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Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una Guerra Civil (1900-1950)
Year: 2012 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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This book contains various works referring to Spanish prosecutors from the first half of the 20th century. The initial and final study of those that make up the work include other syntheses on the evolution of the Spanish procedural doctrine during that same period of time. Several other works are dedicated to reconstructing the vital, academic and scientific trajectory of some prosecutor. There are others who limit themselves to analyzing specific facts concerning the life of a certain prosecutor, although these are always events that have had a special impact on the evolution of Spanish procedural law. In turn, some studies deal with doctrinal works endowed with a particularly relevant significance in the recent history of Spanish procedural culture.

Otras Historias de Procesalistas y Del Proceso.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 841122466X 8411223906 Year: 2022 Publisher: Madrid Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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This work is a complement and continuation of the book by the same author Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una guerra civil (1900-1950) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012), and includes various works written in recent years and referring to proceduralists of the more or less recent past. For these purposes, the concept of proceduralist is understood in a broad sense, which includes not only jurists who were professionally dedicated to this subject, but also other jurists who, repeatedly or occasionally, published studies of procedural content. In some of these works, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the life, academic and scientific trajectory of a proceduralist. Other writings deal with specific facts concerning the life of a particular proceduralist which have had a special impact on the history of Procedural Law. There are also several studies which, without referring to a specific proceduralist, analyse different procedural issues which concerned our ancestors, contributed to shaping the current procedural system and can help to understand it. The main objective of the compilation is to facilitate the search for the compiled works for those readers who may be interested in the issues dealt with in the corresponding writings. In the edition note at the back of the book, the publications in which the studies compiled in this work were published are indicated, but the version in which they were published is maintained in full. The compiled works follow the chronological order of the events studied in each of them. Esta obra es complemento y continuación del libro del mismo autor Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una guerra civil (1900-1950) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012), e incluye diversos trabajos elaborados en los últimos años y referidos a procesalistas del pasado más o menos reciente. A estos efectos, el concepto de procesalista se entiende en sentido amplio, que comprende no sólo a los juristas que se dedicaron profesionalmente a esta materia, sino también a otros juristas que, con reiteración o de forma ocasional, publicaron estudios de contenido procesal. En algunos de estos trabajos se ha procurado reconstruir la trayectoria vital, académica y científica de algún procesalista. Otros escritos se ocupan de hechos concretos concernientes a la vida de un procesalista determinado que han tenido una especial incidencia en la historia del Derecho Procesal. Asimismo, se insertan varios estudios en los que, sin hacer referencia a un concreto procesalista, se analizan diferentes cuestiones procesales que preocuparon a nuestros antepasados, contribuyeron a configurar el sistema procesal actual y pueden ayudar a entenderlo. El objetivo principal de la recopilación es facilitar la búsqueda de los trabajos compilados a aquellos lectores que puedan estar interesados en las cuestiones tratadas en los correspondientes escritos. En la Nota de edición que figura en la parte final del libro, se indican las publicaciones en las que vieron la luz los estudios reunidos en esta obra, manteniéndose íntegramente la versión con la que fueron publicados. Los trabajos compilados se atienen al orden cronológico de los hechos que se estudian en cada uno de ellos.

Leniency Policies in the Prosecution of Economic Crimes and Corruption : Consensual Justice and Search for Truth in Brazilian and German Law
Year: 2021 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Die Arbeit beinhaltet eine kritische Untersuchung des Einsatzes der Kronzeugenregelung in Brasilien. Im Rahmen eines Rechtsvergleichs mit dem deutschen Recht sowie einer empirischen Analyse der brasilianischen Praxis wird gezeigt, wie der Gebrauch der Kronzeugenregelung grundlegende Garantien des brasilianischen Strafprozessrechts unterwandert. Unter Rückgriff auf wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Literatur werden zudem ernstzunehmende, negative Externalitäten festgestellt. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der Einsatz solcher Methoden einer Privatisierung des Ermittlungsverfahrens und der Strafverfolgung gleichkommt. Die Verknüpfung der Kronzeugenregelung mit dem Ideal einer „konsensualen Justiz“ wird abgelehnt. Abstract Based on empirical research, the book develops a critical analysis of the use of leniency policies in Brazil. Drawing on a comparative perspective with German Law, the book shows how the current practice of leniency policies in Brazil jeopardizes fundamental guarantees of criminal procedure. The book also draws on a growing body of economic literature to assert that leniency agreements have serious – albeit unnoticed – side effects and may lead to significant negative externalities. The book rejects the association of leniency policies with the ideal of “consensual justice” and affirms that these mechanisms represent a form of privatization of investigative and prosecutorial activities, exploring the expectations and risks of this process.

