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Mathematical optimization is the selection of the best element in a set with respect to a given criterion. Optimization has become one of the most-used tools in modern control theory for computing the control law, adjusting the controller parameters (tuning), model fitting, and finding suitable conditions in order to fulfill a given closed-loop property, among others. In the simplest case, optimization consists of maximizing or minimizing a function by systematically choosing input values from a valid input set and computing the function value. Nevertheless, real-world control systems need to comply with several conditions and constraints that have to be taken into account in the problem formulation-these represent challenges in the application of the optimization algorithms. The aim of this Special Issue is to offer the state-of-the-art of the most advanced optimization techniques (online and offline) and their applications in control engineering.
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Model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced control design used in many industries worldwide. An MPC selects control actions which are optimal with respect to a given performance metric as well as any physically-motivated constraints. MPC has therefore gained significant research attention over the past several decades. Advances in MPC continue to unlock its potential to solve a wide variety of practical issues. This book presents some of the state-of-the-art in MPC design from theoretical and applications perspectives. It covers a broad spectrum of MPC application areas, reviewing applications as diverse as air conditioning, pharmaceutical manufacturing, mineral column flotation, actuator faults, and hydraulic fracturing, while also highlighting recent theoretical advancements in control technology that integrate it with data-driven models, zone tracking, or process safety and cybersecurity. Both centralized and distributed MPC formulations are presented. The purpose of this book is to assemble a collection of current research in MPC that handles practically-motivated theoretical issues as well as recent MPC applications, with the aim of highlighting the significant potential benefits of new MPC theory and design.
receding horizon control --- optimal control --- predictive control
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This work combines the current trends in automotive industries (E-mobility, autonomous driving and connected car) in a new design of a driver assistance system for Hybrid Electric Vehicles that overtakes the speed control as well as the control of the energy management.
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This work addresses inverse dynamic games, which generalize the inverse problem of optimal control, and where the aim is to identify cost functions based on observed optimal trajectories. The identified cost functions can describe individual behavior in cooperative systems, e.g. human behavior in human-machine haptic shared control scenarios.
Electrical engineering --- optimale Regelung --- dynamische Spieltheorie --- kooperative Systeme --- Identifikation --- optimal control --- dynamic game theory --- cooperative systems --- identification
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Cooperative control loops in which human and a technical automation system perform a control task in close cooperation are investigated. A control framework is proposed which is based on a formal description of the cooperative control problem. The main idea of the control algorithm is to solve a differential game on a sliding horizon. The concept has been applied to design two cooperative advanced driver-assistance systems. One for the longitudinal driving task, one for the lateral driving task.
Kooperative Regelung --- Game Theory --- Advanced driver-assistance systems --- Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation --- Optimale Regelung --- Human-Machine-Cooperation --- Fahrerassistenzsysteme --- Optimal Control --- Spieltheorie --- Cooperative Control
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In Networked Control Systems (NCS), components of a control loop are connected by data networks that may introduce time-varying delays and packet losses into the system, which can severly degrade control performance. Hence, this book presents the newly developed S-LQG (Sequence-Based Linear Quadratic Gaussian) controller that combines the sequence-based control method with the well-known LQG approach to stochastic optimal control in order to compensate for the network-induced effects.
Paketverluste --- Networked Control Systems (NCS) --- sequence-based control --- Optimale Regelung --- Sequenzbasierte Regelung --- optimal control --- packet losses --- time delays --- Vernetzte Regelungssysteme (NCS) --- Zeitverzögerungen
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In recent research on natural processes, mathematical modeling has become a very useful tool. It is often the case that, in fields such as economics and biology, a temporal lag between cause and effect must often be taken into consideration. In modeling, a natural and practical implementation of this phenomenon is through the use of distributed delays. This is because they illustrate the situation where temporal lags arise in certain ranges of values for certain related probability distributions, taking into account the variables’ entire history of behavior. Another mathematical tool that allows for the memory and inherited properties of systems to be encompassed in a model is the replacement of integer-order derivatives with fractional derivatives. To address realistic conditions, stochastic perturbation framed by a stochastic differential delay system can be used to explain the ambiguity about the context in which the system operates. The present book comprises all the 16 articles accepted and published in the Special Issue “Advances in Differential Dynamical Systems with Applications to Economics and Biology” of the MDPI journal Mathematics, with focuses on the dynamical analysis of mathematical models, arising from economy and biology, and innovative developments in mathematical techniques for their applications. We expect that the international scientific community will find this collection of research papers influential and that they will spur additional investigations on diverse applications with respect to dynamical systems in all scientific areas.
