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Cemeteries --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Amendolara (Italy) --- Antiquities. --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Protohistoire --- nécropole --- fouilles --- archéologie
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Le cimetière, tel nous les connaissons aujourd’hui, n’a pas toujours existé : il est apparu au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles dans l’Europe méridionale. Sa création et son organisation répondaient aux impératifs hygiénistes portés par les Lumières, et que le décret du 23 prairial an XII (1804) a érigés comme normes d’abord en France, puis dans l’Europe napoléonienne. Ce livre retrace pour la première fois la genèse et l’évolution du cimetière contemporain et de la législation funéraire en France du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours. Il restitue les enjeux politiques, religieux et sanitaires de son « invention » et de sa gestion, les transformations de son usage, reflet des sensibilités nouvelles à l’égard de la mort et du développement du « culte » du souvenir des morts. Il établit aussi un panorama de ses avatars en Europe (Italie, Espagne, Portugal, Belgique, Angleterre…), offrant ainsi une chronologie fine des réformes funéraires et du rôle qu’y joue le modèle français. A ce titre, et par la reproduction en annexe des principaux textes de loi français sur les cimetières entre 1776 et 1904, il devrait constituer une référence pour l’histoire des pratiques mortuaires et mémorielles modernes.
Funeral rites and ceremonies --- Cemeteries --- History --- Funerals --- Mortuary ceremonies --- Obsequies --- Manners and customs --- Rites and ceremonies --- Burial --- Cremation --- Cryomation --- Dead --- Mourning customs --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Death care industry --- histoire --- cimetière --- législation funéraire --- pratique mortuaire
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Créée en mai 1590 dans l’urgence d’une épidémie de peste naissante, l’infirmerie de peste des Fédons ne fut utilisée que durant trois à quatre mois puis disparut ensuite rapidement du paysage et de la mémoire des habitants de la bourgade provençale de Lambesc. C’est à l’occasion des travaux du TGV Méditerranée entrepris en 1996 qu’une opération de sauvetage archéologique, conduite par l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP), permit la découverte du cimetière associé à cette infirmerie. La fouille exhaustive de l’espace funéraire a fourni de nombreux témoignages matériels autour desquels les compétences les plus diverses ont été déployées pour retracer l’histoire de cette infirmerie et son fonctionnement mais aussi pour caractériser ses patients. Il apparaît ainsi que, lieu de quarantaine autant que lieu de soin, l’infirmerie de peste était régie par des pratiques et des objectifs sanitaires bien éloignés des tableaux catastrophistes souvent dressés dans la littérature et l’art figuré. L’analyse de cet échantillon ostéologique de 133 individus, unique en son genre, a offert l’opportunité d’appréhender les comportements funéraires, l’organisation et la gestion des morts dans ce contexte culturel très particulier. La mise en œuvre de la plupart des outils de l’anthropologie (démographie, paléopathologie, etc.) a également permis de préciser le recrutement de l’infirmerie - toute la population infestée n’y trouvait pas place - et la ponction démographique opérée par l’épidémie - les populations et les autorités réagissaient différemment selon l’espacement et l’intensité des crises. L’échantillon osseux a également été mis à profit pour des investigations originales dans le domaine de la biologie moléculaire, en vue de l’identification du bacille de la peste ou de la détermination de la saison de la mort à partir du cément dentaire.