Prozedurales Recht
ISBN: 3845261439 3789058645 Year: 1999 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Wie kann sich das Recht auf die Herausforderungen wachsender Staatsaufgaben einstellen, welche Rolle kommt ihm in der modernen Risikogesellschaft mit ihren sich rapide wandelnden Problemlagen zu? Das Werk gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen, die auch darüber entscheiden, ob das aufklärerische Modell einer freiheitlichen Verfassung von Staat und Gesellschaft bewahrt und fortentwickelt werden kann. Hierzu entwirft der Verfasser die Theorie eines prozeduralen Rechts, die er an aussagekräftigen Beispielen zum Modell eines prozeduralen Rechtsstaats konkretisiert.Calliess stellt zunächst verschiedene Ansätze zur Prozeduralisierung des Rechts vor und baut diese zu einer Theorie des Rechts als Kommunikationssystem in der Kommunikationsgesellschaft aus. Die im Bereich von Humangenetik und Gentechnik ins Leben gerufenen Ethikkommissionen bzw. Kommissionen für biologische Sicherheit dienen dem Verfasser als Beispiele, um die zuvor entwickelte Theorie des prozeduralen Rechtsstaat und insbesondere das Verhältnis von Autonomie und Kontrolle im prozeduralen Rechtsverständnis zu präzisieren.Insgesamt gelingt es ihm, unterschiedliche Ansätze der Rechtstheorie und der Sozialwissenschaft so zusammenzuführen, daß ein Konzept prozeduralen Rechts entsteht, das seinerseits anschlußfähig für die juristische Dogmatik ist.

Kindstod und Kindstötung
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3954660288 393906923X 3954660296 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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Gewalt an Kindern kann sich in vielfältigen Formen physischer und psychischer Gewalt oder Vernachlässigung präsentieren. Die Kindstötung stellt den Kulminationspunkt der Gewalt oder das Resultat einer psychischen Störung der Täterin/des Täters dar. Mit erschreckender Regelmäßigkeit berichten die Medien über Kindstötungen. Die Fälle lösen nicht nur bundesweit Betroffenheit aus, sondern werfen auch Fragen nach Ursachen und effektiven präventiven Schutzmaßnahmen auf. Für Deutschland ist von 1-2 % Kindstötungen unter den Tötungsdelikten auszugehen. Aufgrund der Komplexität der dem Phäno

International Law and Litigation : A Look into Procedure
Year: 2019 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Containing contributions by twenty-five scholars, this volume aims to examine the increasingly notable subject of international dispute settlement from an innovative procedural perspective. Indeed, with the ‘jurisdictionalisation’ of international law that has taken place during the last thirty years, both scholars and practitioners have shown an important and growing interest in international law litigation. Yet, little attention has been paid to the procedural aspects thereof. In building upon research into subfields of international litigation (general international law analysis, international economic law procedures, human rights and European law mechanisms), this book endeavours to provide an up-to-date seminal picture of the evolution of the role of procedure across these domains as well as an overall illustration of the field.

Supremația Dreptului.
ISSN: 23451971 25874128 Year: 2016 Publisher: Chişinău, MD : Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM : USPEE Constantin Stere,

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Evidence in civil law : Ireland
ISBN: 9789616842525 Year: 2015 Publisher: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor

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Ireland as a common law jurisdiction operates an adversarial system. Ireland has a written Constitution, Bunreacht na h-Éireann. Other sources of law include legislation and European Union Law and a doctrine of precedent operates. This paper comprises a discussion of the law of evidence in Irish Civil Procedure. It follows the structure of a questionnaire circulated for the purposes of a comparative study as part of an EU wide project and is repetitive in parts. It was completed between November 2013 and August 2014 and in the interim there have been significant developments in the Irish legal system, most notably the establishment of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court decision in D.P.P. v. J.C. [2015] IESC 31, which modified the exclusionary rule concerning unconstitutionally obtained evidence. The primary form of proof in Irish courts is oral evidence. Competent witnesses are generally compellable. Usually testimony, on oath or affirmation, is given viva voce in open court before the Judge and where necessary a jury, and in the presence of the parties. The right to cross-examine is constitutionally guaranteed. In civil cases, the standard of proof is the balance of probabilities. The burden of proof rests on the party which asserts. The principle of audi alteram partem applies. A distinction is drawn between unconstitutionally obtained evidence and illegally obtained evidence. There is pre-trial discovery. Evidence taking by and for foreign courts is discussed.

Evidence in civil law : Denmark
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789616842464 Year: 2015 Publisher: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor

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Danish civil procedure is based on a number of procedural law principles that affect the taking of evidence, including the principle of party presentation, the principle of disposition, and the principle of free assessment of evidence. The nature of Danish procedural law tends towards the adversarial model rather than the inquisitorial model. Evidence is taken during the hearing and the principle of directness applies to the procedure. Danish civil procedure is governed by the 1916 Administration of Justice Act, which was originally strongly influenced by German law. The role of the judge is to lead the process and also to intervene in proceedings when uncertainty exists, rather than just to facilitate the process by ensuring the parties abide by the laws of civil procedure.

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