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Advance directives across Asia : a comparative sociolegal analysis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1009183753 1009183761 1009152637 1009152629 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,

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This book is the first to consider comprehensively and systematically the law and practice of advance directives across Asia. It will thus be important not only as a reference volume that documents how advance directives are regulated and used throughout Asia, but also as an exploration of the concept of the advance directive itself, in context. By examining how advance directives operate in Asian countries, we will also shed light on the principle of personal autonomy in this context, alongside other values and religious and socio-cultural factors that shape health and care decision-making. As such, this book will have broad appeal not only to Asian scholars, students, policymakers and practitioners in the fields of health law and ethics and end-of-life care more generally, but will also be of wider interest to an international academic audience in the fields of law, ethics and health and social care research. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

Vergoeding van schade als gevolg van gezondheidszorg
ISBN: 9789089772640 9089772642 Year: 2012 Volume: 4 Publisher: Kortrijk-Heule UGA

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1. Historiek - 2. Schema van de wet van 31 maart 2010 - 3. Achtergrond : Cijfergegevens. De vraag naar een specifieke aansprakelijkheidsregeling - 4. Inhoudelijke bespreking : Inleidende bepaling. Voorwaarden voor schadevergoeding door het fonds . Het Fonds voor medische ongevallen. Procedure voor het Fonds. Opheffing van de wetten van 15 mei 2007 (art. 33). Wijziging van art. 1 Wet van 16 maart 1954 (art. 34). Inwerkingtreding van de wet (art. 35). Invoeging van hoofdstukken met betrekking tot specifieke categorieën slachtoffers.

Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and other Haemoglobinopathies
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3039216155 3039216147 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and other Haemoglobinopathies is a Special Issue of the International Journal of Neonatal Screening. Sickle cell disease is one of the most common inherited blood disorders, with a huge impact on health care systems due to high morbidity and high mortality associated with the undiagnosed disease. Newborn screening helps to make the diagnosis early and to prevent fatal complications and diagnostic odysseys. This book gives an overview of diagnostic standards in newborn screening for sickle cell disease and examples of existing newborn screening programs.

Goed geregeld? Het gebruik van medische gegevens voor onderzoek.
ISBN: 9062154670 9789062154678 Year: 1995 Volume: 1 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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Dit boek bevat een grondige en kritische analyse van de Wet Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens (Wet van 8 december 1992 tot bescherming van de verwerking van persoonsgegevens) waarin vooral het gebruik van medische gegevens voor onderzoek veel aandacht krijgt. In het eerste deel wordt het begrip medisch persoonsgegeven toegelicht. Nagegaan wordt wat het verschil is tussen persoonsgegevens en anonieme gegevens, wat persoonsgegevens tot medische persoonsgegevens maken en of genetische persoonsgegevens een apart juridisch regime vereisen. Na een feitelijk overzicht van het gebruik van medische persoonsgegevens geeft de auteur een algemene analyse van de geheimhoudingsplicht, de Wet Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens en de Wet Sociale Kruispuntbank. In het tweede deel van het boek wordt nagegaan hoe in Nederland, Duitsland en Frankrijk het gebruik van medische gegevens voor onderzoek is geregeld. De resultaten van dit rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek worden in deel III vergeleken met de Belgische Wet Verwerking van Persoonsgegevens. De auteur is van oordeel dat die wet om verschillende redenen tekort schiet. Hij formuleert een model waarin de belangen van patiënten, behandelende artsen en onderzoekers beter worden afgewogen. In dit model nemen de commissies voor medische ethiek een niet onbelangrijke plaats in. I. Verkenning van het onderzoeksdomein : 1. Medische persoonsgegevens omschreven en afgebakend - 2. Beschikken over medische persoonsgegevens : verschillende niveaus, andere belangen - 3.- Overzicht van wetgeving - II. Rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar het juridisch statuut van het medisch persoonsgegeven aan de hand van het gebruik van medische persoonsgegevens voor medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek : 1. Beschikken over medische persoonsgegevens als invalshoek van het rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek - 2. Medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek en het toestemmingsprincipe - 3. Gecodeerde gegevens en het geen-bezwaar principe - III. Naar een situationele regeling van het beschikken over medische persoonsgegevens : 1. De kunst van het wegen van belangen - 2. Statuut van het medisch persoonsgegeven naar Belgisch recht : analyse en beoordeling - 3. Een juridisch model voor het beschikken over gegevens voor medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek


Medical law --- gezondheidscommissies --- bio-ethiek --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Belgium --- Deontologie --- Droit privé --- Droit social --- Déontologie --- Geneeskunde --- Médecine --- Privaatrecht --- Sociaal recht --- Medical laws and legislation --- Privacy, Right of --- Confidential communications --- Medicine --- Droit à la vie privée --- Comparative studies --- Physicians --- Research --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Etudes comparatives --- Secret professionnel --- Recherche --- Patient Rights --- Patient Advocacy --- Research. --- 351.84*7 <493> --- 347.721 <493> --- 342.721 --- medische gegevens (persoonsgegevens) --- lichaamsmateriaal (lichaam, menselijk lichaamsmateriaal) --- patiëntenrechten (rechten van de patiënt) --- biomedisch, medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- België --- Academic collection --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 11.01 --- 342.721 Persoonlijke vrijheid. Privacy. Wetgeving i.v.m. transplantatie van organen --- Persoonlijke vrijheid. Privacy. Wetgeving i.v.m. transplantatie van organen --- 347.721 <493> Handelsverenigingen. Bedrijfsconcentratie. Economische concentratie. Financiele concentratie. Holding--België --- Handelsverenigingen. Bedrijfsconcentratie. Economische concentratie. Financiele concentratie. Holding--België --- 351.84*7 <493> Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--België --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--België --- Laboratory Research --- Research Activities --- Research and Development --- Research Priorities --- Activities, Research --- Activity, Research --- Development and Research --- Priorities, Research --- Priority, Research --- Research Activity --- Research Priority --- Research, Laboratory --- Ethics, Research --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- données médicales --- matériel corporel humain, (corps humain) --- droits du patient --- recherche biomédicale --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- Belgique --- Verzekeringsgeneeskunde ; Levensverzekering --- Médecine --- Droit à la vie privée --- Data protection --- Database searching --- Medical records --- Data processing --- legislation & jurisprudence

De wet betreffende de rechten van de patiënt.
ISBN: 9067685798 9789067685795 Year: 2003 Publisher: Heule UGA

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Deze uitgave biedt u vooreerst een situering van de patiëntenrechten op internationaal en nationaal vlak, evenals een historiek bij het totstandkomen van de wet. Daarna volgt het hoofdthema van dit boek : de gedetailleerde, artikelsgewijze toelichting van de patiëntenrechtenwet, op basis van parlementaire stukken, doctrine en commentaren uit de academische wereld. Als toemaatje vindt u een korte situering van deze wet t.o.v. geesteszieken en een vergelijking met de euthanasiewet. I. Kader - II. Historiek bij de wet - III. Artikelsgewijze toelichting - IV. Inwerkingtreding - V. Geesteszieken/Psychiatrische patiënten - VI. Patiëntenrechten en euthanasie - VII. En verder? - VIII. Bijlagen


patiëntenrechten --- Patients--Legal status, laws, etc.--Belgium. --- Patient Rights. --- #A0405A --- #KVHB:Patienten --- patiëntenrechten (rechten van de patiënt) --- wet van 22 augustus 2002 betreffende de rechten van de patiënt --- Rechten van de patiënt --- patiënt --- Patiënten : rechten --- behandelingstoestemming --- informed consent --- privacy --- Patient's Rights --- Patients' Rights --- Right to Treatment --- Patient Right --- Patient's Right --- Patients Rights --- Patients' Right --- Right to Treatments --- Right, Patient --- Right, Patient's --- Right, Patients' --- Rights, Patient --- Rights, Patient's --- Rights, Patients' --- Treatment, Right to --- Treatments, Right to --- Patient Advocacy --- droits du patient (droits des malades) --- loi du 22 août 2002 relative aux droits du patiënt --- gezondheidsrecht, medisch tuchtrecht, patiëntenrecht --- Droits du patient --- Patiëntenrechten --- Patiëntenrechten. --- 351.84*7 --- 674 Gezondheidsrecht --- #KVHB:Gezondheidspsychologie --- gezondheidsrecht --- patiëntenrecht --- België --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- 601.7 --- euthanasie --- geneeskunde --- gezondheidszorg --- recht --- 351.77 --- Patiëntenrecht --- 614.253 --- dossier (procedureboek, verpleegdossier) --- klachtenbehandeling (fona, Fouten Ongevallen en Near Accidents) --- 351.84*7 Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Belgique --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- Gezondheidsrecht --- (zie ook: verpleegplan) --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- Belgium. --- Truth Disclosure --- Bioethical Issues --- Medical law --- Belgium --- Patient Rights --- E-books --- Droit de la santé --- EUTHANASIE --- Patients psychiatriques

