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Wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Aufrechterhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Automobilherstellern und -händlern ist heute mehr denn je eine detaillierte Kenntnis über Einflußgrößen und Bestimmungsgründe des Kaufverhaltens von Automobilkäufern. Während in der Vergangenheit zumeist auf die Produktmerkmale eines Autos zur Verhaltenserklärung der Käufer zurückgegriffen wurde, knüpft die Arbeit an dieser Stelle an und entwickelt mit Rückgriff auf verhaltenswissenschaftliche und informationsökonomische Theorien ein umfassendes Erklärungsmodell der Automobil-Kaufentscheidung. Mittels eines kausalanalytischen Untersuchungsdesigns wird der Automobilkauf dabei nicht nur unter reinen Produktaspekten analysiert, sondern es wird auch dargestellt, welchen Einfluß z.B. der Autohändler und die Persönlichkeit des Konsumenten sowie unterschiedliche Informationsquellen auf die Markenwahl haben. Die Antworten auf diese und andere im Rahmen der Untersuchung aufgeworfene Fragen liefern neue Einsichten in Struktur und Ablauf des Automobil-Kaufentscheidungsprozesses und damit wertvolle Hinweise für eine marktorientierte Unternehmensführung von Automobilherstellern und -händlern.
Automobil --- empirische --- Erklärungsansatz --- Kaufentscheidung --- seine --- theoretischer --- Überprüfung --- Unger
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The death by suicide of Gary J Shipley's close friend, Conrad Unger (writer, theorist and amateur entomologist), has prompted him to confront not only the cold machinery of self-erasure, but also its connections to the literary life and notions surrounding psychological bewitchment, to revaluate in both fictional and entomological terms just what it is that drives writers like Unger to take their own lives as a matter of course, as if that end had been there all along, knowing, waiting. Like Gerard de Nerval, David Foster Wallace, Ann Quin and Virginia Woolf before him, Unger was not merely a writer who chose to end his life, but a writer whose work appeared forged from the knowledge of that event's temporary postponement. And while to the uninitiated these literary suicides would most likely appear completely unrelated to the suicide behaviors of insects parasitized by entomopathogenic fungi or nematomorpha, within the pages of this short study we are frequently presented with details that allow us to see the parallels between their terminal choreographies. He investigates what he believes are the essentially binary and contradictory motivations of his suicide case studies: where their self-dispatch becomes an instance of necro-autonomy (death as solution to an external thraldom, or the zombification of everyday life as something requiring the most extreme form of emancipation), while in addition being an instance of necro-equipoise (death as solution to an internal thraldom, or the anguish of no longer being able to slip back comfortably inside that very everydayness). The deadening claustrophobia of human life and achieving a stance outside of it: both barbs on the lines that can only ever detail the sickness, never cure it. Through extracts and synopses of Unger's books, marginalia and underscorings selected from his extensive library, and a brief itinerary of his movements in that last month of exile, a picture of the writer's suicidal obsession begins to form, and it forms at the expense of the man, the idea eating through his brain like a fungal parasite, disinterring the waking corpse to flesh its words.
Insects --- Authors --- Parasites. --- Behavior. --- Death. --- Suicidal behavior. --- Unger, Conrad --- Death and burial. --- suicide --- David Foster Wallace --- entomology --- Nerval --- Virginia Woolf
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Die vorliegende Untersuchung verfolgt das Ziel, das Dualsystem des Neuen Testaments des Miklawuš Jakubica ( 1548) zu beschreiben und zu analysieren, da über den Du. eine Vielzahl von Einzeluntersuchungen existieren, wie z. B. zur Erörterung der Numeruskategorie im Slavischen im allgemeinen, allgemeine Darstellungen zum Sorbischen mit Beschreibungen der Dualparadigmen, Beschreibungen einzelner Flexionsparadigmen des Ns., deren Besonderheiten und Genese (...). Der Verfasser stellt sich das Ziel, nach einigen einleitenden Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung des NT von Miklawuš Jakubica im 2. Kapitel theoretische Grundlagen zur morphologischen Kategorie zu erörtern, wobei im wesentlichen auf den Numerus im allgemeinen, den Ursprung des Du. und dessen verschiedene Formen, wie natürlicher oder freier, Du. mit zwei und beide und anaphorischer Du. eingegangen wird. Die Untersuchung erfolgt sowohl aus synchroner als auch aus diachroner Sicht, da paradigmatische Vergleiche mit älteren ns. Grammatiken als auch mit der Gegenwartssprache gezogen werden sollen.
1548 --- Analyse --- Darstellung --- Dual --- Genese --- Jakubica --- Miklawuš --- Neuen --- niedersorbischen --- Numeruskategorie --- paradigmatische Vergleiche --- Slavische Sprachwissenschaft --- sprachwissenschaftliche --- Studien --- Testament --- Theologie --- Unger
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Wie sähen Wirtschaftswissenschaften aus, die sich konsequent den Praktiken wirtschaftender Akteur*innen zuwenden? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, entwickelt Lukas Bäuerle einen konzeptuellen Rahmen aus Institutionen- und Praxistheorien, kritischem Realismus und Sozialphänomenologie, den er stringent zu einer praxeologischen Institutionenforschung zuspitzt. Am Beispiel der Subjektivierungspraktiken von Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften dekliniert er seinen Ansatz durch und deutet die empirischen Ergebnisse in Anlehnung an Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx und Roberto Unger. Das Ergebnis: Wirtschaftswissenschaften sollten nicht nur grundlegend neu gemacht werden, sondern können es auch!
