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Dall'empiriocriticismo al positivismo relativistico : Joseph Petzoldt tra l'eredità di Mach e Avenarius e il confronto con la relatività einsteiniana
Year: 2020 Publisher: [s.l.] : FedOA - Federico II University Press,

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Joseph Petzoldt fu il principale allievo di Ernst Mach e Richard Avenarius, nonché la fonte primaria della consuetudine di far convergere questi due pensatori entro l'etichetta di "empiriocriticisti". Petzoldt sviluppò le idee di Mach e Avenarius in un sistema di pensiero volto a superare il dualismo e l'agnosticismo insiti nel kantismo degli ambienti scientifici tedeschi di fine Ottocento. Il pensiero di Petzoldt si regge su tre pilastri: l'empirismo radicale, secondo cui l'esperienza sensibile non è apparenza ma realtà; il principio di Eindeutigkeit, secondo cui tutto ciò che accade è univocamente determinato, e dunque necessario; e il principio di tendenza alla stabilità, che governa l'evoluzione del cosmo, inclusi gli organismi e il cervello. Petzoldt approda così al suo "positivismo relativistico", in base al quale ogni individuo esperisce la realtà dal proprio punto di vista, ma poiché i processi conoscitivi sono determinati necessariamente dal funzionamento del cervello, ciò non impedisce una conoscenza oggettiva del mondo. Petzoldt fu inoltre uno dei protagonisti del dibattito sull'interpretazione filosofica della relatività di Einstein, sostenendo che essa fosse una conseguenza e una conferma dell'impostazione gnoseologica di Ernst Mach e, dunque, del positivismo relativistico.

Recent Progress in Lithium Niobate
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book is a collection of research papers that describe some of the latest research on lithium niobate, which is an important material with many technological applications. The papers fall into three sections, which respectively consider the relationship between photorefractive properties and the defect structure of lithium niobate, powder preparation using a wet chemistry method and high-energy ball-milling technique, and finally the investigation of the domain structures, stability and conduction, and applications in waveguide devices.

Mycotoxin Exposure and Related Diseases
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039287052 3039287044 Year: 2020 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Mycotoxins are considered the most frequently occurring natural contaminants in human and animal diets. Considering their potential toxic and carcinogenic effects, mycotoxin exposure assessment has particular importance in the context of health risk assessment. The magnitude of a given exposure allows the derivation of the associated risk and the potential for the establishment of a disease. Although food ingestion is considered a major route of human exposure to mycotoxins, other contexts may also result in exposure, such as specific occupational environments where exposure to organic dust also occurs due to the handling of organic materials. Animals could be exposed to mycotoxins through consumption of contaminated feed, subsequently entering in the food chain and thus constituting a source of exposure to humans. Human biomonitoring is considered a new frontier for the establishment of the human internal exposure to mycotoxins. Although several studies have summarized the potential outcomes associated with mycotoxin exposure, major gaps in data remain in recognizing the mycotoxins that are the cause of diseases. This book contributes provides research that supports the anticipation of potential consequences of the exposure of humans and animals to mycotoxins, future risk assessments, and the establishment of preventive measures.

Silicon Photonics Bloom
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The open access journal Micromachines invites manuscript submissions for the Special Issue “Silicon Photonics Bloom”. The past two decades have witnessed a tremendous growth of silicon photonics. Lab-scale research on simple passive component designs is now being expanded by on-chip hybrid systems architectures. With the recent injection of government and private funding, we are living the 1980s of the electronic industry, when the first merchant foundries were established. Soon, we will see more and more merchant foundries proposing well-established electronic design tools, product development kits, and mature component libraries. The open access journal Micromachines invites the submission of manuscripts in the developing area of silicon photonics. The goal of this Special Issue is to highlight the recent developments in this cutting-edge technology.]

Fiber Optic Sensors in Chemical and Biological Applications
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The Special Issue "Fiber Optic Sensors in Chemical and Biological Applications” gathers recent original papers. The subjects of the papers cover a broad range of optical fiber chemical sensors and biosensors applied for regulation in bioreactors, to novel concepts of intrinsic optical fiber sensors.