Advancing the science of cancer in Latinos : building collaboration for action
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3031144368 303114435X Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book is a collection of articles based on presentations from the 2020 Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos conference that gives an overview of conference outcomes. The vision of the conference has been to unite researchers, scientists, physicians and other healthcare professionals, patient advocates and students from across the world to discuss research advancements, identify gaps, and develop actionable goals to translate basic research findings into clinical best practices, effective community interventions, and professional training programs to decrease cancer risks and eliminate cancer disparities for Latinos. This conference comes at an especially important time when Latinos – the largest and youngest minority group in the U.S. – are expected to face a 142% rise in cancer cases in the coming years. Disparities continue to impact this population in critical areas: access to preventive and clinical care, changeable risk behaviors, quality of life, and mortality. Each chapter summarizes the presentation and includes current knowledge in the specific topic areas, identified gaps, and opportunities for future research. Topics explored include: Applying an Exposome-Wide (ExWAS) Approach to Latino Cancer Disparities Supportive Care Needs and Coping Strategies Used by Latino Men Cancer Survivors Optimizing Engagement of the Latino Community in Cancer Research Latino Population Growth and the Changing Demography of Cancer Implementation Science to Enhance the Value of Cancer Research in Latinos A Strength-Based Approach to Cancer Prevention in Latinxs Overcoming Clinical Research Disparities by Advancing Inclusive Research Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: Building Collaboration for Action will appeal to a wide readership due to its comprehensive coverage of topics ranging from basic science and community prevention research to clinical practice to policy. The book is an essential resource for physicians and other medical professionals, researchers, scientists, academicians, patient advocates, and students. It also will appeal to policy-makers, NCI-designated cancer centers, academic centers, state health departments, and community organizations.


Cancer—Epidemiology. --- Social structure. --- Equality. --- Public health. --- Race. --- Medical care. --- Ethnology—Latin America. --- Culture. --- Cancer Epidemiology. --- Social Structure. --- Public Health. --- Race and Ethnicity Studies. --- Health Care. --- Latino Culture. --- Cultural sociology --- Culture --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Popular culture --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Physical anthropology --- Community health --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Egalitarianism --- Inequality --- Social equality --- Social inequality --- Political science --- Sociology --- Democracy --- Liberty --- Organization, Social --- Social organization --- Anthropology --- Social institutions --- Social aspects --- Latinx cancer --- Health equity --- health threats in the LatinoLatina community --- vulnerable populations and cancer health disparities --- cancer outcomes and survivorship --- precision medicine --- engaging Latinos in cancer research --- emerging healthcare policies --- implementation science and innovative technology --- hot topics in LatinoLatina cancer health disparities --- cancer and lifestyles --- cancer patient advocacy --- cancer therapies and clinical trials --- HPV vaccination for cancer prevention --- Cancer --- Ethnology --- MEDICAL / Oncology / General. --- Epidemiology. --- health equity --- Health promotion --- Hispanic Americans --- Latin Americans --- Diseases --- Hispanic or Latino. --- Neoplasms. --- Health Inequities. --- United States. --- health threats in the LatinoLatina community --- hot topics in LatinoLatina cancer health disparities

The dynamics of patient organizations in Europe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2356710078 2356710965 Year: 2008 Publisher: Presses des Mines

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Patient organizations today play a major role in the scientific, economic and political arenas. They have become the quasi-obliged partners of researchers, industrialists and political authorities. This book investigates this quite recent configuration by offering an in-depth exploration of three thematic issues: To what social and political stakes are patient organizations confronted as regards the transformation, production, circulation, and governance of knowledge? The involvement of patient organizations in the economic world is acknowledged as confrontational, especially when it comes to relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. To what extent do opposition, "instrumentalization", or cooperation constitute relevant models if we are to account for the multifaceted relationships between patient organizations and economic actors? Patient organisations are the structuring actors of networks, coalitions, and collectives throughout Europe. What social and political concerns arise from these particular forms of collective action on a national or European scale? Each question is first examined through an academic and grey literature review. Then the emerging topics and critical issues are identified and discussed, drawing upon exchanges of experiences, viewpoints, and reflections between actors involved in patients' and users' movements and social scientists. The dynamics of patient organizations in Europe raises a number of questions of interest for all actors from the health system, as well as for social scientists. This book intends to contribute to the reflection on further research agenda setting and policy-making.