Plague --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Cemeteries --- History --- Lambesc (France) --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Bubonic plague --- Yersinia infections --- Lambesc, France --- fouilles --- France --- Lambesc --- santé --- XVIème siècle --- inhumation --- Bouches-du-Rhône --- archéologie
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This publication is the first monographic result of the APART project "Migration Phenomena in the Early La Tène Period" and the Austrian Science Fund project "The Celtic cemetery in Mannersdorf (Lower Austria) in the context of east-west cultural contact". From 1976 to 1984, Heribert Schutzbier and Friedrich Opferkuh from the Mannersdorf Museum, together with the Austrian Federal Department of Sites and Monuments, excavated a total of 96 inhumation and cremation burials from the Early and Middle La Tène periods in the field Reinthal Süd. The artefacts are of high quality, seen primarily in the use of materials such as silver, gold, glass and corals, as well as in their technical workmanship. A major find at the cemetery is a bronze situla, which was imported from northern Italy. Certain areas, like the Middle Rhine, the Champagne or the Balkan, must have been well connected to this Lower Austrian region. An analysis revealed a group of "Lt B1 elite or leading graves", with persons wearing double foot and hand bands and the graves containing precious metals. In the central Danube region, the size of the necropolis in Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, with its 96 graves, lies midfield. According to a considered but cautious opinion, it is possible that some of those buried in Mannersdorf were a group of people originating from the area of today's Switzerland. An equally possible hypothesis is, and this does not contradict the first view, that here members of an "upper class" are represented. Printed with the support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Die hier vorliegende Publikation ist das erste Ergebnis in Monographieform des APART-Projekts "Migrationsphänomene in der Frühlatènezeit"und des FWF-Projekts P-15977-G02 "The celtic cemetery of Mannersdorf (Lower Austria) in the context of east and west cultural contact". In Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, Flur Reinthal Süd wurden von 1976 bis 1984 vom Museum Mannersdorf durch H. Schutzbier und F. Opferkuh und dem Bundesdenkmalamt (G. Melzer) insgesamt 96 Körper und Brandgräber der Früh- und Mittellatènezeit ausgegraben. Das Gräberfeld selbst erstreckt sich in nw-so Richtung mit einer Länge von 200 und einer Breite von ca. 45 Metern. Es hat eine Belegungsdauer von Latène A2/B1 bis C1, was einer absoluten Datierung von ca. 400 bis 200 vuZ. entspricht. Die Qualität der Beigaben zeigt sich neben den Materialien Silber, Gold, Glas und Korallen vor allem in der technischen Ausführung der Artefakte. Ein markantes Stück des Gräberfeldes ist eine Bronzesitula, die ein Importstück aus Norditalien darstellt. Bestimmte Gebiete wie das Mittelrheingebiet, die Champagne und das Balkangebiet müssen damals intensive Verbindungen in den niederösterreichischen Raum gehabt haben. Zur Geschlechterverteilung im Gräberfeld ist zu bemerken, dass mit 48 Personen doppelt so viele Frauen wie Männer (24) vorkommen. Es lässt sich eine Gruppe der sogenannten "Lt B1-Elite- bzw. Spitzengräber"herausarbeiten, die sich als die höchste Ausstattungsgruppe mit Doppelfuß- und Handreifen sowie dem Vorkommen von Edelmetall definieren. Die Nekropole gehört mit ihren 96 Gräbern zu den mittelgroßen des mittleren Donaugebiets. Es zeigt sich, dass es sich bei einem Teil der in Mannersdorf Bestatteten eventuell um eine Gruppe von Menschen handelt, die aus dem Gebiet der heutigen Schweiz stammten. Eine ebenso wahrscheinliche These wäre, dass es sich um Angehörige einer "Oberschicht"handelt, die weitreichende wirtschaftliche und verwandtschaftliche Kontakte (und dadurch auch Mobilität) durch den "mitteleuropäischen Korridor"und die anschließenden Gebiete wie Norditalien hatten und dies durch ihre Tracht und den zusätzlichen Besitz zum Ausdruck brachten. Ergänzende Analysen von Bronzematerial, Keramik, Tierknochen, Eisenschmiedetechnik, Goldschmiedetechnik, Textil- und Herstellungstechnik und Steinartefakten stellen einen unverzichtbaren Teil der Darstellung dieses latènezeitlichen Gräberfeldes dar. Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- La Tène period --- Cemeteries --- Lower Austria (Austria) --- Antiquities. --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Iron age --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Austria, Lower --- Nieder-Oesterreich (Austria) --- Niederösterreich (Austria) --- Oesterreich unter der Enns (Austria) --- Österreich unter der Enns (Austria) --- NÖ (Austria) --- N.Ö. (Austria) --- Niederdonau (Reichsgau)