Research & information: general --- Mathematics & science --- dynamical systems --- time delay --- stability --- bifurcation analysis in economic and biological systems --- chaotic behaviors --- fractional order systems --- numerical methods --- economic modeling --- infection modeling --- epidemic spreading --- blood flow models --- optimal control --- reaction&ndash --- diffusion systems
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According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies.
independent-wheel drive --- steering assistance --- nonlinear system --- active disturbance rejection control --- smooth road feeling --- city bus transport --- electric vehicles --- electrification --- software tool --- planning --- control --- charging management --- simulation --- analysis --- energy management --- hybrid electric vehicle --- powertrain electrification --- equivalent consumption minimization --- supercharging --- hardware-in-the-loop experiments --- driving force distribution --- decentralized traction system --- 4WD electric vehicle --- energy efficiency --- traction control --- efficiency optimization --- air mobility --- fuel cell hybrid aircraft --- stochastic optimal control --- drift counteraction optimal control --- normal force estimation --- unbiased minimum variance estimation --- controller output observer --- youla parameterization --- adaptive cruise control --- automated driving --- energy-saving --- fuel-saving --- optimal control --- passenger comfort --- new energy vehicles --- speed prediction --- macroscopic traffic model --- traffic big-data --- deep learning --- vehicle lateral dynamic and control --- unresolved issues --- application of speed prediction --- electric vehicle --- hybrid vehicle --- lithium ion --- ultracapacitor --- battery aging --- EHB --- EMB --- EWB --- system modeling --- bond graph --- optimization --- control design --- Youla parameterization --- robust control --- nonlinear optimization --- brake-by-wire --- actuator --- electro-mechanical brake --- electronic wedge brake --- electro-hydraulic brake --- n/a
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This book is a comprehensive set of articles reflecting on the application of symbolic and/or numerical computation in a range of scientific areas within the fields of engineering and science. These articles constitute extended versions of communications presented at the 4th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation—SYMCOMP 2019—that took place in Porto, Portugal, from 11 to 12 April 2019 The different chapters present diverse perspectives on the existing effective connections between mathematical methods and procedures and other knowledge areas. The intrinsic multidisciplinary character is visible throughout the whole book as a result of the applicability of the scope and the applications considered. The reader will find this book to be a useful resource for identifying problems of interest in different engineering and science areas, and in the development of mathematical models and procedures used in the context of prediction or verification computational tools as well as in the aided-learning/teaching context. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the recent developments and applications of symbolic and numerical computation for a number of multidisciplinary engineering and science problems.
symbolic computation --- dynamic and interactive tool --- socio-economic sciences --- F-Tool concept --- PES(Linear)-Tool --- Wolfram Mathematica --- computable document format --- invariant functions --- contractions of algebras --- Lie algebras --- Malcev algebras --- Heisenberg algebras --- Tau method --- nonholonomic systems --- eigenvalue differential problems --- spectral methods --- Sturm–Liouville problems --- marketing innovation --- CIS 2014 --- multiple linear regression --- discriminant analysis --- numerical algorithms --- optimal control --- HIV/AIDS model --- GNU Octave --- open source code for optimal control through Pontryagin Maximum Principle --- Darcy --- Brinkman --- incompressible --- isogeometric analysis --- shear stress --- interstitial flow --- cancer --- NURBS --- n/a --- Sturm-Liouville problems
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Mathematical optimization --- Structural optimization --- Mathematical optimization. --- Structural optimization. --- linear programming --- gradient descent --- optimal control --- optimization --- process optimization --- Optimal structural design --- Optimization, Structural --- Optimization of structural systems --- Optimum design of structures --- Optimum structural design --- Optimum structures --- Structures, Optimum design of --- Structural design --- Optimization (Mathematics) --- Optimization techniques --- Optimization theory --- Systems optimization --- Mathematical analysis --- Maxima and minima --- Operations research --- Simulation methods --- System analysis
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