Social Control, Formal --- Organization and Administration --- Sociology --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Health Services Administration --- Health Care --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Patient Advocacy --- Organizational Objectives --- Objectives, Organizational --- Organizational Goals --- Goals, Organizational --- Goal, Organizational --- Objective, Organizational --- Organizational Goal --- Organizational Objective --- Clinical Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsmen --- Patient Representatives --- Advocacy, Patient --- Ombudsman, Clinical --- Ombudsman, Patient --- Ombudsmen, Patient --- Patient Representative --- Representative, Patient --- Representatives, Patient --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- General Social Development and Population --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Regulation --- Social Control --- Control, Social --- Controls, Social --- Formal Social Control --- Formal Social Controls --- Regulations --- Social Controls --- organization & administration --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Patient Rights --- Public Policy --- Goal Setting, Organizational --- Goal Settings, Organizational --- Organizational Goal Setting --- Organizational Goal Settings --- Setting, Organizational Goal --- Settings, Organizational Goal --- Health Care Economics --- Health Economics --- Healthcare Economics --- Care Economic, Health --- Economic, Health --- Economic, Health Care --- Economic, Healthcare --- Economics, Health Care --- Health Care Economic --- Health Economic --- Healthcare Economic --- pharmaceutical industry --- patient organizations --- public health

Se mobiliser pour la santé : des associations témoignent
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 2356710035 2356713530 2356710930 9782356710031 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris : Presses de l'Ecole des mines,

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Le domaine de la santé a été largement transformé depuis une vingtaine d’années par l’action des associations de patients. Ces associations s’impliquent dans la production et la diffusion de connaissances sur les maladies et les questions de santé ; elles jouent un rôle actif dans l’émergence et la consolidation des mobilisations collectives autour des problèmes de santé ; elles sont reconnues comme des acteurs à part entière de la démocratie sanitaire aux côtés des pouvoirs publics, des professionnels et des acteurs économiques. Face aux mutations pressantes du domaine, elles pensent et explorent de nouvelles formes d’action associatives, de nouveaux modes d’intervention publique. Cet ouvrage rend compte directement de l’expérience des associations, à travers une série de discussions collectives conduites avec une cinquantaine d’entre elles. Ces témoignages éclairent la compréhension du fonctionnement associatif et permettent d’appréhender les défis auxquels les associations sont aujourd’hui confrontées ; ils sont destinés à favoriser le dialogue entre les usagers, le monde politique et les professionnels.


Patients' associations --- Patient advocacy --- Consumer Participation --- Organizations, Nonprofit --- Patient Acceptance of Health Care --- Attitude to Health --- Organizations --- Consumer Organizations --- Community Health Services --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Delivery of Health Care --- Health Services --- Health Care --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Voluntary Health Agencies --- Patient Participation --- Healthcare Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Healthcare Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Patient Activation --- Patient Empowerment --- Patient Engagement --- Patient Involvement --- Patient Participation Rates --- Activation, Patient --- Empowerment, Patient --- Engagement, Patient --- Involvement, Patient --- Participation Rate, Patient --- Participation Rates, Patient --- Participation, Patient --- Patient Participation Rate --- Agencies, Voluntary Health --- Agency, Voluntary Health --- Health Agencies, Voluntary --- Health Agency, Voluntary --- Voluntary Health Agency --- Services, Health --- Health Service --- Service, Health --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Organizations, Consumer --- Consumer Organization --- Organization, Consumer --- Non-Governmental Organizations --- Nongovernmental Organizations --- Organizations, Nongovernmental --- Non Governmental Organizations --- Non-Governmental Organization --- Nongovernmental Organization --- Organization --- Organization, Non-Governmental --- Organization, Nongovernmental --- Organizations, Non-Governmental --- Health Attitude --- Attitude, Health --- Attitudes, Health --- Health Attitudes --- Health, Attitude to --- Acceptability of Healthcare --- Acceptors of Health Care --- Health Care Utilization --- Nonacceptors of Health Care --- Patient Acceptance of Healthcare --- Acceptability of Health Care --- Health Care Seeking Behavior --- Care Acceptor, Health --- Care Acceptors, Health --- Care Nonacceptor, Health --- Care Nonacceptors, Health --- Health Care Acceptability --- Health Care Acceptor --- Health Care Acceptors --- Health Care Nonacceptor --- Health Care Nonacceptors --- Healthcare Acceptabilities --- Healthcare Acceptability --- Healthcare Patient Acceptance --- Healthcare Patient Acceptances --- Utilization, Health Care --- Non-Profit Organizations --- Organizations, Non-Profit --- Nonprofit Organizations --- Non Profit Organizations --- Non-Profit Organization --- Nonprofit Organization --- Organization, Non-Profit --- Organization, Nonprofit --- Organizations, Non Profit --- Community Involvement --- Public Participation --- Community Action --- Consumer Involvement --- Action, Community --- Actions, Community --- Community Actions --- Community Involvements --- Consumer Involvements --- Involvement, Community --- Involvement, Consumer --- Involvements, Community --- Participation, Community --- Participation, Consumer --- Participation, Public --- Refusal to Participate --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Public Opinion --- Patient Satisfaction --- Political Activism --- Patient Care Planning --- Patient Participation. --- Voluntary Health Agencies. --- patients --- santé --- cancer --- association de patients --- Malades --- Relations personnel médical-patient --- Associations --- Médecine --- Communication en médecine --- Relations publiques --- France --- Recherche --- 1990-....