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Since 2009, the Gabii Project, an international archaeological initiative led by Nicola Terrenato and the University of Michigan, has been investigating the ancient Latin town of Gabii, which was both a neighbor of, and a rival to, Rome in the first millennium BC. The story of Gabii, like that of many ancient cities, is one of growth, transformation, and diminishment. In this volume, editors Laura M. Banducci and Anna Gallone highlight the close but sometimes tense relationship between where people live, work, trade, and bury their dead. We learn that, contrary to what you may have read elsewhere about the Roman world, the distinction between spaces of the living and spaces of the dead was not so clear-cut. Areas considered to be "within the city," or what "being in the city" implied shifted in the minds of the locals as their priorities and needs changed. Assembled in an innovative digital format, the story of the site is presented three times in a "layered" structure: the first, titled "The Story," explains the narrative of the excavation area in a simple chronological way. The second layer, "More," contains the explanation of the phasing and the features of the site and their interpretation. The third layer contains the stratigraphic description and the technical reports on specialist materials. The volume is beautifully illustrated with traditional photographs and drawings, as well as an interactive 3D model based on photogrammetric models produced at the time of excavation. The 3D model is linked throughout the text by individual stratigraphic unit numbers and archaeological features. A series of interactive maps of the site, including GIS line-drawings and orthorectified aerial photographs, provide further spatial details.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Cemeteries --- Quarries and quarrying --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Lithic source areas --- Quarrying --- Rock quarries --- Rock excavation --- Stone industry and trade --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Gabii (Extinct city) --- Gabii (Ancient city) --- Italy --- Antiquities. --- Antiquities --- E-books
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The Neolithic Cemetery at Tell el-Kerkh is the second volume of the final reports on the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, northwest Syria. The 12-year field campaigns at Tell el-Kerkh yielded several unexpected archaeological findings. The existence of the oldest cultural deposits from the early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (c. 8700-8300 BC) in northwestern Syria was revealed. The investigations also revealed that several large and complex societies had existed from the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B to the middle Pottery Neolithic periods (c. 7600-6000 BC). One of the most conspicuous findings of the excavations at Tell el-Kerkh was the discovery of a Pottery Neolithic cemetery dating between c. 6400 and 6100 BC, which makes it one of the oldest outdoor communal cemeteries in West Asia. This book focuses specifically on this cemetery. It reports the discovery of over 240 burials and discusses the process of the formation and development of the cemetery. Initially used for traditional house burials in a corner of the settlement, the cemetery eventually became a graveyard that was physically separated from the residential buildings and consisted only of graves. In other words, burials that were deeply related to each house developed into an outdoor communal cemetery of the settlement. The Kerkh Neolithic cemetery was a precursor to the wider development of communal cemeteries in West Asia, and its investigation provides us with a deeper understanding of Neolithic society in West Asia.
Arqueologia funerària --- Excavacions arqueològiques --- Arqueologia --- Excavacions (Arqueologia) --- Ruïnes --- Ciutats desaparegudes, en ruïnes, etc. --- Arqueologia de la mort --- Mort --- Ritus i cerimònies fúnebres --- Tombes --- Restes humanes (Arqueologia) --- Excavacions --- Kerkh, Tell el- (Síria) --- Neolithic period --- Cemeteries --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- History. --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- New Stone age --- Stone age
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Tombs --- Cemeteries --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Catacombes --- Orsi, Paolo, --- Cassibile Region (Italy) --- Syracuse (Italie ; province) --- Sicile (Italie) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquités. --- Nécropoles --- Cataphiles --- Église --- Fossores --- Ossuaires --- Souterrains --- Antiquités chrétiennes --- Antiquités romaines --- Cimetières --- Constructions souterraines --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Église primitive --- Orsi, P. --- Sicile --- Noto --- Antiquités --- Italie --- Val de (Italie) --- archeologia --- età del ferro --- scavi --- necropoli --- Cassibile
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Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- History of civilization --- Europe --- sepulchral monuments --- Religious architecture --- graveyards --- Death --- Burial --- Cemeteries --- Sepulchral monuments --- Mort --- Sépulture --- Cimetières --- Monuments funéraires --- History --- Histoire --- dood --- Europa --- begraafplaats --- 906.1 --- begrafenisrituelen --- begraafplaatsen --- kerkhoven --- funeraire architectuur --- huiselijk en maatschappelijk leven - geboorte, huwelijk en dood --- 718 --- 921 Cultuurgeschiedenis --- C3 --- geschiedenis --- Europa [werelddeel] --- iconografisch materiaal --- Begraafplaatsen. Crematoria --- Kunst en cultuur --- 393 --- rituelen --- rouwgebruiken --- dodencultus --- 418.7 --- begrafenissen --- cultuurgeschiedenis --- rouwverwerking --- sterven --- dood : geschiedenis (ler) --- rituelen (ler) --- Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- Psychologie van leven en dood --- Geboorte, huwelijk, dood --- History. --- 393 Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- 718 Begraafplaatsen. Crematoria --- Sépulture --- Cimetières --- Monuments funéraires --- Funeral monuments --- Funerary monuments --- Graves --- Gravestones --- Memorial tablets --- Tablets, Memorial --- Tombstones --- Monuments --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Death care industry --- Funeral rites and ceremonies --- 393 Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Funeraire traditie --- Etnografie --- funeraire cultuur --- Europa.