Novel Specialty Optical Fibers and Applications
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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Novel Specialty Optical Fibers and Applications focuses on the latest developments in specialty fiber technology and its applications. The aim of this reprint is to provide an overview of specialty optical fibers in terms of their technological developments and applications. Contributions include:1. Specialty fibers composed of special materials for new functionalities and applications in new spectral windows.2. Hollow-core fiber-based applications.3. Functionalized fibers.4. Structurally engineered fibers.5. Specialty fibers for distributed fiber sensors.6. Specialty fibers for communications.


optical amplifiers --- doped fiber amplifiers --- near-infrared --- molecular gas spectroscopy --- photothermal spectroscopy --- heterodyne detection --- specialty fiber --- anti-resonant effect --- hollow structure --- sensing applications --- orbital angular momentum --- optical fiber --- fiber mode crosstalk --- vortex mode generator --- fiber optics --- plasmonic gratings --- nanodot --- light collection --- hollow-core fibers --- anti-resonant hollow-core fibers --- tapered fibers --- fiber gas lasers --- fiber end cap --- SiO2-Au-TiO2 heterostructure --- long-range surface plasmon resonance --- microstructured optical fiber --- fiber sensor --- photonic crystal fibers --- fiber lasers --- stimulated Raman scattering --- gas Raman lasers --- specialty fibers --- Brillouin optical time domain analysis --- BOTDA --- distributed fiber sensor --- photonic crystal fiber --- strain and temperature sensing --- liquid crystal --- dual-core photonic crystal fiber --- polarization beam splitter --- extinction ratio --- polarization filter --- surface plasmon resonance --- gold-coated --- crosstalk --- mid-infrared (mid-IR) --- chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) --- optical microfibers (MFs) --- supercontinuum (SC) --- molecular sensing --- Raman spectroscopy --- capillary-based hollow core fibers --- hollow core photonic crystal fiber --- detection --- distributed acoustic sensing --- DAS --- scattering enhancement fiber --- fiber-optic sensors --- few-mode fiber --- microfiber --- Mach–Zehnder interferometer --- critical wavelength --- multicore fiber --- fiber Bragg grating --- long period grating --- fiber grating sensors --- n/a --- Mach-Zehnder interferometer

Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The book contains the research contributions belonging to the Special Issue "Numerical Simulation of Wind Turbines", published in 2020-2021. They consist of 15 original research papers and 1 editorial. Different topics are discussed, from innovative design solutions for large and small wind turbine to control, from advanced simulation techniques to noise prediction. The variety of methods used in the research contributions testifies the need for a holistic approach to the design and simulation of modern wind turbines and will be able to stimulate the interest of the wind energy community.


large-scale wind turbine balde --- computational aeroacoustics --- sound source detection --- low Mach number turbulent flows --- NACA0012 airfoil --- fluid–structure interaction --- wind turbine --- atmospheric boundary layer --- composite materials --- gusts --- wind energy --- actuator line method --- wind turbine simulation --- regularization kernel --- small wind turbine (SWT) --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) --- composites --- fluid–structure interaction (FSI) --- VAWT --- gurney flap --- CFD --- RBF --- power augmentation --- Darrieus --- turbulence --- experiments --- turbine wake --- turbine size --- large-eddy simulation --- actuator surface model --- wind turbine wake --- actuator disk model --- dynamic mode decomposition --- coherent structures --- wake meandering --- vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) --- Savonius turbine --- deformable blades --- power coefficient --- blade load --- fluid-structure interaction (FSI) --- uncertainty quantification --- blade damage --- AEP --- winglet --- computational fluid dynamics (CFD), wind energy --- renewable energy --- rotor blade --- tip vortices --- aerodynamics --- ansys fluent --- savonius turbine --- icewind turbine --- static torque --- three-dimensional simulation --- Delayed DES --- H-Darrieus --- micro wind power generation --- wind turbine control --- load mitigation --- individual pitch control --- lifting line free vortex wake --- vortex methods --- pitch --- stall --- engineering codes --- n/a --- fluid-structure interaction