Article 24 : the right to health
Authors: ---
ISSN: 15748626 ISBN: 9789047418108 9047418107 1282601601 9786612601606 9004147330 9789004147331 9781282601604 6612601604 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,

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This volume constitutes a commentary on Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is part of the series, A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child , which provides an article by article analysis of all substantive, organizational and procedural provisions of the CRC and its two Optional Protocols. For every article, a comparison with related human rights provisions is made, followed by an in-depth exploration of the nature and scope of State obligations deriving from that article. The series constitutes an essential tool for actors in the field of children’s rights, including academics, students, judges, grassroots workers, governmental, non- governmental and international officers. The series is sponsored by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office .


Children's rights. --- 180.1 Kinderrechten - internationaal --- Children (International law) --- Right to health. --- Child Advocacy --- Child Health Services. --- Child Welfare. --- Child. --- International Cooperation. --- Patient Rights. --- Patient's Rights --- Patients' Rights --- Right to Treatment --- Patient Right --- Patient's Right --- Patients Rights --- Patients' Right --- Right to Treatments --- Right, Patient --- Right, Patient's --- Right, Patients' --- Rights, Patient --- Rights, Patient's --- Rights, Patients' --- Treatment, Right to --- Treatments, Right to --- Patient Advocacy --- Truth Disclosure --- Bioethical Issues --- Treaties --- Foreign Aid --- Aid, Foreign --- Cooperation, International --- Treaty --- Children --- Minors --- Adolescent Welfare --- Welfare, Adolescent --- Welfare, Child --- Child Health --- Child Health Services --- Social Work --- Child Services, Health --- Health Services, Child --- Health Services, Infant --- Infant Services, Health --- Services, Child Health --- Services, Infant Health --- Infant Health Services --- Child Health Service --- Health Service, Child --- Health Service, Infant --- Infant Health Service --- Service, Child Health --- Service, Infant Health --- Advocacies, Child --- Advocacy, Child --- Child Advocacies --- Child Custody --- Health care, Right to --- Health, Right to --- Medical care, Right to --- Right to health care --- Right to medical care --- Social rights --- International law --- Child rights --- Children's human rights --- Children's rights --- Rights of children --- Rights of the child --- Human rights --- Civil rights --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- United Nations. --- CRC --- UN Committee on the Rights of the Child --- Committee on the Rights of the Child (United Nations) --- Comité des droits de l'enfant --- Comité sobre los Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas --- Comité Internacional de los Derechos del Niño del Sistema de Naciones Unidas --- Convention on the Rights of the Child --- Adong Kwŏlli Hyŏbyak --- CIDE --- CDN --- Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança --- Convención de los derechos de los niños --- Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño --- Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'enfant --- Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant --- Convention Internationale relative aux droits de l'enfant --- Convention internationale sur les droits de l'enfant --- Convention of the Rights of the Child --- Convention on Rights of the Child --- Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant --- Convenția internațională cu privire la drepturile copilului --- Convenția cu privire la drepturile copilului --- Convenzione internazionale dei diritti del fanciullo --- Convenzione internazionale sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza --- Convenzione sui diritti del fanciullo --- Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza --- FN's konvention om barnets rettigheder --- Internationaal Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah li-Ḥuqūq al-Ṭifl --- IVRK --- Jidō no kenri jōyaku --- Jidō no kenri ni kansusu jōyaku --- Kodomo no kenri jōyaku --- Kodomo no kenri ni kansuru jōyaku --- Konvensi Hak Anak --- Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak --- Konvensjon om barnets rettigheter --- Konvention om barnets rettigheder --- Konventionen om barnets rättigheter --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o pravakh rebenka --- Konwencja o prawach dziecka --- Kunvānsiyūn-i Ḥuqūq-i Kūdak --- Lapsen oikeuksien yleissopimus --- Samningur Sameinuðu þjóðanna um réttindi barnsins --- Simiso Semalungelo Ebantfwana --- Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes --- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child --- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child --- Convención de los derechos del niño --- Child Advocacy. --- Droit à la santé. --- Enfants --- Right to health care. --- Droit international. --- Droits. --- Right to health --- Child Welfare --- Child --- International Cooperation --- Patient Rights --- Children (International law). --- Family law. Inheritance law --- Childrens rights.

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