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La presente ricerca ha come oggetto la progettazione delle grandi infrastrutture viarie, solitamente autostrade o superstrade, quali casi limite del controverso rapporto infrastruttura/paesaggio. Nel ripercorrere circa un secolo di realizzazioni e di teorie dal punto di vista del paesaggio, paesaggio inteso appunto nel suo significato più ampio e di sistema, e in tutti i suoi aspetti culturali, ecologici e percettivi, il fine è quello di individuare una metodologia, o più precisamente una filosofia progettuale di base, utile ad indirizzare le trasformazioni indotte in termini qualitativi: infrastruttura quindi non più in oggetto contrapposizione al paesaggio ma parte integrante di esso.
Architettura del paesaggio --- Open Access --- Architettura --- Infrastrutture
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PERBACCO (a free Italian acronym for Life-cycle Performance, Innovation and Design Criteria for Structures and Infrastructures Facing Æolian and Other Natural Hazards) is a research project partly funded by the Italian Ministry for University (MIUR) in the PRIN (Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale) framework, for the years 2004-05.Within the project, a first attempt has been made to integrate different disciplines aiming at an overall optimization of the performance of a wide range of wind exposed structures and infrastructures, with consequent benefi cial impact on the society.The overall objectives were (a) to provide unifi ed concepts for "expected performance" and "risks induced by æolian and other natural hazards", to be applied to structures and infrastructures over their whole life-cycle, such to be acceptable to stakeholders in the construction process (i.e. from the owner to the end-user), (b) to provide models and methodologies for dynamic monitoring of the performance of structures and infrastructures, to be integrated in appropriately designed procedures, and (c) to collect, refi ne, fi le and disseminate the knowledge available on a European basis, concerning the performance of wind-exposed structures and facilities, in a way such to be of use to Construction Industry. This volume summarises the main results obtained during the Project, with each Section addressing a different class of problems, to which many research Units have contributed. A list of papers containing the main results of the research activities carried out within the Project is also provided in each Section.
Ingegneria --- Ingegneria del vento --- Infrastrutture --- Atti di convegno
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Transport law --- Road traffic --- Belgium --- BPB1705 --- Transport routier --- Redevance kilométrique --- Taxe à l'essieu --- Tarification de l'infrastructure --- vervoer --- waalse fiscaliteit --- vlaamse fiscaliteit --- brusselse fiscaliteit --- 442.2 Verkeersvraagstuk --- cestovni prijevoz --- transport drogowy --- maantiekuljetukset --- vägtransport --- transport rrugor --- Transport über Straße --- transporte por carretera --- road transport --- maanteetransport --- vejtransport --- közúti közlekedés --- друмски превоз --- trasport stradali --- cestná doprava --- kelių transportas --- патен транспорт --- пътен транспорт --- wegvervoer --- transport rutier --- transporte rodoviário --- οδικές μεταφορές --- autotransports --- silniční doprava --- trasporto stradale --- cestni prevoz --- road haulage --- autotrasporto --- pārvadājumi pa autoceļiem --- Straßentransport --- transport ad landevej --- prijevoz cestama --- transport over de weg --- közúti szállítás --- trasporto su strada --- doprava po ceste --- kelių vežimas --- landevejstransport --- trasporto nazionale stradale --- lastbilstransport --- kuljetukset maanteitse --- maanteeveod --- közúti árufuvarozás --- transport me rrugë tokësore --- transport par route --- közúti árufuvarozó --- transporte por estrada --- motorová silniční doprava --- transport pe căi rutiere --- nemotorová silniční doprava --- патен превоз --- krovinių gabenimas keliais --- transport by road --- друмски транспорт --- autopārvadājumi --- přeprava po silnici --- Kraftverkehr --- infrastrukturavgift --- infrastrukturafgiftsopkrævning --- imposti għall-użu tal-infrastruttura --- надомест за користење инфраструктура --- dleacht duga --- таксуване за използване на инфраструктура --- infrastruktuurin käyttömaksut --- infrastruktūras izmantošanas maksas --- pristojbe za upotrebu infrastrukture --- charges for use of infrastructure --- infrastruktuuri kasutustasu --- накнада за коришћење инфраструктуре --- heffingen op vervoersinfrastructuur --- χρεώσεις για τη χρήση των υποδομών --- tarifat për përdorimin e infrastrukturës --- tariffazione delle infrastrutture --- infrastruktúra-használati díj --- poplatky za využitie infraštruktúry --- tarifikace infrastruktury --- tarificación de la infraestructura --- opłaty za korzystanie z infrastruktury --- Nutzungstarif --- taxă pentru folosirea infrastructurii --- uporabnina za infrastrukturo --- infrastruktūros rinkliava --- taxa de infraestrutura --- letališka taksa --- lennujaamamaks --- opkrævning af infrastrukturafgifter --- direito portuário --- χρέωση λιμένα --- afgifter for brug af infrastruktur --- taxe d'embarquement --- harbour fee --- dritt tal-ajruport --- droits portuaires --- taxe d'aéroport --- havenrecht --- airport charge --- dritt tal-baċir --- taxxa tal-ajruport --- taxă portuară --- sadamatasu --- taxxa tal-port --- tassa portuale --- horgonydíj --- airport tax --- harbor due --- repülőtéri illeték --- letališka pristojbina --- taxa de aeroporto --- opłata lotniskowa --- λιμενικά τέλη --- dock due --- kikőtői díj --- kikötőhasználati díj --- tarif portuar --- miżata tal-port --- oro uosto mokestis --- lentoasemamaksu --- pakrovimo mokestis --- taxa aeroportuária --- dazio portuale --- φόρος αεροδρομίου --- dritt tal-port --- χρέωση αερολιμένα --- diritti aeroportuali --- τέλη αεροδρομίου --- pristaniška dajatev --- encargo aeroportuário --- sadamamaks --- flygplatsskatt --- podatek portowy --- aerodromska pristojba --- imposta tal-ajruport --- infrastruktūras maksas --- berakodási díj --- embarkation tax --- ostas maksa --- encargo portuário --- пристанищна такса --- dleachtanna calafoirt --- airport due --- ombordstigningsgebyr --- havenheffing --- Flughafenentgelte --- flygplatsavgift --- přístavní poplatek --- данък върху вноса на стоки в определени отвъдморски департаменти и територии --- iekāpšanas nodoklis --- droit de port --- Flughafengebühr --- lufthavnsgebyr --- tassa aeroportuale --- lentoasemavero --- taxa de embarque --- prístavný poplatok --- εισφορά θαλάσσης --- redevance d’aéroport --- надомест за користење железничка инфраструктура --- taksë aeroporti --- luchthavenrecht --- prístavná daň --- port charge --- Abgeltung der Wegekosten --- kikötői illeték --- τέλος λιμένα --- taxa portuária --- lučka pristojba --- ostas nodoklis --- havnepenge --- λιμενική χρέωση --- daň z nalodenia --- uosto mokestis --- imposto portuário --- Sondersteuer „octroi de mer“ --- pristaniška taksa --- taxe aéroportuaire --- такса за качване на борда --- imposta tal-port --- satamavero --- hamnavgift --- sadamalõiv --- tassa d'imbarco --- letištní taxa --- taxxa tal-imbark --- įlaipinimo mokestis --- ostas nodeva --- τέλη υποδομής --- opłata za wejście na pokład --- derechos portuarios --- havenbelasting --- lufthavnsafgift --- τέλος λιμανιού --- letištní poplatek --- lennujaamatasu --- lidostas nodeva --- lähtövero --- přístavní taxa --- pristojba za ukrcaj --- тарифа за користење инфраструктура --- tasa de embarque --- havnegebyr --- taxă de îmbarcare --- φόρος επιβίβασης --- taksë ngarkimi --- infrastruktūros mokestis --- frais portuaires --- lentokenttävero --- pristojbe za uporabu infrastrukture --- port due --- lidostas maksa --- droits de mouillage --- εισφορά αερολιμένα --- taxa de infra-estrutura --- taxa de porto --- inlastningsavgift --- davek na vkrcanje --- αερολιμενικά τέλη --- miżata tal-ajruport --- harbor fee --- airport fee --- naknada za korištenje luke --- satamamaksu --- námorná daň --- letisková daň --- Verschiffungsgebühr --- port tax --- közúthasználati díj --- diritti portuali --- lidostas nodoklis --- direito aeroportuário --- havneafgift --- droits d'amarrage --- τέλη επιβίβασης --- taxă de aeroport --- særtold --- poplatek za použití dopravní cesty --- pardalemineku maks --- opłata portowa --- taxă de port --- laiturimaksu --- taxa de doca --- tasa de muelle --- harbour due --- χρέωση λιμανιού --- dokheffing --- sissesõidumaks --- hajózási illeték --- imposto aeroportuário --- hamnskatt --- zvláštní poplatek „octroie de mer“ --- letiskový poplatok --- luchthavengelden --- cáin ar thaisteal in aerfoirt --- taxe portuaire --- luchthavenbelasting --- octroi de mer --- летищна такса --- inschepingsbelasting --- аеродромска такса --- Hafengebühr --- naknada zračne luke --- odletová taxa --- pristaniška pristojbina --- redevance aéroportuaire --- lodní poplatek --- tasa de aeropuerto --- muirir agus dleachtanna duga --- naknada za korištenje pristaništa --- az infrastruktúra használatáért fizetendő díjak --- luchthavenheffing --- lentokenttämaksu --- φόρος λιμένα --- tarif de aeroport --- frais de port --- belasting naar aantal assen --- akselivero --- poplatek z počtu náprav --- Gebühr nach Achszahl --- tassa assiale --- tasa por eje --- osovinska pristojba --- axelavgift --- ass nodoklis --- taxă pe camion --- teljemaks --- пътен данък за транспортни средства, такси и товари --- imposto por eixo --- τέλη ανά άξονα --- davek na število osi --- daň z nápravy vozidla --- úthasználati díj --- taksë për aks --- ašies mokestis --- akselafgift --- opłata od liczby osi --- taxxa skont il-fus --- данок на товарни моторни возила --- порез према броју осовина --- axle tax --- wegenbelasting voor vrachtwagens --- taxe de circulation des poids lourds --- taksë rrugore e kamionëve të mallrave --- sunkiosios transporto priemonės kelių mokestis --- poplatek za průjezd nákladního vozu --- τέλη κυκλοφορίας βαρέων φορτηγών οχημάτων --- raskeveoki teemaks --- smagā kravas transportlīdzekļa ceļa nodoklis --- raskaiden kuljetusajoneuvojen tievero --- a gépjármű össztömege alapján fizetendő adó --- daň z prejazdu ťažkých nákladných vozidiel --- pristojba za vozilo koje prevozi teški teret --- tehergépjármű-adó --- tassa per asse --- tasa de circulación de los vehículos pesados --- LKW-Verkehrsabgabe --- heavy goods vehicle road tax --- trafikskatt för långtradare --- taxă pe vehicul cu tracțiune grea --- vægtafgift af lastbiler --- raskeveokimaks --- tassa di circolazione per camion --- imposto de circulação --- Kilometerheffing --- transport --- fiscalite wallonne --- fiscalite flamande --- fiscalite bruxelloise --- E-books --- Straßenverkehr --- Transportation, Automotive --- Transports routiers --- Law and legislation --- Rates --- Taxation --- Droit --- Tarifs --- Impôts --- muirir as úsáid bhonneagair --- iompar ar bóthar --- cáin acastóra --- Taxe à l'essieu
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