Emergent Quantum Mechanics. David Bohm Centennial Perspectives
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Emergent quantum mechanics explores the possibility of an ontology for quantum mechanics. The resurgence of interest in ""deeper-level"" theories for quantum phenomena challenges the standard, textbook interpretation. The book presents expert views that critically evaluate the significance—for 21st century physics—of ontological quantum mechanics, an approach that David Bohm helped pioneer. The possibility of a deterministic quantum theory was first introduced with the original de Broglie-Bohm theory, which has also been developed as Bohmian mechanics. The wide range of perspectives that were contributed to this book on the occasion of David Bohm’s centennial celebration provide ample evidence for the physical consistency of ontological quantum mechanics. The book addresses deeper-level questions such as the following: Is reality intrinsically random or fundamentally interconnected? Is the universe local or nonlocal? Might a radically new conception of reality include a form of quantum causality or quantum ontology? What is the role of the experimenter agent? As the book demonstrates, the advancement of ‘quantum ontology’—as a scientific concept—marks a clear break with classical reality. The search for quantum reality entails unconventional causal structures and non-classical ontology, which can be fully consistent with the known record of quantum observations in the laboratory.


non-locality --- ultraviolet divergence --- constraints --- Kilmister equation --- bohmian mechanics --- epistemic agent --- Bohmian mechanics --- relational space --- Feynman paths --- Langevin equation --- quantum causality --- emergent quantum gravity --- quantum ontology --- interpretations --- emergent quantum state --- undecidable dynamics --- molecule interference --- emergent quantum mechanics --- no-hidden-variables theorems --- mind–body problem --- physical ontology --- quantum foundations --- matter-wave optics --- conscious agent --- diffusion constant --- Bell theorem --- Burgers equation --- objective non-signaling constraint --- self-referential dynamics --- Bell inequality --- interpretation --- photochemistry --- Born rule statistics --- sub-quantum dynamics --- dynamical chaos --- weak measurement --- p-adic metric --- Levi-Civita connection --- David Bohm --- H-theorem --- the causal arrow of time --- strong coupling --- vortical dynamics --- fundamental irreversibility --- magnetic deflectometry --- quantum thermodynamics --- de Broglie–Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics --- wavefunction nodes --- stochastic quantum dynamics --- entropic gravity --- metrology --- Schrödinger equation --- gauge freedom --- Monte Carlo simulations --- micro-constituents --- nonequilibrium thermodynamics --- Bell’s theorem --- emergent space-time --- spin --- quantum field theory --- time-symmetry --- Gaussian-like solutions --- Hamiltonian --- number theory --- fractional velocity --- ergodicity --- fractal geometry --- atomic metastable states --- operator thermodynamic functions --- Canonical Presentation --- Retrocausation --- interpretations of quantum mechanics --- Bohm theory --- quantum mechanics --- zero-point field --- conspiracy --- pilot wave --- quantum holism --- toy-models --- curvature tensor --- Aharonov–Bohm effect --- computational irreducibility --- Stochastic Electrodynamics --- diffraction --- retrocausality --- resonances in quantum systems --- stochastic differential equations --- Bianchi identity --- past of the photon --- commutator --- relational interpretation of quantum mechanics --- free will --- nomology --- trajectories --- primitive ontology --- Mach–Zehnder interferometer --- weak values --- singular limit --- interior-boundary condition --- Poincaré recurrence --- quantum inaccessibility --- symplectic camel --- surrealistic trajectories --- observables --- Stern-Gerlach --- decoherence --- quantum non-equilibrium --- generalized Lagrangian paths --- superdeterminism --- black hole thermodynamics --- nonlocality --- measurement problem --- entropy and time evolution --- bouncing oil droplets --- spontaneous state reduction --- quantum theory --- many interacting worlds --- complex entropy. --- Turing incomputability --- iterant --- space-time fluctuations --- quantum potential --- ontological quantum mechanics --- photon trajectory --- Dove prism --- the Friedrichs model --- contextuality --- discrete calculus --- transition probability amplitude --- gravity --- pilot-wave theory --- matter-waves --- de Broglie-Bohm theory --- covariant quantum gravity --- atom-surface scattering --- de Broglie–Bohm theory

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