie / gezondheid / handicaps --- Disabilities. --- Poverty. --- Disability --- Disabling conditions --- Handicaps --- Impairment --- Physical disabilities --- Physical handicaps --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Animals with disabilities
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In themid-nineteenth-century United States, as it became increasingly difficult todistinguish between bodies understood as black, white, or Indian; able-bodiedor disabled; and male or female, intense efforts emerged to define theseidentities as biologically distinct and scientifically verifiable in aliterally marked body. Combining literary analysis, legal history, and visualculture, Ellen Samuels traces the evolution of the “fantasy ofidentification”—the powerful belief that embodied social identities are fixed,verifiable, and visible through modern science. From birthmarks andfingerprints to blood quantum and DNA, she examines how this fantasy hascirculated between cultural representations, law, science, and policy to becomeone of the most powerfully institutionalized ideologies of modern society. Yet, as Samuels demonstrates, in every case, the fantasydistorts its claimed scientific basis, substituting subjective language forclaimed objective fact. Fromits early emergence in discourses about disability fakery and fugitive slavesin the nineteenth century to its most recent manifestation in the question ofsex testing at the 2012 Olympic Games, Fantasies of Identification exploresthe roots of modern understandings of bodily identity.
Disabilities. --- Identity (Psychology) --- Group identity. --- Identification --- Personal identity --- Personality --- Self --- Ego (Psychology) --- Individuality --- Collective identity --- Community identity --- Cultural identity --- Social identity --- Social psychology --- Collective memory --- Forensic identification --- Disability --- Disabling conditions --- Handicaps --- Impairment --- Physical disabilities --- Physical handicaps --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Animals with disabilities --- People with disabilities --- Social aspects. --- Disabilities --- Group identity --- #SBIB:39A9 --- 316:37 --- Social aspects --- Medische antropologie / gezondheid / handicaps --- Onderwijssociologie. Sociologie van opvoeding en onderwijs
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Anthropological Explorations in Queer Theory offers a wide ranging fusion of queer theory with anthropological theory, shifting away from the discussion of gender categories and identities that have often constituted a central concern of queer theory and instead exploring the queer elements of contexts in which they are not normally apparent. Engaging with a number of apparently 'non-sexual' topics, including embodiment and fieldwork, regimes of value, gifts and commodities, diversity discourses, biological essentialisms, intersectionality, the philosophy of Bergson and Deleuze, and the repres
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disability --- neuropsychology --- neurosciences --- special education --- mental disorders --- neurodegenerative disorders --- Clinical medicine --- Disabilities --- Neurosciences --- Disability --- Disabling conditions --- Handicaps --- Impairment --- Physical disabilities --- Physical handicaps --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Animals with disabilities --- People with disabilities --- Clinical medicine. --- Disabilities. --- Neurosciences. --- Neural sciences --- Neurological sciences --- Neuroscience --- Medical sciences --- Nervous system --- Medicine, Clinical --- Medicine
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Outlines the complex significance of bodies in the late Medieval central Arab Islamic lands. Did you know that blue eyes, baldness, bad breath and boils were all considered bodily 'blights' by Medieval Arabs, as were cross eyes, lameness and deafness? What assumptions about bodies influenced this particular vision of physical difference? How did blighted people view their own bodies? Through close analyses of anecdotes, personal letters, biographies and autobiographies, erotic poetry, non-binding legal opinions, diaristic chronicles and theological tracts, Kristina Richardson brings the cultural views and experiences of disability and difference in the medieval Islamic world to life. This title investigates the place of physically different, disabled and ill individuals in medieval Islam. It is organised around the lives and works of 6 Muslim men, each highlighting a different aspect of bodily difference. It addresses broad cultural questions relating to social class, religious orthodoxy, moral reputation, drug use, male homoeroticism and self-representation in the public sphere. It moves towards a coherent theory of medieval disability and bodily aesthetics in Islamic cultural traditions.
Disabilities --- Sociology of disability --- Social aspects --- History --- Sociology of disablement --- Sociology of impairment --- People with disabilities --- Disability --- Disabling conditions --- Handicaps --- Impairment --- Physical disabilities --- Physical handicaps --- Diseases --- Wounds and injuries --- Animals with disabilities --- Sociological aspects --- islamic --- Arab --- disability --- friendship --- bodies --- masculinity --- Mamluk --- Ottoman --- Cairo --- Damasvus --- Mecca --- classical Arabic --- Damascus --- Hadith --- Muslim world --- Islam --- History of human medicine --- History of civilization
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Inhoud = Sommaire: Harm reduction en sociale reïntegratie = Réduction des risques et réinsertion sociale - Straathoekwerk = Travail de rue - Recreatief druggebruik = Usage récréatief de stupéfiants = Drugtoerisme en grensoverschrijdende overlast - strijd tegen het aanbod = Tourisme de la drogue et flux transfrontalier - lutte contre l'offre - Rijden onder invloed van medicatie en illegale drugs = Conduite sous l'influence de substances psychotropes licites ou illicites - Veiligheidsbenadering en medisch-sociale benadering = Approche sécuritaire et approche socio-sanitaire - Registratie en monitoring: instrumenten voor beleid of voor de praktijk = Systèmes d'enregistrement et monitoring: outils de politique ouo outils de terrain? - Drughulpverlening tijdens preventie = Aide sociale pendant la détention pénitentiaire
Toxicology --- Harm-reduction --- registratie --- Social problems --- justitieel welzijnswerk --- druggebruik --- Sociology of social care --- drughulpverlening --- straathoekwerk --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Belgium --- Maatschappij --- Société --- Stupéfiants --- Sécurité --- Veiligheid --- Verdovende middelen --- drugbeleid --- gevangeniswezen --- 343.9 <493> --- #RBIB:gift.1997.1 --- 343.966 <493> --- 364.2-056.83 <493> --- 613.8 <493> --- #A9703A --- 613.8 --- 343.8 --- 362.7 --- Criminologie --(algemeen)--België --- Orthopedagogiek --- fysieke handicaps --- fysieke handicaps. --- 343.9 <493> Criminologie --(algemeen)--België --- Fysieke handicaps. --- Drug abuse --- European Union countries --- Congresses --- Prevention --- Aide sociale --- Conduite sous influence --- Cooperation policiere internationale --- Politique criminelle --- Politique de la sante --- Prison --- Toxicomanie --- Traitement
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Dove kinderen --- Medische technologie --- Medische ethiek --- 670 Gezondheid --- 061 Ethische problemen --- #SBIB:39A9 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M51 --- Medische antropologie / gezondheid / handicaps --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: modellen van therapeutisch handelen --- Kind met een auditieve handicap
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Gehandicapten --- Handicapés --- #SBIB:316.8H11 --- #SBIB:316.8H22 --- #SBIB:003.GIFTSOC --- Z364.65 --- Z++89/4 --- 364.4-056.26 --- 331.58 <493> --- #C9202 --- Sociale integratie --- gehandicapten --- revalidatie van gehandicapten --- sociaal-cultureel werk, gehandicapten --- gehandicapten, onderwijs --- tewerkstelling van gehandicapten --- België --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: gehandicapten (fysiek, mentaal) --- Welzijnsorganisatie: sociale dienstverlening voor specifieke groepen --- Intégration sociale --- 365 --- 362.3 --- 374.7 --- 376 --- 331.63 --- 493 --- Orthopedagogiek --- fysieke handicaps --- fysieke handicaps. --- Rehabilitation --- Belgium --- België --- Handicapés --- Intégration sociale
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