Economics --- Research. --- Ökonomie --- Wirtschaft --- Ökonomische Bildung --- Wissenschaft --- Subjektivierung --- Plurale Ökonomik --- Praxistheorie --- Institutioneller Wandel --- Methodologie --- Kritischer Realismus --- Sozialphänomenologie --- Friedrich Hayek --- Karl Marx --- Roberto Unger --- Bildung --- Universität --- Bildungsforschung --- Wirtschaftssoziologie --- Qualitative Sozialforschung --- Pädagogik --- Economy --- Economic Education --- Science --- Subjectivation --- Plural Economics --- Practice Theory --- Methodology --- Critical Realism --- Social Phenomenology --- Education --- University --- Educational Research --- Economic Sociology --- Qualitative Social Research --- Pedagogy
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Modern information communication technology eradicates barriers of geographic distances, making the world globally interdependent, but this spatial globalization has not eliminated cultural fragmentation. The Two Cultures of C.P. Snow (that of science-technology and that of humanities) are drifting apart even faster than before, and they themselves crumble into increasingly specialized domains. Disintegrated knowledge has become subservient to the competition in technological and economic race leading in the direction chosen not by the reason, intellect, and shared value-based judgement, but rather by the whims of autocratic leaders or fashion controlled by marketers for the purposes of political or economic dominance. If we want to restore the authority of our best available knowledge and democratic values in guiding humanity, first we have to reintegrate scattered domains of human knowledge and values and offer an evolving and diverse vision of common reality unified by sound methodology. This collection of articles responds to the call from the journal Philosophies to build a new, networked world of knowledge with domain specialists from different disciplines interacting and connecting with other knowledge-and-values-producing and knowledge-and-values-consuming communities in an inclusive, extended, contemporary natural-philosophic manner. In this process of synthesis, scientific and philosophical investigations enrich each other-with sciences informing philosophies about the best current knowledge of the world, both natural and human-made-while philosophies scrutinize the ontological, epistemological, and methodological foundations of sciences, providing scientists with questions and conceptual analyses. This is all directed at extending and deepening our existing comprehension of the world, including ourselves, both as humans and as societies, and humankind.
pessimistic induction --- n/a --- qualitative ontology --- dissipative structures --- physicalism --- agent-based reasoning --- thermodynamics --- the logic of nature --- reverse mathematics --- theoretical unity --- state-space approach --- common good --- naturalization of logic --- monad --- metaphysics --- reflexive psychology --- knowledge --- neurodynamics --- consciousness --- third-way reasoning --- induction and discovery of laws --- mind-matter relations --- exoplanet --- Second Law of thermodynamics --- unitarity --- philosophical foundations --- in the name of nature --- big crunch --- epistemology --- eco-cognitive model --- active imagination --- aesthetics in science --- science --- second-person description --- subsumptive hierarchy --- 1st-person and 3rd-person perspectives --- discursive space --- space flight --- complexity --- cybernetics --- cosmology --- matter --- realism --- eco-cognitive openness --- hylomorphism --- measurement --- fallacies --- induction --- vacuum --- physics --- mental representation --- embodiment --- problem of induction --- contradiction --- internalism --- Jungian psychology --- synthesis --- exceptional experiences --- mind --- relational biology --- symmetry breaking --- emergence --- phenomenological psychology --- Aristotle’s four causes --- humanistic management --- real computing --- A.N. Whitehead --- final cause --- naturalism --- induction and concept formation --- temporality --- dispositions --- dark energy --- heterogeneity --- Naturphilosophie --- computation --- causality --- memory evolutive system --- natural philosophy --- quantum computing --- philosophy of information --- self --- information --- analytical psychology --- logic --- indeterminacy --- scientific method --- dialectics --- computability --- language --- ethics --- perception --- philosophy of nature --- agonism --- errors of reasoning --- everyday lifeworld --- emptiness --- awareness --- unity of knowledge --- digitization --- fitness --- depth psychology --- info-computational model --- creativity --- ontology --- philosophy as a way of life --- development --- void --- big freeze --- signal transduction --- abduction --- retrocausality --- dual-aspect monism --- quantum information --- theoretical biology --- acategoriality --- epistemic norms --- evolutionary psychology --- apophasis --- differentiation --- memory --- centripetality --- mathematics --- Leibniz --- Ivor Leclerc --- spatial representation --- subjective experience --- intentionality --- evidence and justification --- internal quantum state --- scientific progress --- holographic encoding --- information-theory --- qualia --- anticipation --- naturalization --- F.W.J. Schelling --- L. Smolin --- R.M. Unger --- Aristotle --- dual aspects --- process --- theory of everything --- philosophy of science --- cognition --- compositional hierarchy --- autocatalysis --- discourse --- emergentist reductionism --- form --- regulation --- contingency --- endogenous selection --- category theory --- Science --- Philosophy of nature. --- Philosophy. --- Nature --- Nature, Philosophy of --- Natural theology --- Normal science --- Philosophy of science --- Philosophy --- Aristotle's four causes
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