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" 'The Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition to Naga ed-Deir, Cemeteries N 2000 and N 2500' presents the results of excavations directed by George A. Reisner and led by Arthur C. Mace. The site of Naga ed-Deir, Egypt, is unusual for its continued use over a long period of time (c. 3500 BCE-650 CE). Burials in N 2000 and N 2500 date to the First Intermediate Period/Middle Kingdom and the Coptic era. In keeping with Reisner's earlier publications of Naga ed-Deir, this volume presents artifacts in chapter-length studies devoted to a particular object type and includes a burial-by-burial description. The excavators' original drawings, notes, and photographs are complemented by a contemporary analysis of the objects by experts in their subfields"--
Tombs --- Cemeteries --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- Reisner, George Andrew, --- Mace, A. C. --- Mace, Arthur Cruttenden, --- Reisner, G. A. --- Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition of the University of California --- Phoebe A. Hearst Expedition --- Hearst Egyptian Expedition of the University of California --- Hearst Egyptian Expedition --- Hearst Expedition --- Hearst Expedition of the University of California --- Naga ed-Deir Site (Egypt) --- Naga ed-Deir (Egypt) --- Naga-ed-Dêr Site (Egypt) --- Nag' ed Deir Site (Egypt) --- Naj' al-Dayr Site (Egypt) --- Egypt --- Naga-ed-Der (Egypt) --- Nag' ed Deir (Egypt) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquities --- E-books --- Cemeteries. --- Tombs. --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Egyptian archaeology / Egyptology --- Egyptology.
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Utilisant des sources variées (écrites, iconographiques ou archéologiques), l'ouvrage étudie, à travers l'exemple du domaine funéraire, le mouvement d'ensemble qui affecte le christianisme latin entre le début du viie siècle et le début du xie, et qui contribue à la formation de la Chrétienté occidentale. L'épisode carolingien y représente un moment fort, avec l'élaboration d'un véritable modèle chrétien de mort et de sépulture, en liaison avec la tentative ecclésiastique d'encadrer et de contrôler tous les éléments de la vie sociale. L'extension du domaine franc sous Charle-magne et la confrontation avec d'autres ensembles politico-religieux entraînent une structuration idéologique nécessaire à l'unifi cation de l'Empire. Cette dernière s'accom pagne de l'unification et de la romanisation de la liturgie, dont les effets sont sensibles dans la vie intérieure de la Chrétienté. On assiste alors à l'émergence d'une véritable culture liturgique, dans laquelle gestes, actes et lieux de la mort deviennent un enjeu d'autant plus fondamental qu'ils sont au cœur de la représentation sociale.
History of civilization --- Christian church history --- anno 600-699 --- anno 800-1199 --- Funeral rites and ceremonies, Medieval --- Death --- Church history --- Funérailles --- Mort --- Eglise --- Religious aspects --- Christianity --- Rites et cérémonies médiévaux --- Aspect religieux --- Christianisme --- Histoire --- Funeral rites and ceremonies --- Cemeteries --- Christianity. --- History. --- 393 "04/14" --- -Church history --- -Death --- -Funeral rites and ceremonies --- -Funerals --- Mortuary ceremonies --- Obsequies --- Manners and customs --- Rites and ceremonies --- Burial --- Cremation --- Dead --- Mourning customs --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Ecclesiastical history --- History, Church --- History, Ecclesiastical --- History --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Death care industry --- Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers--Middeleeuwen --- -Christianity --- Philosophy --- -Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers--Middeleeuwen --- 393 "04/14" Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers--Middeleeuwen --- Funérailles --- Rites et cérémonies médiévaux --- Funerals --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- History of doctrines --- Europe --- Cryomation --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- Death - Religious aspects - Christianity. --- Funeral rites and ceremonies - Europe - History. --- Cemeteries - Europe - History. --- Church history - Middle Ages, 600-1500. --- funéraille --- chrétien --- sacrement --- époque carolingienne --- mort --- Empire carolingien --- rite funéraire --- liturgie --- christianisme --- sépulture --- rite --- EGLISE CATHOLIQUE --- RITES FUNERAIRES --- CIVILISATION CAROLINGIENNE --- FUNERAILLES --- LITURGIE --- CHRISTIANISME --- HISTOIRE --- 0600-1500 (MOYEN AGE) --- MOYEN AGE --- CIMETIERES --- RITES ET CEREMONIES
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